Monday, 18 November 2019

'What, the one as big as me?'

Supernatural Tales 42

New stories by Steve Duffy, Jane Jakeman, Sam Dawson, Patricia Lillie, Mark Valentine, Lynda E. Rucker, and Helen Grant. As you might have guessed from the Dickensian cover (also by Sam Dawson) there are quite a few seasonal tales in this one.

This is my attempt to get ST back on the three issues per annum track after a very bad year, hence the short period between issues.

1 comment:

RC said...

When will it be available to order from Lulu?

ATMOSPHERIC DISTURBANCES by Helen Grant (Swan River Press 2024)

Cover art by John Coulthart Has it really been so long? That was my first thought in looking at the contents list of this  excellent new col...