Monday, April 22, 2013

Mother's Day Table and Bunting Spring 2013

Here is my Mother's Day table. I have several things from the women in my family on the table. 

I especially love my Swedish Grandma Hulda's china , the hand crocheted doily from my Grandma Martha, the hand painted plate by my Aunt Margaret and china tea cups form my mother's collection. 

The silverware is my sterling I registered for and received when I got married.

This year I made a bunting with pictures of 4 generations of women in our family. It was so fun to do. It is fun to have both sides of the family represented.

I am excited that the Rosen's ( young and old) will be here for Mother's Day to eat on this lovely table this year.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Chloe Jane's New Begiinnings for Young Women

It is hard to believe Chloe Jane ( my first grandchild) is 12 and now attending YW. She had her birthday in February. The time has just flown by. I can still remember the day she was born. She was so tiny. She still is tiny but mighty. That is what her parents always say " Tiny but Mighty". Here are some picutres from her first New Beginnings. I love that they did these " Stand in Holy Places" posters for all the girls. Can't wait for Ellie to turn 12 in June too.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Easter Table 2013

I didn't get out my Easter stuff  this year...too hard with all I had going on. So I just used some dishes I had in my dish pantry and few other things to improvise. I made a spring banner too.
 At least it felt like a little bit of Easter in here. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Denton's Kids at the Carnival

Denton does alot of fun things with his kids.  Here they are at a local carnival that was set up in a parking lot near their home. He said they tickets were expensive but worth it because they had so much fun.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Getting All Your Ducks in a Row

I was asked to Teach an Organization Class for the annual Stake Relief Society Conference today. I had to repeat it 3 times. I think I have taught a version of this class many times in my life only this time I had all the new electronic media things to include. I spent the month pinning things on my PINTERST BOARD so they would have alot of resources to look at. And I made a special notebook to pass around for the non-computer girls to see and get ideas. The funnest part of the class was my good friends Heather and Kalisi doing a skit as Jan and Jean at the beginning. One organized and the other flaky and scatter-brained. They were a riot and did a perfect job. They were so funny and made eveyone laugh. I knew they woud be good and they were.  I got alot of good feedback and I hope it can help people het motivated a little. Here are pictures of my display: 


Destiny Gets Baptized

This cute little  9 year old girl ( Destiny Vick)  has been investigating the church for the past 2 months with her mom, grandma, 6 year old sister and 14 year old sister.  She has been coming to my primary class.  She has been so eager and interested in everything and was so excited to get one of the notebooks I made for the kids with handouts and homework.

I was so excited that she chose to be baptized yesterday..the only one in her family so far. She was baptized by Kyle Evans, and elder in our ward. He and his wife moved here from California and have been great missionaries. 

I gave her a cute graphic of the 13th article of faith framed for her room with a card.

She is sweet and loving and has a wonderful spirit.

I feel honored to be her primary teacher.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Kiss Me I'm little Evie saw that at my house on a sign and said.....what does that mean?  I didn't have a really good explanation except to say being Irish on St. Paddy's Day is a good thing. And I am lucky because thanks to my great grammy Maggie Maloney, I am. I have some good Irish blood running through these veins. That is probably why I love corned beef and cabbage and Irish soda bread. And all the  other fun foods and fun green decorations. Of course you can see my green clover scarf ...and there is jewelry you can't see in the picture. I hope March is my lucky month. I am do for one:)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

St. Patrick's decor for March 2013

My Primary Class : The Valiant 8 Class

Here I am with my darling primary class. They are the 8 year olds turning 9. They are the cutest group of girls. They love to help me set up and clean up and participate in class. Each week we sing " I am a Child of God" in our class because that is the theme in primary this year. We also do a group cheer and group hug before we leave class. They all want to sit by me in sharing time so we rotate around each week. It has been so fun getting to know them and teach them new things. They are so sweet and loving and really happy to see me each week. They love the notebooks I made them and are excited to do the assignments I give them each week. We did spotlights in February on each girl and that was very fun. I have 2 sisters who are investigating the church with their mom and come to my class. They seem really engaged and eager to learn. It is exciting to watch.

Primary is a blast and I love being in there....who knew it could be so fun. I have spent most of my adult life in YW and RS.....a few times in primary. I loved it last time I was there and I love it again. I think my favorite part is the music. I just LOVE the primary songs and the spirit they bring into our lives. I hope I can teach them well and make a difference in their lives.


PS. Greg and I teach the stake mariage class and we are having fun there too. It is a blessing to be able to serve in the church.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentine's Table 2013

Another month with a new table using alot of the same things. I didn't get out my Valentine's Day stuff again this year...knee and back are not 100% yet. So used some of the same stuff...added some hearts from the dollar store. I may the letters for the bunting and used some hearts I had.  Nothing that exciting but festive enough for us.

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