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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Huntress. Afficher tous les articles

Heureux mariage Robin et Starfire!

25 juin 2012


You know that anxious feeling we get when we're about to face our first day? The first day at school (both as a student and teacher xp), our first interview for a scolarship/ job, the first day at work etc?

I don't know about you..But as for me.. somehow, The Utmost Awesome-est, The Oft-Knowing had always sent someone to help me calm the nerves..making the first day bear-able..and less terrifying. Few years ago, in 2009 to be exact I posted a note, a wedding speech for my everdearest sister, Diana Prince ( a.k.a WOnder Woman) in the note I mentioned about a certain good friend who took a train all whe way from Planet Tamaran to the other end of the railway (Gotham City). She spent the night at my house which at that time were filled with people she has never met before..
Doing all these in the name Yg Maha Penyayang, to help a friend in need.
Helping my family, prepare for my sister's wedding. (yup, it wasn't even My wedding!)
I really didn't expect her to come. And she never really told me. But she just called telling me she'd be boarding the train.
She just did it.

Now we're in July 2012. This friend of mine, Starfire, got hitched on the 9th of June, last month. It was such an event. We're all are happy for her. Congratulations Starfire & Robin. ;-).

To Starfire, t'as enfin trouvée ton âme soeur et j'espère que tu garderas ton sourire jusqu'à le dernier second de ta vie malgré toutes les obstacles que vous affrontiez en tant qu'un couple. Nobody said that married life est du gateaux. Just like any other relationship, it needs effort and sacrifice. God didn't exactly say that once we've completed one part of our deen, life would be easy. But He did remind us, that as long as we want Him near, He'll get us through it all, insyaAllah.

To Robin, you are one lucky dude. And Im pretty sure you know this, thats why you it didn't take you that long to finally make the decision, kan? She's the one, and you took that vow to be with her for as long as you both shall live.

Ma chere Starfire,
Je n'oublierai jamais le premier jour qu'on s'est croisées. It was during our interview for the superhuman course at the Legion Academy. Malgre my snobbish don't-look-or-talk-to-me attitude, Starfire came around and talked to me. There were about 13 of us (or so) But she was the only one to do so.
Well, God does work in mysterious ways.She called me me as I forgot to sign something.
So thats when it all started. (Yup, Starfire was the angel He sent me for the interview, my very first day of the many years to come as I travel down the path as an superhero.)
We exchanged our numbers, and our dads even sort of promised each other to " See you at Happy Harbor! "
- both, pretty confident that their girls nailed the interview. lol.

We kept in touch asking if any of us heard any news about the outcome.
In the whole Universe, they were only looking for 15 of us. We heard rumors that 9 were already chosen from Steel City. And I thought chances were pretty slim for me at that time.
But alhamdulillah, we both got the scolarship.
We weren't really bestfriends or anything. She had her circle of friends, and I had mine. But she had always been there when I needed her.
She would share the warmth of her comforter during winter in Thar (as I only had my fleece blanket). She helped me, offered me advices when I needed her point of view.

Je me souviens toujours de deux choses en particulier:
 1. The first day I decided to put on the headscarf for real. It was new year in 2009, there was a demonstration in the streets of Cosmos for Syraq. I made the decision a few days earlier. But I chose that day to wear it. Come to think of it, I don't know why I chose to call Starfire. Intuation maybe. She was the first to know, and she came bringing an extra headscarf for me, and she helped me with it…;) 

2. The talk we had. At that time,our legion vient d'être séparée en deux.
I still remember this particular phrase. "Ye, memang Huntress rapat dgn kak ****** tap Huntress jgn lupe kak ***** pun ade hak ats Huntress" The whole point wasn't solely about building relationship with them, one ukhti to another.
 But its about having a better relationship with Our Creator through all these other relationship. After that talk, I sent a mail to both of them. (kak ***** and kak *****, if ure reading this, je suis sure que vous savez je parle de vous deux =p)
And alhamdulillah, the relationships with kak ****** got better while still being in touch with kak *****.
and owh, Starfire were one of the few who actually 'layan' my obsession over, my dad, Batman. at the academy she gave me this little Batman with Big Head which I placed on my locker. Then there were that Batman toothbrush. and also a sort of Pocket Batman. (Its like Polly pocket, except it comes in a form of Batman's head, and upon opening, theres a Batcave, complete with a Batmobile. =D
 and of course its also thanks to Starfire that I didn't have to face my kursus kahwin alone.
She asked me accompany her last year.
I think it started as a favor for her, but end up being a favor for me as well.
 Yelah, having to attend 2 days course with people you never met! Terrifying kot! To people like me at least.

So, if you ask me about Starfire…These are the wonderful things I would always remember about her. ma tres chere Starfire,
 He sent you, at thé interview.
The first time we took our flight for our first summer holiday, you taught and showed me how to perform prayers in public. We were at CDG.
( At the time, I still hadn't wore my hijab, so I had to wear my extra polo shirt to cover my head. Then again I used the in flight blanket during the journey)
( I looked silly and we had a good laugh, but you didn't make fun of me, you assured me that it was okay to do un-ordinary things in the name of the Almighty)
Then you were there when I first put on the tudung. Heck, Starfi yg tolong pakaikan Huntress tudung tu! ;-)
And that talk about relationships with our ukhti(s).. All those gifts (Batman, and of course Mathurat- didnt at that time it would become the zikr I need most to get through the days)
And of course for ajak-ing me to come with you for the kursus kahwin =D

Tu as été une très bonne amie pour moi, et tu le serais toujours dans mon mémoire.;).

 To Uncle and Auntie, the Queen and King of Planet Tamaran, It was such a pleasure to get to know your daughter and having her as friend. You've raised her well, she's truly such a wonderful person. And Im pretty sure that Robin is a good son-in-law, and suami buat anak tersayang..Sbb Allah dah kate kan..Lelaki-lelaki baik utk perempuan-peremouan yg baik:)

 I never regretted knowing Starfire.

