If only I'd been week earlier to sync with the NCAA basketball playoffs maybe my follicles would be better in line for an IVF cycle next week. But alas, my body thinks this is a competition and decided that only four would make it into the final running, despite all the Gonal F and Menopur I've been injecting into my bruised belly.
Monitoring session this morning. The doc was neither optimistic nor pessimistic, which seems to indicate to my paranoid mind that the news is not so good. She's very professional, and last time I saw her when things went well, she was exuberant.
I can read lots into anything. I am very creative, and usually in a way that doesn't bode well for me.
Or maybe I'm just being realistic.
I did know that I was spending $16,000 on very bad odds since good luck just ain't my friend these days...
What day of your cycle is it? What's the next step? When do you go back for another wanding? Did she tell you what your bloodwork results were? We need details, woman! And, although I understand the desire for 20 follicles, especially for 16 grand, I must say this: even if you were doing retrieval tomorrow (which you're not - it's next week, you say?), FOUR is a great and envious number. Do you know Kate from I Can't Whistle? Only retrieved 2 and pregnant! Now, you are not doing retrieval tomorrow, and you may just be slow starter as I hear some women say they are, so you could go in again and have lots more, so there. Follicles are weird sometimes - they seem to play peek-a-boo, I'm finding - one scan they're there, the next they're not! Hang in there, sister - the fat lady hasn't sung yet!
I LOVE you Mad Hatter...
ReplyDeleteIt's cycle day 8, my estrogen is at 120, and I go back in on Friday morning.
is it weird that I'm only taking Gonal F and Menopur and not something to hold off ovulation, like Lupron? I ovulate early on my own, so don't know if that's an issue here.
any ideas?
but wait, how do I count cycle days? I started my period last wednesday, but was on lupron through Thursday and started the stims on Friday night. So is Friday the first cycle day?
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't worry about cycle days. What's relevant is how many days of stims. So that's stim day 6? I'd have to check the blog, but I think that's about where my E2 was on stim day 6 with my first IVF attempt (yours might be higher), which netted 2 mature follicles and ended up being converted to IUI. Still, that's early enough that it's possible you've got a few more cooking. IF you're not on any lupron, are you starting Ganirelix to prevent ovulation? My RE had me (re)start Ganirelix when the lead follicle was at 12-14. Sorry the news isn't what you wanted. I don't think you could pay me to do IVF again.
ReplyDeleteSo wait, if you started stims on Friday, then Wednesday morning was after 5 days (yep -- you are exactly 2 days behind me). I had 3 follicles at that time and totally freaked out, but b/c my E2 was up at 250 they weren't worried I wasn't responding. 2 days later (after 7 days of stims) I had 9 follicles.
ReplyDeleteAnd last cycle after 5 days I had 9, but low E2 (160) and after 7 days I had 11 and they ultimately retrieved 18.
So this is a long way of saying it's way too early to worry (although I will also say that I completely lost my shit and freaked out on Monday when there were only 3, so take my advice for what it's worth).
Also, my RE didn't start the ganirelix (to avoid ovulation) until my 7th day of the medications. And if you are taking it, here's my warning: the prefilled syringes are about as sharp as spoons and the medication stings for about 20 min after. It's awesome!
Thank you all so much. You've generated a little glimmer of hope for me. I'll be patient.
ReplyDeleteI'm not on lupron at all since I started the stims and haven't heard a peep about ganirelix. I have an apt tomorrow morning and will ask about this, as I'm starting to wonder if I might ovulate early.