My life has been crazy busy since Thanksgiving!
To update:
Early Thanksgiving morning we flew to Austin to be with my oldest daughter, Kim, and her significant other. Spent the night and then returned home early the next morning.
Early Saturday morning, flew to Albuquerque and babysat Grant until Wed. (His babysitter is taking an extended vacation and we are covering for that, even though John and Dana are in town and working.)
Wednesday morning Bill flew in to relieve me and I came home to teach all day Thursday.
I was sick all Thursday night and spent most of Friday sleeping (after the carpet cleaners came).
Slept 12 hours Friday night!! And, thankfully, felt 100% better today.
Spent most of today putting things back (anyone who has had carpets cleaned will relate) and then picked up Bill and little Grant at the airport this evening. (So thankful for non-rev benefits on SW!)
Grant will be spending this next week here with us, so I don't expect I'll be getting much done this week either!