But one thing I do regret even until now is the fact that I wasn't there for her on her wedding day the way she was on my sister's wedding day. And I still feel the guilt until today. The inability to turn back time makes me feel so helpless. She's finally married. There would never be that last moment, last pillow talk between us bachelorettes before she becme the wife of someone.
Starfire, Je suis sincèrement désolée que je n'étais pas la, a la veille de ton mariage. J'aurais pu venir, j'aurais pu être avec toi, on aurait pu avoir une dernière nuit blanche entre filles, mais j'ai tout gache. Ive had my time and I chose otherwise. So for all the others out there… if you have a friend, a good friend, or any loved ones and you only had that one chance to spend with them before your live takes different turn of events…
Take it. Never think twice. Cause there might not be the 2nd time around.

But we all know, we all plan and He laughs. Theres always a reason for something.
For me its a lesson learnt, and I hope it will help others to not repeat the same mistake as mine. Living with regrets is no way to live. Its like you'd want to forget everything and try to be better the next time but somehow theres always that little voice inside you're head reminding you of the past. Things you could've done differently, but you didn't.

Hmm, my only hope right right now, is if ever Starfire and I are blessed with daughters.. I hope they'll become good friends, and my daughter could be there for her daughter the way I never did. I know its a bit far fetched..
but one can hope.

Well, thats all for know.

 Selamat pengantin baru Mohd Starfire and Nur Robin (hehe).

Semoga masjid yg dibina, dirahmati, dilindungi dan di- Guide Ar-Rasheed jusqu'à la fin du temps. Bonne Chance! ;)


bisous tout doux,


Cerite tentang selai python bername Jenny.

13 décembre 2011

Salam wbt & salam sejahtera.

Ini merupekan sebuah kisah benar yg telah diceritakan kpdku via kakakku yg mendegr cerita ini dari salah seorang sahabat akrabnya, Kak Ainul Huda.

Anyway, ceritanye mengenai seorg kenalan yg membele selai Python ataupun lebih mesre dgn name melayu nye, ular sawa sbg haiwan peliharaan.

Encik David (bukan name sebenar) telah membele, membelai dan menjage Jenny (juga bukan name sebenar) dgn penuh kasih syg ...ibarat manatang minyak yg penuh sejak si Jenny kontot dan kenit lagi. Makan minum dijage..malah Jenny turut tidur bersame David tatkala malam menjelang (Yes, manusie, sekatil dgn ular)

Jenny pun membesar dgn sihat dan seperti ular yg normal. (Omg, gile cuak type ular bebyk kali) ok anyway,

satu hari, si Jenny yg telah meningkat remaja (ikut lifetime Python ok), enggan utk makan...bukan sahaja polar pemakanannya telah berubah..malah polar tidurnye juga tidakla seperti selalu. Jenny si Python yg selalunye tidur berlingkar persis selai ular kini tidur dgn cara melunjurkan badannya...
David semakin risau dan kasihankan Jenny kesygn kerana tingkahlakunya yg seperti sakit gtu.
Hal ini telah berlalu bagi beberapa ketika sehinggalah David mengambil keputusan utk membawe Jenny menemui pakar perubatan (a.k.a Veterinarian lah).

Setelah menjelaskan keadaan Jenny kepada Doktor tersebut. Ha, nk tawu Doktor tu kate ape? Ikutilah perbualannye..:

Doctor : Hmm..kes ini agak serious..dan saya rasa moleklah jike En. David tinggalkan Jenny di sini.

David : (Dgn penuh kerisauan)..Lame ke dokter sy kene tinggalkan die? Kenape dgn die?

Doctor : Sebenarnye si Jenny nie... bukanlah saket secare sengaje..cume die sdg mempersiapkan dirinye..

David : ( baby dah nak mati ke..??...)

Doctor : ...Sebenarnye..die sdg mempersiapkan dirinye utk mnjdkan En. David sbg mangsanye. Perilaku nya yg tidak mkn adalah kerana die sedang mempersiapkan dirinya, menahan perut, ibarat puasa..kerana ingin menyimpan perut bg menelan Encik..Dan apabila dia tidur dlm keadaan melunjur adalah kerana...die sdang mengukur dan membudget kepanjangan badannya..Jike die mampu menelan habis Encik David.

haaaaa...sentap kan!?! My first reaction to this story was....Kurang aja punye ular! Like literally..statement ini telah disuarekan buat beberape kali..utk seberape ketike..

I was like mcm..OMG ular ni..takde budi bahase ke..Org tu da jage kau bagai..Jahat taw sesenyap buat plan.

I was quite angry at this Jenny for quite sometime until I manage to rationalize things..

An ustaz once reminded my friends and I about the definition of zalim... Zalim is when when we place something bukan pada tempatnya...Meletakkan sesuatu bukan pada tempatnye. ( It can mean alot of course)
But in this context I guess.. All of this wouldnt happen if David tak decide utk membele Jenny di selai tempat yg bukan merupekan habitat semulajadinye.. Theres a reason why snakes never made it to te domestic pets category.. it belongs to the wild...Living with other wild animals..Singing circles of life. or if die tak teri nyanyi lagi english they would probably nyanyik lagu Bangau oh Bangau.
Anyway, my point is..Snakes were never meant to live with us..
So in Jenny's defense...its not really her fault..Its just how she is.. Shes probably not proud of it.. But. tula..She is how she is la.
Edward Cullen pn paling2 vegetarian he can get pon lahap mountain lions and bears juge kan.

But yes..I do pity David (seb baekla kau angkut si Jenny tu pegi Kelinik on time abang oi)..I pity him in a sense that..yela si Jenny nie kalau ye pn..kasik warning la dl..kau sesenyap buat plan nk telan si David yg dah besarkan kau cm ank sendiri ..ape cer..

But..yes I know..David juge bukanlah Harry Potter mahupun Voldemort yg mampu berbahasa Parseltongue. Siape tahu kan..tah2..mmg si Jenny cube beberape kali untuk memberitahu si David..tapi si David nie buat bodo je..yelah dah mamat tu x faham.

