Saturday, March 23, 2013

Getting All Your Ducks in a Row

I was asked to Teach an Organization Class for the annual Stake Relief Society Conference today. I had to repeat it 3 times. I think I have taught a version of this class many times in my life only this time I had all the new electronic media things to include. I spent the month pinning things on my PINTERST BOARD so they would have alot of resources to look at. And I made a special notebook to pass around for the non-computer girls to see and get ideas. The funnest part of the class was my good friends Heather and Kalisi doing a skit as Jan and Jean at the beginning. One organized and the other flaky and scatter-brained. They were a riot and did a perfect job. They were so funny and made eveyone laugh. I knew they woud be good and they were.  I got alot of good feedback and I hope it can help people het motivated a little. Here are pictures of my display: 



Lindsay Marie said...

Your display looks cute.

I can't believe you got all of that in your rolling cart. Just kidding, I can :)

Glad it went well.

Suzie Soda said...

I fit it all in my rolling cart and my basket that sits on top. I told them I could not bring it if it didn't fit in those 2 things,,,my new criteria. I gave out a prize in each class ( a set of 6 cute folders) to someone who shared an idea. I gave Kalisi and Heather cute little journals for helping with the skit. It was a fun class to teach but went by so fast. I could have gone for the whole 3 hours ( hahahaha) . xoxo

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