Saturday, March 1, 2014

Wait for it...

Last week at work, I got a phone call from someone I didn't recognize. He had a goal of improving family search so that surname searches were more efficient. He went off on why it was needed. Basically, such searches were slow and he wanted to design something that was faster. He appeared to know nothing about how that would be accomplished, only that faster was better. His speech was halting, and I found it difficult to understand where he was going. I listened, a bit irritated that the project I was working on had been interrupted when it was doubtful that I would be able to help him. I'm not sure why I didn't end the conversation, but I didn't.

I listened trying to figure out why he had called me and what his goal was. In the course of the conversation, I learned he had a degree in Spanish from USU and had taken a single computer science class. He was currently cleaning houses as he couldn't find full time work. He had Aspergers.

He said he couldn't go to classes, but wanted to get some computer training. I asked if he couldn't go because of the stress or because of the time/money. He indicated it was the latter.

He said he felt that although Aspergers was a disability, it also had associated special talents. I told him I understood that and talked a bit about David Germany (the neighbor I tutored).

We talked for quite a while. I suggested he take advantaged of some online resources to help him learn more about programming.

Before we ended the conversation, he asked me if I knew a Bishop Gill. I didn't. He continued, "He used to be a student of yours. He is now a bishop. He suggested I call. I'm glad I did."

So that is why he had called. It all made sense then. I just had to wait for it.

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