Monday, December 1, 2008

1st of December Presents....Oh Jingle Bells!

I started a tradition years ago when my kids were little that my kids got to open a present on the 1st of the December. They were so excited when we put up the tree.... they could hardly stand to see the presents without getting to open one. So I started letting them open one to kick off the season...usually something related to the something Christmas to wear or use. But it can be anything. So for many years we have continued it. I have some fun memories of things the kids did for me or for each other. I started doing it for the grandkids and some of us still continue the tradition. It is fun and I loved opening my little gifts today. You may want to try it.

So Happy 1st of December to all and to all a good day.


Laurene Ross said...

I need to BUY some gifts to open. YOu are such a fun Mom!

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