Friday, February 17, 2012

The crazy turns of life

For the last year and a half, and really strongly for the last 6 months, I have been overwhelmed with how perfect my life has become.  I love the balance between family and career; I love where I am on all fronts.

I have had a slight fear in the back of my mind knowing that nothing in life is permanent, and that this wouldn't last.  But I put that fear aside because I didn't want the fear of change to ruin what was so perfect.

But change does come.  And, I am learning, it often comes from a completely unpredictable direction.

I had thought it would be health that would be our problem, particularly that of my 61 year old husband who is always under a lot of stress and doesn't take as good of care of himself as he could/should.  But that wasn't it.

Over the last 2 years I have had sex once.  Once.  This miraculous date was Jan 21, 2012, and it was very nice.  No stress of trying to get pregnant, like all those years in the past that had basically ruined our sex life.

Then I noticed towards the end of January that my milk supply was weirdly reduced. 

My period didn't come.

Yes, I am pregnant.

Yes, I have been a bit freaked out.

1) I never ever thought I would ever get pregnant again, especially without having to TRY.

2) I feel so weird being the woman that I had grown to hate, you know, the 41 year old woman who gets pregnant without trying.

3) I had never actually envisioned having two children, and so I have no mental framework for seeing how this would work and how it would be my life.

4) I have been pretty freaked out.  Do you know that I can count on one hand the number of nights that I have slept for more than 5 hours in a row over the last 1.5 years, yes, ON ONE HAND?  I am already really tired and have been looking forward to maybe sleeping one night in the next year or so as M gets older.

5) I have been pretty freaked out.  My house is very small.

6) I have been pretty freaked out. How would I work daycare logistics?  How would I afford daycare for two? 

7) And then there is the strangeness of having gotten pregnant like normal people do.  This is not my identity.  I still wear an infertility awareness bracelet.  This all feels surreal.

8) I just got off of my 2 semesters of pregnancy leave, and after one semester back, might be going on another 2 semesters of leave.  Am I even allowed to take that much so close together?

9) It is petty, but it was just at the start of December that I got back into my old clothes, and bought a pair of skinny jeans in a size I haven't worn since I was in my early 20s.  The bald spot on my temple was starting to fill in -- I had lost a lot of hair after delivery, very weird.  I was even thinking of saving up for a botox treatment after I finished nursing.  I was starting to feel good in my body again.  It feels too soon to go through it again, like the memories of the hard parts are still too fresh.

10) the miscarriage rate at my age is about 35%, and the chances of a genetic abnormality feel even higher than normal for my age because, well, we weren't trying to get pregnant so we hadn't done any of those things couples do to make sure sperm is as fresh and healthy as possible.

11) I feel incredibly guilty for not immediately being excited and happy. 

12) I worry terribly about what this will do to my ability to mother M.  I love our relationship.  She is such an amazing kid.  If I end up having to pay attention to a newborn when she's 1.5 years old...  she feels too young to be losing her mother like that.

13) I feel terrible that she cries and cries at night because she wants more milk but there is no more -- I hardly make enough for her now and might have to start supplementing with formula.  This makes me feel sick to my stomach as it is so incredibly different from how I envisioned the end of our nursing relationship.

14) And then I remember that life is not scripted.  Turns come at you without anticipation, and sometimes the most wonderful things come when you roll with the punches.  Maybe this is a good way for M and I to dwindle down our nursing.  Maybe a sibling so close in age will give her a family that lasts much longer than her aging parents will.  Maybe all the details and logistics of having two will work out as easily as they did for when we were preparing for one and had no idea how it would work. 

I watched the movie "The Help" tonight.  It is wonderful.  Have you seen it?  While the whole thing made me cry and laugh and be very sad and angry, one part really resonated with me in my current situation.  It's when the maid Constantine tells Skeeter that it is her choice every day to decide how she is going to feel about what people say about her.  This is very sage, and extends beyond what other people think.  It also applies to how we think about our own lives.  It is my decision every day as to whether or not I embrace my life and the curveballs, laughing at every opportunity, or if I freak out and worry incessantly about the details.

So, I am embracing.  I am a bit freaked.  But I am embracing.  We'll see what happens at my ob appointment a week from Monday.  Maybe there will be a heartbeat, maybe not.  Either way I think it will be ok.  Either way life has thrown me a lot of wonderful, and hopefully that will endure through the inevitable changes.  Change was going to come, I know that.  At the very minimum, M is going to grow up and our relationship will change. It was guaranteed to change, no matter what.  I just had never anticipated that THIS would be the impetus.


