Showing posts with label U.S. economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U.S. economy. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Hey, Wall Street protesters ... get a job, already!

David Freddoso, the Washington Examiner's online opinion editor, has written an open letter to the protesters currently causing chaos in New York City as they protest Wall Street and the fact that, you know, people and corporations actually make money to keep this country going.

When interviewed by a reporter, one youthful protester was asked if she would take a job if a CEO walked up at that moment and offered it. "No way!" she disdainfully retorted.

And therein is the crux of the problem.

Freddoso's letter, that has generated over 150 comments so far, begins:
You are not 99 percent of America. I don't mean that in the obvious numerical sense. If 99 percent of Americans had actually joined your march, Manhattan would have flipped over by now.

What I mean is that if 99 percent of Americans actually sympathized with your cause, the entire nation's economy would have collapsed long ago -- apparently to the delight of the organizers of this current protest.

What I mean to say is, you have a marketing problem.

When you decided to sit in traffic and block the Brooklyn Bridge a few days ago, with that blazing pink "SMASH PATRIARCHY-SMASH CAPITALISM" sign in hand, you probably didn't see the regular people you stranded in traffic.

You know, the ones with real-world concerns, business to attend to, families to go home to, et cetera. You may have read about such people during college in a book called "The Petit Bourgeoisie," or something like that. Many of us grew up calling them "the middle class."

Whatever you call them, they are hurting badly in this economy, probably more than you are. (I'm just judging by that sweet digital video camera I see you holding out in front of the cops, in hopes of provoking them into a viral-video police brutality incident.)

Those people you left stuck in traffic have a hard time paying their bills and rents and health insurance and mortgages. They worry about things like finding decent schools for their children to attend and making sure they don't get fired at work, and fixing leaking roofs and chimneys.

You know what they don't worry about, ever? Smashing patriarchy and capitalism.
You have to read the rest of his letter ... he nails it.

Shaun Kenney, Bearing Drift contributor and Fluvanna County supervisor, came up with a list of thirteen counter-demands  that he calls the "Restore America Movement." Included are such radical -- gasp! -- suggestions as restoration of the free market, tort reform, and personal responsibility.

While the protesters proclaim themselves "the 99 percent," Redstate's Erick Erickson responds, "If you want to see how foolish these people are, consider their demands, which range from nuts to pure insanity." His accompanying photo, mimicking the protesters, notes, "I am the 53% subsidizing you so you can hang out on Wall Street and complain."

With unemployment over 9%, many are concerned that America is not creating jobs and that subsidies are growing by leaps and bounds on the backs of hard-working Americans who were raised to work hard, pay their bills on time, buy a house, raise their families, and help their neighbors. Why aren't there more jobs in our country at this time?

A clue may be found in the current leadership at the White House. "You don’t have some inherent right just to– you know, get a certain amount of profit," is what President Barack Obama told George Stephanoupolos in a recent interview. Indeed, one of the protester demands is $20-an-hour minimum wage for everyone, whether working or unemployed. No problem worrying about a profit with that kind of mismanagement.

So the New York protests continue for a third week. How many people with a mortgage hanging over their heads can afford to take three weeks out of their lives to hang out on the street and hold a protest sign? How many people even have three weeks of vacation to frivolously fritter away? How many people would want to fritter away their vacation in such squalor instead of heading for the mountains or the beach?

As a matter of fact, how many of those hard-working Americans are even paying attention to this kindergarten charade? The ones stuck in already-horrific New York City traffic are ticked off at youthful shenanigans that block the streets and bridges, and the rest of America is going about the business of earning a living.

Hey, Wall Street protesters, get a job, already!

Cross-posted at Bearing Drift

Friday, July 08, 2011

Even Democrats are alarmed at nation's unemployment

Unemployment is at 9.2%. Twenty million Americans are out of work, have stopped looking, or are underemployed.