So anyway, I guess my conclusion is...jgnlah menzalimi diri, menzalimi makhluk Allah yg laen atau ape sahaje lah dgn meletakkan sesuatu bukan pade tempat yg sepatutnye..dan melawan fitrah hidup. If it was never eant to be..It will never be. And if we try to go against what He has ordained for us..
Bad things will happen eventually..
Sesungguhnye..Dielah yg Maha Bijaksana and Maha Mengetahui atas segale sesuatu.


Selamat beramal~

My sister and I

22 mars 2011

We love reading books.
Books like Enid Blyton's Enchanted Wood (Faraway Tree series). Rowling's Harry Potter and Cecilia Ahern's if you could see me now.

We love magical stuff, things that doesn't exist in the real world.
Reading..with an open mind and heart takes us to all these kind of things.

We love Malory Towers cause it made us feel like we're one of those girls who were sent to English Boarding schools who made great friends and broke a few school rules along the way (Well my sister got into TKC so I think she's gotten a dose of her Malory Towers while I got into Semashur..Not so Malory Towers but it was fun all the same)

We love Harry Potter because of English Magical Boarding School. Magics, Flying broom, Butterbeers , owls etc etc.

And Faraway Tree is awesome cause it takes us to various lands like Birthday-Land, Land Do-As-You-Please, Land Take-What-You-Want etc. And awesome tress that grows awesome fruits. And pixies who bakes Pop biscuits,( A biscuits which pops in your mouth and later filled it with honey,or is it caramel, or toffee?) Either way, its still wonderful!

And we love Aherne's If you could see me now (Ive read all of Ahern's work but one (A place called here-pg 115 atm) and 'If you could see me now seems to be my favourite' Owh..Ian..

Expanding our imaginations with the help of books is just overwhelming. It gives such pleasure. Its a great escape from reality.

Books give us wings to fly. It gives hopes filled with dreams.
Reading is awesome.Seriously.

Well, we may not be able to experience the things we read in books, we may not have Edward Cullen watching us sleep or Jacob Black to keep us warm..
Thats alright. Even if we do, nothing in this world lasts forever. Sooner or later, we will lose it. So, wheres the fun if we don't get to keep it..

It all lies in being a good khalifah...
Hidup kat dunie nie, klu umur panjang pun around 70..But by 70 ape je pun yg terkudrat lgi nk buat.
Itu pun klu panjang umur..

We read the newspaper, we see headlines in the news...People dying. Everyday. Age isn't always the cause. (In fact sickness, natural disaster, accidents.. its just a reason, an excuse for Izrail to take us away)

Our time will come. Sooner or later...
So why not just try to be good. So insyaallah we get that golden ticket to Jannah..
Where FOREVER actually exists.

Be good. So when death comes to take us away, we'll be ready.
Hope to see all of you in the land of forever. Where dreams come true..

Life's a journey, not a destination. So Dream BIG !

~Selamat Beramal~ ;-)

Pesanan buat si dia...

19 décembre 2010

Salam. (Told you I'd be back soon);-)

Anyway, today's entry was taken from another person's blog. I noticed it on a friend's fb the other day. I'd just like to share it sebab di kale-kale cuti and undangan walimah di sane sini..I think it'll be beneficial as a reminder to all of us out there..single and married alike. InchaAllah..Selamat membace..bismillahirahmanirrahim...

Tolong beritahu si dia, aku ada pesanan buatnya..
Tolong beritahu si dia, cinta agung adalah cintaNya..
Tolong beritahu si dia, cinta manusia bakal membuatnya alpa..
Tolong nasihati sia dia, jangan menyintaiku lebih dari dia menyintai Yang Maha Esa..
Tolong nasihati si dia,jangan mengingatiku lebih dari dia mengingati Yang Maha Kuasa..

Tolong nasihati si dia, jangan mendoakanku lebih dari dia mendoakan ibu bapanya..
Tolong katakan pada si dia, dahulukan Allah kerana di situ ada syurga..
Tolong katakan pada si dia, dahulukan ibu bapanya kerana di telapak itu syurganya..

Tolong ingatkan si dia. Aku terpikat kerana imannya bukan rupa..
Tolong ingatkan si dia. Aku lebih cintakan zuhudnya bukan harta..
Tolong ingatkan si dia. aku kasihinya kerana santunnya..

Tolong tegur si dia, bila dia mula mengagungkan cinta manusia..
Tolong tegur si dia, bila dia tenggelam dalam angan-angannya..
Tolong tegur si dia, andai nafsu mengawal fikirannya..

Tolong sedarkan si dia. Aku milik Yang Maha Esa..
Tolong sedarkan si dia. Aku masih milik keluarga..
Tolong sedarkan si dia, tanggungjawabnya besar kepada keluarganya..

Tolong sabarkan si dia, usah ucap cinta di kala cita-cita belum terlaksana..
Tolong sabarkan si dia, andai diri ini enggan dirapati kerana menjaga batasan cinta..
Tolong sabarkan si dia, bila jarak mejadi penyebab bertambah rindunya..

Tolong pesan padanya. Aku tidak mahu menjadi fitnah besar kepadanya..
Tolong pesan padanya. Aku tak mahu menjadi punca kegagalannya..
Tolong pesan padanya aku membiarkan Yang Esa menjaga dirinya..

Tolong khabarkan pada si dia. Aku tidak mahu melekakan dia..
Tolong khabarkan pada si dia. Aku mahu dia berjaya dalam impian dan cita-citanya..
Tolong khabarkan pada si dia, jadilah penyokong dalam kejayaanku..

Tolong sampaikan pada si dia. Aku mendambakan cinta suci yang terjaga..
Tolong sampaikan pada si dia,cinta kerana Allah tidak ternilai harganya..
Tolong sampaikan pada si dia, hubungan ini terjaga selagi dia menjaga hubungan dengan Yang Maha Kuasa..
Tolong sampaikan kepada si dia kerana aku tidak mampu memberitahunya sendiri….

Hanya engkau Ya Allah mengetahui siapa si dia..

Moga pesananku sampai padanya walau aku sendiri tidak mengetahui siapa dan dimana si dia..