  1. Oh my god, this is wonderful! Congratulations and fingers crossed that everything looks great.

    Please don't worry about what your department will think -- who cares? That's why you have tenure. I am sure you can take all the leave you need. Worse case scenario -- there is always unpaid leave for a bit; nobody can prevent you from taking that. The awesomeness of tenure again!

    M will be fine. I understand your worry and how you feel, newborns are all-consuming, but she is really not losing her mother -- you will be there for her the entire time! Plus, at 1.5-2 they are already such social butterflies, she'll enjoy her school and her little friends and will love the new baby! And the age gap you will have is pretty common, so I don't think kids are damaged by have young siblings close in age in the long run. Siblings are a great addition to their lives.

    Really rooting for you and sending you good vibes!

  2. Wow!! I'm almost as surprised as you!! Congrats! And it is totally normal o be surprised and freaked out - who would have thought it would happen?? And yes, everything will work itself out, with M, with career, with child care, etc. That is just how life rolls sometimes, and it will keep on rolling with you, regardless of what happens.

  3. Amazing! Congratulations! This is not what I expected to read at all. I love what you said about rolling with life's curves. I can imagine what a shock this is and that is may take a time to settle in. How is Dh reacting? I guess maybe there was magic around your time together because he had just returned from his three month trip, right? :)

  4. Oh, I am so excited for you!!! I totally understand why you are freaked out, but this really is going to be wonderful-- for you and for M.

  5. Wow. Congratulations, InB. Even if unexpected, this is wonderful news. This where your questions about having two came from?

    You'll work out the logistics--don't worry. And certainly don't fret about what your dept/uni thinks. You've got tenure! And, yes, you could always take unpaid leave for a semester (plenty of women don't even get one semester of leave, much less two!).

    I've got to say I'm envious. Not that I want to be pregnant again...but this is one thing I will never have without a partner. I wonder, has it done anything to mitigate the mindfuck of infertility? I mean, it certainly can't take away years of childlessness and loss and what you went through to conceive M, but it DOES say that at age 41 you're "fertile."

    Congrats, sweetie. Enjoy.

  6. Holy crap! Good luck either way. I'm not sure what to say but you will love number two just as much as M. It's kinda cool and M will love number two that is way cool.

  7. I would be totally freaked out too, but. Am excited for you, and is it wrong that I feel hopeful and inspired by it?!? Sorry, it probably don't make you feel an better, but embracing it will. And one day you will look back and have no regrets. None whatsoever, a mothers love multiplies, there will be plenty to go around. Xoxoxoxox

  8. My daughters are 20 months apart. It was difficult when they were babies (I also had a 4/4 load back then). But they have always been close and in some ways having a playmate in the house made parenting easier. And they will always have each other in the future, which is a great comfort. It's going to be difficult, no doubt. But there are some wonderful benefits to two babies. Good luck!

  9. oh wow! this is big stuff. of course it is complicated and scary - and majorly unexpected. you're doing what you need to do - processing it all and grieving the losses that come with the change and trying to open yourself to the new possibilities this pregnancy represents. I think you'll do fine. and I am really, really happy for this unexpected turn of events for you! congratulations! and hang in there.


  10. Wow!

    First, congratulations!!!

    Second, you've given me hope, as I'm going to be TTC #2 as 41 year old starting sometime after that 41st birthday!

    Third, I can understand your worry about weaning M, and sadness about having less time with her when there's a new baby in the house. But also remember how great it will be for her to have a sibling - especially when they're older. It's going to be so great for her.

    Congratulations again! I'm so very happy for you!

  11. Oh my goodness CONGRATULATIONS! This is a blessing and miracle and I'm super happy for you!

    Yes, it's totally freak-out-worthy, but you're going to be just fine! You're in the baby care mode, so I'd like to think that you'll just fall right back into things.

    I'm with you on the nursing though - we're coming up on a year and I've started to think about what the end of our nursing relationship is going to look like. It's tough but just think of all the other things that you and M still share and all the wonderful things you're going to get to share with her as she gets older.

    I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for good things at your appointment!

  12. Holy shit that is awesome. And terrifying. But mostly a wesome.
    I'd love to be able to go through another pregnancy with you!!