Even the Democrats are alarmed. The ProgressiveDem blog wrote:
The disdain shown by Obama, his administration, and his political and economic crew towards the tens of millions of struggling, unemployed Americans trying to find jobs when there are none or not enough, and those working for stagnant wages, living from pay check to pay check, barely hanging on is abominable.

Here is the latest pile of cow excrement being thrown at them by these pompous, damn DINO asses.
What followed were excerpts from a post by Scarecrow at Firedoglake:
"I’ve always thought the pent up anger at George Bush and the frustration from the Bush years would have allowed Daisy Duck or the Chipmunks to win the Presidency in 2008. So the trick was to elect someone who understood that anger and was prepared to reverse all the reasons it existed. Sure, the Obama message people understood this, but so did my cat.

"Now the people who helped Obama defraud voters by channeling everyone’s hope for change have convinced themselves he won the election because they’re political geniuses.

"The lastest example of this delusion is Obama’s senior campaign adviser, David Plouffe, who confidently told Bloomberg that going into the 2012 elections with over 8 percent unemployment and no meaningful jobs programs will not hurt Obama’s chances for reelection.
When it comes to jobs and the economy, Americans become everyday people without Rs or Ds behind their names. They need to provide for their families.

Jim Hoeft at Bearing Drift blog has the June unemployment report and notes:
... you can sense the frustration growing from Majority Leader Eric Cantor whose House Republicans have been trying to pass job creating legislation and boost economic growth, only be stymied by the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress.
Meanwhile, Ed Morrissey at Hot Air doesn't mince words at the incompetence after Obama White House adviser David Plouffe said "unemployment rates or even monthly jobs numbers do not matter to the average American." Morrissey wrote:
This is denial on the scale of Baghdad Bob. The “prism” of GDP and the unemployment rate are precisely how Americans evaluate the economy. They don’t give a damn if the President makes decisions “based on me and my family” if those decisions turn out to be disastrous, and right now, that’s the case presented in the latest economic slide. Plouffe’s argument seems to be that people will vote for caring incompetence — and while that may be the only argument left for Obama’s re-election, Plouffe and company are about to find out that denial isn’t exactly a winning strategy.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney didn't mince words either as he retorted in Politico:
With their cavalier attitude about the economy, the White House has turned the audacity of hope into the audacity of indifference.”

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Spender-in-Chief" ... Obama says U.S. will "pay at we go"

-Obama pushes record-breaking $2 trillion debt-

It is laughable that Barack Obama should stand in front of the nation and say, "We should pay as we go." That horse has already left the barn.

There is a reason Republicans lined up in unity against the stimulus bill. They knew it would not "stimulate" the economy ... and they were right. Six million jobs have been lost since the winter of 2007 ... 1.6 million jobs lost just since February 2009 ... yet Obama had promised to create jobs. Now he says he is going to use stimulus money to create 600,000 new jobs. The point of the stimulus money was to prevent a higher unemployment rate yet we have 9%+ unemployment nationwide (11% in Waynesboro) and in danger of going higher.

Investors Business Daily editorialized:
The Obama administration, totally unfamiliar with the first rule of holes, has announced it's about to really, really ramp up stimulus spending to create 600,000 jobs this summer. That's on top of the 150,000 jobs it has "saved," though there's no way to identify or measure such jobs.

The unemployment rate, which was never supposed to rise above 8% because of the stimulus, is now approaching 10%. The excuse given is that not enough of the stimulus money has been dispersed.

Monday's announcement of a new and improved stimulus is just old wine in new bottles. In the first 100 days of the stimulus, some $44 billion was spent as jobs continued to hemorrhage. Now we're asked to do more of the same and expect different results.
Nationalize banks, take over car companies, jam nationalized health care down the throats of Americans ... Obama is at risk of becoming a "buyers' remorse" president.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Glenn Beck's heart stopping housing chart

Watch this video showing the U.S. economy since 1890 ... Glen Beck's heart stopping housing chart. Could we be heading to a financial depression? Watch and see what you think....

H/T Davos