Moga dia seekor lebah yang sentiasa memuji keagungan Yang Maha Kuasa memasuki taman larangan dengan sopan santunnya dan bertemu mawar berduri yang terjaga oleh tuannya..

Simpanlah pesanan ku ini sehingga engkau bertemu diriku suatu hari nanti…

“Apabila kau ingin berteman,Janganlah kerana kelebihannya, Kerana mungkin dengan satu kelemahan,Kau mungkin akan menjauhinya….

Andai kau ingin berteman,Janganlah kerana kebaikannya,
Kerana mungkin dengan satu keburukan,Kau akan membencinya….

Andai kau inginkan sahabat yang satu, Janganlah kerana ilmunya,
Kerana apabila dia buntu,Kau mungkin akan memfitnahnya…..

Andai kau inginkan seorang teman,Janganlah kerana sifat cerianya,
Kerana andai dia tidak pandai menceriakan,Kau mungkin akan menyalahkannya….

Andai kau ingin bersahabat,Terimalah dia seadanya,Kerana dia seorang sahabat,Yang hanya manusia biasa….

Jangan diharapkan sempurna,Kerana kau juga tidak sempurna, Tiada siapa yang sempurna…

Tapi bersahabatlah kerana Allah.."

Credits to : Saudare FB and Tuan punye blog


15 décembre 2010

Destiny, is a relationship- a play between divine grace and willful self-effort. Half of it you have no control over, half of it is absolutely in your hands, and your actions will show measurable consequence. Man is neither entirely a puppet of God, nor is he entirely the captain of his own destiny, he's a little of both. We gallop through our lives like circus performers balancing on two speeding side-by-side horses- one foot is on the horse called "fate", the other on the horse called "free will". And the question we have to ask everyday is, Which horse is which? Which horse do I need to stop worrying about because it's not under my control, and which do I need to steer with concentrated effort? - Eat, Pray Love.

Salam dear readers...

Its been awhile since I wrote anything here. Do forgive me. But I would like to give a huge thank you esp to dear Samurai Jack, for it was his last words in the last entry that pushed me to get up and start sharing again. And of course thank you to others, for keeping this blog alive. God bless you.

Now, as u read the quotes above, what do you think? True isn't it? Bumblebee once gave me a book entitled "Bila Allah menguji kita". (Thanx Bee ;]). Now the author wrote something about taking control in our lives.

We,as normal beings will always feel sad when something is taken from us. The people we love, our success, our money, our possessions..Be it. anything. Right? And that is something that we have no control over. But one thing we do have control over is our reactions towards it..

Say our was burnt down to the core and we lost a lot of things..We can either be angry weep for the lost angry for having to rebuild everything. Or we can try to be patient...And at least be happy that none of our family members were burnt down with the house.

Say we tried to open a business, or when we sit for exams and such and we fail..We can either hang ourselves...weep over the event and be depressed for as long as we live, keep regretting our past (I wish I could've done this or that)...Or we could try weeping awhile (after all we're all just a normal human being, even heroes weeps for his loss too)...then dust ourselves up..get up and try again.

And say we lost someone dear to our hearts..We could *again weep, shut ourselves from people.. and blame the fates design..Wishing over and over we could turn back time..Our we could let ourselves be sad a little while..and let it go. Live our life. and appreciate the others who are still around.
(This reminds me of my dear father, Batman..He could've weep for years over my late grandparents who were shot in an alley..But he didnt..instead he got up, be Gotham's hero and save others in the hopes that other people wont have to go through what he went through..)

Its like when a bird flew over you and discards his waste on your head, instead of feeling remorse you just thank God that cows don't fly!

Well dear readers..I'll leave you to your thoughts now.. Hopefully this has been beneficial to you as it was for me (This was what inspired me to start typing again instead of staying under the comfort of my blankets and being annoyed for not having anything to write about...and to stop worrying whether or not my entries will be superb..but to just do the best that I can and pray to God that whatever it is that I wrote..hopefully it will inspire someone somehwere..even if its just 1 person..)..Subahannallah..Thank you Allah for guiding to find inspirations...

Well, take care. and inchaallah you will soon see some of my other entries again. Wish me luck and pray for me!

My Hijab, My Liberty

25 juillet 2010

May peace be upon all of you whos searching for answers.
Praise to the lord.Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

Sisters: Do you wear the hijab? Why or Why not? If you do, do you ever feel like taking it off? I feel like Allah wouldn't want to pose a burden on women (like when it's hot out) by forcing them to wear hijab.

Before I answer this question, I do have a few questions myself. Why do the nuns cover their head? and Mother Mary?and the jews? I find that covering your head is part of the teachings in most religion. Have you ever wondered why? Some say its a sign of modesty & humility.While others..well different people have different views.

First of all,yes I do wear the hijab,Ive just started it awhile ago.Now that I have it on,I dont have any intentions of taking it off,but sometimes the whispers of Shaitan do get the best of me.But Alhamdulillah,until now I have never taken it off('cept when Im home alone,or with other sisters).I wear it first of all because He asked me too. (Tout simplement,on se pose pas des questions sur ce que le Dieu nous demande.)

And because I want to please our Lord.Its just like when we're trying to please other human beings,surely we would do things that would please them wouldnt we?For example,a daughter would send flowers to her mother to please her mother,or a worker would invite his boss to lunch to please the boss(if he's lucky,he might even get a promotion).
I wear the hijab as I wish to please God and in hopes that He will place me in paradise with other mu'minun.InsyaAllah.

I have faith in Islam,in oneness of God,and I trust His words and His sayings (Holy Quran).

Why do I trust God?

Because I believe that He is the Creator of All.The Almighty.And surely a Creator knows Best 'bout His creations.

Just like an inventor of a machine would know best about his invention better than anyone else.
Ask Bill Gates about Microsoft and Im sure He has alll the answer.

As for hijab,there is a few verse in Quran which commands the women to wear a veil etc.It can be found in Surah Al-Ahzab and An-Nurr,for give me if I am mistaken.So,God has commanded women to put on their veils...Surely He has His reasons behind this.As a human being,I have no right to claim that my knowledge is any better than others,especially compared to Allah,the All-Knowing.

