Showing posts with label Concrete Bob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concrete Bob. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2009

Prayers for blogger warrior Concrete Bob

Shock this morning reading Concrete Bob's post at United Conservatives of Virginia. In his light-hearted way and after quoting W.C. Fields, he wrote:
Short and sweet, I had a serious heart attack on Wednesday night. I'm in the hospital, hooked up to a bunch of tubes. I have had a catheterization done and a stint put in, but there is still some blockage. So next Wednesday the doctors are going to do a little carving and install some new parts. No big deal.
Talk about being an optimist! I'm sure Bob's positive attitude will go a long way toward his complete recovery ... along with the skilled hands of his doctors. It shows how life can turn on a dime ... and it also shows how the Virginia political blogosphere has become a community of caring individuals.

Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive took it a little more seriously than Bob:
Boy I hate writing this, but it's what we do. A great friend of many of ours and a magnificent patriot can use our help. "Concrete Bob" Miller had a heart attack and is in the hospital. His wife called this afternoon and asked if we could keep him in our prayers. I am not much for praying, but God will hear from me. They put a stent in today, but it looks like they are going to do a multiple bypass operation because of some blockages on a couple of arteries.
His wife was a little worried he might be mad about her telling us about this. I say, let him get up off his butt and do something about it. See you soon Bob.
As we approach the upcoming holidays, our prayers go out for Bob's recovery and for the doctors who will have his heart in their hands.

And thank goodness the hospital has wireless internet! On top of a heart attack, we wouldn't want Bob to go through internet withdrawal!

Get well, CB! We have battles to fight....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Newest ODBA member ... Concrete Bob!

Today we welcome the newest member of the Old Dominion Blog Alliance ... Concrete Bob over at The Talon ... a fellow warrior in Supporting Our Troops. Bob is one of the United Conservatives of Virginia crew and now has a talented group of writers at The Talon who present viewpoints from varied segments of America.

Those writers, in addition to Bob, include Dave Jeffers, father of Sgt. Eddie Jeffers ("Hope Rides Alone"); Rurik who has traveled extensively and dealt closely with Eastern bloc countries and Russia; Aux Pax Bellum is the non de guerre of Ronald Winter, former Marine, Viet Nam veteran, author of "Masters of the Art: A Fighting Marines Memoir of Viet Nam;" Jonn Lilyea is a retired Army SFC who blogs on military and civilian inter-actions; CAO is a Blue Star mom; Rosemary is a "normal American lady," as Bob puts it. Pop on over and check out The Talon and leave a comment or two.

Welcome to the ODBA, Concrete Bob!