But He has also granted me with a brain and heart,to search for answers,to think and to understand alhamdulillah.I can give a few answers insyaallah.

And I think its mostly because God knows how it is not easy for a man to control his lust especially towards the opposite sex. So He asked the women to cover themselves in order to make it easy for men to control their lust.

Imagine a woman in bikini,a woman well covered and a man or a raper trapped in a room.Who do you think will most likely get raped first?...

My dear brothers and sister..God has grant us with brains.Think for a second...Its all logic isnt it?Maybe if all the women were to cover themselves properly,insyaAllah,there wont be as many crimes (mainly rape etc) as today..

And I do prefer people to judge me for who I am inside,evryone always says that its the thought,the heart that counts.Its how we are on the inside that matters,not how we look on the outside.Right?.Cause that wouldnt be fair,to anybody.And God is Fair.Besides,the outside beauty would fade sooner or later,but the inside beauty..It stays on forever,insyaAllah.:-D.Sisters and brothers...would we prefer for people to love us for what we are?or how we look like?...

Besides,whats the harm in wearing one?If people have liberty of dressing up the way they want, why can't we have the liberty of wearing our hijab? ;-D.

Plus, I do think its beautiful,the fact that you reserve your beauty for your husband and not just any men...:-)


Why I choose to believe in God...

19 juillet 2010

I choose to believe in God because....

I wanna believe that there's a greater power than Human Power...
That all these evil and bad people who misused their power will pay for their acts...
That all these good-hearted people but are less lucky in this world..
will get their compensation in the end all because they're patient ...

Good things come to those who wait..right?

I wanna believe that there's more to life than just 70-80 years of lifetime of growing up,studying,working,getting married ,have kids and getting old..

I wanna believe that the people I meet here on earth, the family Ive been born to..My friends..My loved ones..The relationship I have with them. Its not going to end the day I leave this world (Or the day they leave this world)
I wanna believe that I will see them in the hereafter. Where dreams come true. Where fairy tale is real.

Where we'll all live happily ever after..

And finally why I choose to believe in God...

Why Not? Theres no harm doing so does it?

How can I believe when I can't even see Him?

You can't see nor touch the feelings your feeling..Your anger, your sadness, the love you feel flowing inside of you..Can you see it? But you feel it don't you? And you believe in it..Right?

P.s- Sorry...ter-emo siket..Nielah die kene campak duduk kat negare yang ramai orang Atheist ni..

Our date

13 juillet 2010


Okay this time around Im going to write this post the way I talk. Which means there'll be malay and a few english words...For those who only understands english and wish for me to leave a comment..;-)...Please & thank you

Kenapelakan...klu kite janji dgn manusie..klu lambat sepuloh menet...kite da bwat muke.
Klu yg couple tu..boleh gado sampai nk clash..hanye kerane 10 menet...

Tapikan kalau dgn Die...Bayangkan klu setiap solat tu diibaratkan macam 'dating' dengan yang Maha Penyayang. Tergamak kite buat die tertunggu2 sampai waktu kite menghadap Die...Kekdang bukan setakat 10 menet,boleh sampai 20 menet,30 menet...Kdang2 kite skalikan je terus 'date' yg first dengan 'date' yang sterusnye.
Cth: (Dialog biase)

Manusie (sambil melihat jam tangan): Eh da nk masuk maghrib nie..Tapela,tunggu la lg siket nak Asar..Takyah amek wudhu' lagi da..Sekalikan je terus..Pas Asar tnggu kejap then Maghrib. Senang siket...

Cube tanye diri sendiri pernah tak ayat-ayat sebegini terlintas kt otak kite?

Cube bayangkan kite buat macam tu dgn orang yg kite janji nk jumpe....
Dekatkan trus 'date' / 'rendezvous'
,kalau skalikan je rendezvous yg first dgn yg second...Camane tu?

Klu dengan yang tersayang...uish,bukan maen lg,siap-siap,wangi-wangi...
Tak boleh lambat..Kene On-time!

Kenapa kite boleh tergamak nak buat macam tu (melambatkan 'date') dengan yang Maha Mengasihi kite...?
Umpame kite buat Die tertunggu-tunggu,kadang-kadang setengah jam...
Klu yang isya' kdangkale berejam..Trus tunggu subuh kan?
Takpon kekdang ade antare kite yang terus 'cancel' je 'date' nie...


Lepas tu bile hari kite macam 'suwey' siket ade yang even berani salahkan Die and saying things like..
'Life's not fair,hidup tak adil,nape mesti aku...etc'
Do we ourselves even take time during the days to remember Him, to thank Him?

Kite tak ingat pon kt Die...
By right, layakkah kite diingati Die...?

Sedangkan Die lah Segalenye.
Dari Die datang sumenye, tanpe Die,tadelah family kite,tadelah rezeki kite utk makan berpakaian etc.
Tanpe Die,takan bertemulah kite dengan org tersayang kite tu...

Maybe its time for us to muhasabah diri and think...
Sume yang baik dtg dr Rabbi 'alamin...
Dan yg tidak baik dtg dr kelemahan diri saye sendirik
juge Syaitan-syaitan yang busy membisik di depan,blakang,kiri dan kanan saye..
فَوَيْلٌ لِّلْمُصَلِّينَا . لَّذِينَ هُمْ عَن صَلَاتِهِمْ سَاهُونَ

[Al-Maa'uun 107:4 .107:5]

(Kalau orang yang demikian dikira dari bilangan orang-orang yang mendustakan ugama), maka kecelakaan besar bagi orang-orang Ahli Sembahyang -
(laitu) mereka yang berkeadaan lalai daripada menyempurnakan sembahyangnya;

4 juillet 2010

Superman Vs Batman II


Peace be upon you dear readers...

So if you read my last'll know how I came up with this next theory:

If you can't stand Kryptonite, then forget about being Superman, be Batman...


Because we're human and I think we can all relate to him,unlike Superman who comes from planet Krypton who's almost perfect (i.e: Bulletproof body, can fly, lazer eyes, super strength etc.) but when it comes to Kryptonite..He's helpless.

So why Batman?

Because the Dark Knight puts an effort to all his weaknesses. He can't fly, but he invents gadgets to make it possible from him to go from one place to another.
His body may not be bulletproof (he's still has scars and he bleeds whenever he's hurt), but he solves it by making a bulletproof costume.
He may not be fast, but he has his batmobile and his motocycles etc.
He doesn't have superstrength but he works out to make his body more resistant.
Whatever weaknesses he has, he uses his brain to solve the complications.
He doesn't just sit around and wait for help to come, he does something so that he can be the best hero anyone could ever be.
Hes human..just like us.
He may be wealthy, but he doesn't spend all his money lavishly.

And he doesn't care what other people thinks of him. People may look at him as a rich-good-for-nothing-playboy even if he's Gotham's City number 1 crimefighter.
He doesn't have the need to justify he's the hero.
He just the job.

And don't get me wrong,he has his fears too. He's afraid of bats. But that does not stop him from doing his job. He works on his fear...Thats what he do..find a solution.

I talked about this with a sister and she did add few more useful points on my outtakes:

X : Same thing when we read the tales of the prophet's companions....... as long as we have that mindset "Of course they can do (this and that), they're the prophet's companion..etc". For as long as we think they are SuperHuman we will never learn from them.
We can read tons of the tales of Muhammad's companions, but will merely just be a wonderful fairytale everybody loves...We will never learn from them...
Only until the point where we realize, they really are just normal human beings..Just like us.
Only then,we'll gain something from their life stories.

Y : Exactly..Sometimes people fail to see the point. Even from the Prophet himself. God had purposely chosen the prophets among the people,among us humans, so we can relate to them and learn.
(Instead, we always use this as an excuse, he's a prophet,of course he's capable of things. Well, Im not trying to say that men like Adam,Moses,Jesus,Abraham,Muhammad (etc.) are not special. They're the chosen one after all. But they're also humans,never forget that. Hey,even the prophet is warned by God himself (Surah 'Abasa).

X : Yes... but often we always think of them as SuperHuman from the past. We fail to relate to them. We,ourselves create barriers.

Conclusion: They're human,we're human. If they can be the best of humankind. Why can we ourselves try to be the best person we can be.
Evrybody have their own strength...Everyone's gifted. ;-)

Okay fine, still insist on being Superman? Sure theres nothing wrong in choosing him. But don't work alone then...Hey even the Man of Steel needs his companions, the Justice League.
(Surah As-Saff)

Fight with those whos fighting for the same cause as you...Two heads are better than one. Working in a team makes a person stronger and much more solid.
We complete eachother.What we lack, others complete it.
As I said, we all have our own weaknesses and we all posess different strength...

Finalement, we all are like pieces of puzzle. Completing eachother to get that one final perfect picture..:-D

Beautiful isn't it?

How may we help others if we can't even help ourselves?

25 juin 2010



I chatted with a brother on this topic and this was how the converstion goes:
A: ...what do you think of the phrase [If we can't even help ourselves,how may we help others?]

B: Well..I think we can always help others even when we ourselves are helpless, but it depends on the situation,by help,what kind of help are you refering to?

A: Hmm...everyone has their own weaknesses,right? Take Superman for example ,his weakness is Kryptonite...right? Pardon me for the random example. Anyway, so when we get hit by an element that weakens us, sometimes we get too busy trying to help ourselves from that element that we forgot about others around us..We felt as if how could we help others if we can't even help ourselves?

B: Personally, for me,it depends on the impact of the hit, how hard it hits us. But if God wills it, this shouldn't be a problem. I think we all can help other even if we ourselves have problems of our own. Because in this world, no one is problem-free. Everybody has their own worries, nobody is perfect. As for me, we should try our best,insyaAllah,everything would be okay...
I'll give you an analogy of a glass...
We have one empty glass, and our friend have his (or her) own glass which is also empty.
So when the water gets poured into our glass and we'd like our friend to have some water too...We are not obliged to wait until our glass is filled with water to help him/her.
Even with a half-filled glass or even a quarter-filled glass ,we should be able to help this friend of ours.

A: That is a beautiful analogy...hmm...But what if the glass breaks?

B: Then we should pour the water before it breaks...But if it breaks beforehand, if its unavoidable, then we have no choice but to fix the glass first.
Just like when it comes to spreading the truth, we don't need to be a preacher to be qualified to preach to others...even withe the knowledge we have, we can spread goodness to others. /even if its just a phrase,a word,insyaallah, it'll be usefull to others,and ourselves (as reminders)

A: Well understood, thank you for reminding. But..what if a person were to teach another being to wear a shoe when he/she herself don't even like the idea if wearing a shoe. Again,random example but I hope it'll do..

B: Personally, if that were the case, then it is better for us to ask from others to teach us wearing the shoe properly first, because its crucial for us to be good at something before we can teach it to others...But that shouldn't stop us from teaching our friend others things that we already know. Everybody have their own strength and weaknesses, and thats where we complete one another. Two friends are like 2 hands, one washes the other, and vice versa. :-)

A: Alhamdulillah, sharing thoughts and give me new inspirations, thank you. Sometimes we get scared cause we keep thinking 'bout what others would think of us when we do something. We tend to think too much.
A wise lady once told me, we have to stop making assumptions. Because when we come up with assumptions, it'll keep us from proceeding with our work. We would end up thinking too much and not doing anything.

B: Yes, I tend to think too much too. So sometimes I just say to myself "Just do it,lets just get this over and done with"

A: Thank you again. Well,nobody said life would be easy right? Its full of sacrifice to be made..(But as long as we're doing the right thing, He did promise He would be with us every step we take ;-))
And as long we're doing the right thing..Why should we be afraid,right?

As for the theory on Batman Vs Superman...We'll continue on the next post..:),

I can never be Him..

29 mai 2010

Some once said “Promises means everything but once broken, sorry means nothing”

Have you ever disappointed someone and you failed to find the words to tell that person how sorry you are..


Has someone ever disappointed you to the extent that you feel like you’ve lost all of your trust in them?

Well I’ve been there,done that and I’m sure most of you have at least once found yourself in both position.

Sometimes the people around you demands too much of you (too much of your time, your attention, to some, your money, etc.) They asked too much from you til you feel like screaming *Stop!* I can’t do this anymore..Im only human.. ‘

Only human... Something most of us tend forget.

Awhile ago, I hurt someone dear to my heart because of this.

And the worst part is, I might do it again. I might repeat the same “mistakes “ again.

So dear friends, family, my loved ones, the next time someone breaks your heart ..Please remember this.

A person can give you their time, attention and money but they can’t never be Al-Wahhab, yang maha Pemberi.

They can try to be fair…but they can never be
Al-‘Adl, yang maha Adil

And as much they try to be the person you want them to be… They can never be perfect..And they can’t never please everyone for there can Only be One yang
maha Sempurna, Al-Jalil.

And a person can say that they can give you all the love in the world, that they love you with all of their heart..
But the truth is,
There can only be One, yang
Maha Penyayang, Ar-Rahim.

And He is the Only One who can put up with all of our imperfections, that is patient with us,

He who is always willing and always ready to accept our “Sorry”s and our “I-didn’t-mean-to”

So my dears… Whenever you feel like it’s hard to forgive a person for whatever reason,

Remember that in the end there is Only One Maha Pengampun.

So turn to Him… Don’t turn to another person. Because we’re all just human, and we all need Him.
The Only One who can provide us with all that we need..

My personal excuse to anyone Ive ever hurt..
Im sorry for the past, the present and the future..

But please do not expect too much from me

Cause I can never be Him.

Coming soon: Key to happiness...

For now lets enjoy another video shall we..

What our mothers mean to us.. Part I

11 mai 2010

Salam and peace be upon you,

InsyaAllah in conjunction with this year's Mother's Day, we would all like to share a little something for the Queen of our hearts...

Let's all pray for our beloved mothers!!!

Mother Prayer

Dear Lord,
today we pray for mothers--
our own mothers, and mothers everywhere,
who have made such a major contribution
to the good qualities we have,
sometimes through genetics,
more often through great effort and patient instruction,
and who have done their best
to gently polish away our rough edges.
Lord, please bless our mothers
for the endless hours of time they spent
and the boundless energy they invested in us.
Bless our mothers for their sacrifices on our behalf
as they often gave up or deferred their own dreams
so that we could have ours.
Bless our mothers for always being there for us,
for being the person we know we can turn to
when we need comfort, encouragement, or just a hug.
Bless our mothers for making a home for us
where we could feel safe, where we felt we belonged.
Most of all, Lord,
bless our mothers for their unconditional love,
for loving us no matter what,
and for frequently showing love
in ways that make us feel valued and cherished.
Lord, please bless our mothers mightily.
Strengthen them, soothe them,
wrap them in Your infinite love
and shower them with blessings
too numerous to count, too magnificent to describe.
We love them, admire them, respect them,
and we wish that You would give them back
many times the good they gave to us.
In Allah's name we pray; Amin.

Samurai Jack

seorang lelaki pernah bertanya kepada Ibn ‘Abbas radhiallahu 'anhuma, “Saya meminang seorang wanita tetapi dia menolak pinangan aku. Setelah itu datang orang lain meminangnya lalu dia menerimanya. Saya menjadi cemburu kepadanya dan saya membunuhnya. Apakah ada taubat untuk saya?”

Ibn ‘Abbas bertanya: “Apakah ibu kamu masih hidup?”

Dia menjawab: “Tidak.”

Ibn ‘Abbas berkata: “Bertaubatlah kepada Allah dan mendekatlah kepada-Nya semampu mungkin.”

Atha’ bin Yasar (yang hadir sama saat itu) bertanya kepada Ibn ‘Abbas: “Mengapa engkau bertanya kepada lelaki tersebut sama ada ibunya masih hidup?”

Ibn ‘Abbas menjawab: “Saya tidak tahu perbuatan yang paling mendekatkan (seseorang) kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala melainkan berbakti kepada ibu.

Subhanallah, betapa besarnye kedudukan ibu di sisi Allah. Semoga Allah merahmati dan meredhai kehidupan ibu2 di luar sane.

Tak perlu rasenye Starfire listkan semula jase2 ibu kite kepada kite. Cumenye, Starfire nak bwk semua org berfikir : kalau kite menjadi ibu, cukup kuatkah kite untuk jd seperti mereka?

[muhasabah mode]

Starfire, hari2 kene masak di Bumi ni pon, kadang2 dah tak tahu nak msk ape, Bonda di Tamaran, dan 23 tahun jadi ibu, setiap hari, tak pernah lambat makanan terhidang di atas meja.
Kalau Starfire basuh baju, seminggu sekali je sbb nak gune mesin, kononnye tak de mase nak menyental. Bonda di Tamaran, balik kerja pukul 6ptg, berkejar2 nak msk dinner dan basuh baju. baju untuk 5 org, gune tangan plak tu T_T

Buat Bonda tersayang di Planet Tamaran,

Selamat Hari Ibu

Starfire titipkan doa dr jauh, agar Bonda sentiasa bahagia.

yg jauh dan tetap merindui Bonda,



Khas buatmu insan teristimewa,

“ibu seorang boleh menjaga anak 10, tapi anak yang 10 belum tentu dapat menjaga ibu seorang”

Ayat yang sering kite dengar. Mungkin ayat ni diilhamkan tatkala melihat reality dunia sekarang.

Anak lupakan ibu. Anak sanggup hantar ibu ke pusat pemeliharaan orang-orang tua. Anak sanggup member layanan yang teruk kepada ibu.

Rasakah kita sakit sepanjang hayat kita sesakit yang ditanggung ibu sewaktu mengandungkan kita 9 bulan 10 hari?

Rasakah kita bahagianye melihat ibu tersenyum sebahagia seorang ibu tatkala dapat melihat anaknya buat kali pertama?

Rasakah kita sengsaranya hidup sebagai anak tatkala sengsara yang ditanggung ibu lebih besar dan tak pernah diungkapkan?

Rasakah kita sabar sepanjang hayat sesabar seorang ibu yang tak pernah lelah melayan kerenah anak-anaknya?

Rasakah kita bangga sepanjang hayat sebangga seorang ibu yang melihat anaknya berjaya dalam hidup?

Rasakah kita tenang sepanjang hayat setenang seorang ibu yang menatap wajah anaknya yang lena dibuai mimpi?

Rasakah kita risau serisau seorang ibu tatkala anaknya dilanda masalah ?


Pengorbanan ibu teramatlah besar.

Sehinggakan tidak mampu dibayar dengan wang ringgit, emas berlian bergunung-gunung..

Betape besarnya nilai pengorbanan seorang ibu untuk anak-anaknya..

Sebesar mana pula nilai pengorbanan kita untuk seorang ibu ?


Ibu yang dulunya bertungkus-lumus membesarkan kita..

Bertungkus-lumus menjaga makan minum kita..

Hinggakan sanggup berlapar asalkan anak-anaknya dapat mengisi perut yang kosong..

Dan inilah masanye untuk kita membalas balik segala ape yang telah dikorbankan.


Ibu tidak pernah meminta wang ringgit..

Ibu tidak pernah juga sama sekali meminta emas berlian..

Tidak pula rumah besar bersama kereta-kereta mewah..

Cuma yang ibu pinta..

Perhatian dan kasih sayang dari anak-anaknya..

Yang datang dari hati yang tulus dan ikhlas..

Dari seorang anak kepada seorang insan bergelar ibu..

Selamat hari ibu.

Untuk ibuku, juga ibu-ibu lain di luar sana..

Yang sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan buat anak-anaknya..

Dan yang tidak pernah muak untuk mendengar keluh kesah anak-anak..

Sungguh, kaulah insan yang amat istimewa..



Only for you mum...



Only for my mum....

Happy Mother's Day from far away!
As love has wings, it flies across the sea,
Passing seraphim alight with glee,
Placed in nooks on clouds along its way.
Years cannot such innocence betray,
Morning's holy light perpetually
On fire within the heart, a pillar we
Then follow through the desert night and day.
Here, then, is my love, and as it lands,
Exchange it for a pigeon of your own,
Returning through the heavens what I once,
'Ere you were born, delivered to your door.
So are we eternal, though the sands
Demand of us that piece that is on loan,
As love renews, renews the ancient dance,
Yet dancing though the wide world be no more.

- Keluang Man

True Love

2 avril 2010

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Peace be upon you.


How are we all doing today? Katil dan bantal masih empuk? Air panas masih berfungsi? Stock makanan masih ade? Tampat tinggal still aman damai? Family dan kenkawan still in touch? Ape yg kurang? Ape yg lebih?
Whatever it is,have we said alhamdulillah for all that we are granted with?

Alright,this week kite nyanyiiii~

I have a roomate, and we share a hobby. Kami sgtlah suke berkaraoke kat dalam bilik. Bagi jelah bahase ape, english?French?Malay?Korea?Mandarin..Tagalog pon dibantai nye skali.

So harini nak ajak readers sume berkaraoke.Im sure all of you dah familiar dgn lagu ni. Kalau tak pernah dengar penuh pun mesti penah dgr siket2 time iklan kat TV dulu.
Ok here it is..with lyric.
(Ade kawan Huntress sorg nie 'A" bukan name sebenar cukup anti betul kalau org bukak video youtube tade lirik, susah nak nyanyi katenye)

Hmm...Best? Kalau tak puas lagi takpe..Replay lagi. ;-)

Anyway, personally my favourite part of this song would be...

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

Hmm...The other day, I was on a row with one of my girlfriends. It was just a misunderstanding but it hurts. Its all apart of life kan. I didn't say she was wrong, and I'm not implying that I was right either. Sometimes things just turn bad when we choose to see things differently kan.Same thing,different point of view.

I haven't always been a goody two shoes. Its not that easy,sometimes you wanna do something good and people think otherwise, they criticize because of your past,because you changed.

That day, I was soo sad and I couldnt think of anyone to turn to. I kept it to myself, afraid that if I told someone I would badmouth my friend instead. As I was thinking to myself, I grabbed my little blue book (Mathurat,Juz 28,29,30 & 40 Hadith Nawawi)
I randomly turned the page on the hadith part when I found this;

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said: the messenger of Allah said:

Allah the Almighty has said:
"Who soever shows enmity to a friend of Mine, I shall be at war with him.
My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have imposed upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him.
When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears,
his seeing with which he sees,
his hand with which he strikes,
and his foot with which he walks.
Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it."

related by Bukhari.

Hadith 38

Hmm..So, what do you think? Sounds similar doesn't it?

So,tanak ke kite jadi Kekasih si Die? Don't you wish to feel special?
If you wish to turn to a new leaf and afraid of what people might say. Let them talk. We can't make everyone happy kan?
What are we afraid of really?nie atas nie...Allah say it Himself;
Who soever shows enmity to a friend of Mine, I shall be at war with him.

If we're trying to be a better muslim,trying to bring ourselves closer to God,do not be afraid. For those who go against you,God Himself would be at war with that person. Tak gempak ke? Yang Maha Kuat, Maha Berkuasa declare war atas orang yang tak suke kite?

And when we feel like we had nowhere to run to..Just remember Al-Muhaimin is always around to protect us..

(even if you feel safe with your family, se-protective mane parents kite pon, Hanya Satu Yang Maha Melindungi kan? Rase selamat di samping bf? Setough/semacho mane pon buah hati kite, Hanye Die Yang Maha Kuat. Or even if you think your bestie understands you best...Theres only one Yang Maha Mendengar,Maha Mengetahui...Who Knows us inside out)

So...What more are we asking for?

Time is running up...can any of us guarantee him/herself that we will still be alive the next minute?Or how sure are we that we would still be able to wake up tomorrow morning in our comfort zone?

Do you think the people in Haiti or Portugal could have guessed that their country,their home would be hit by a disaster the day it hit them?

The signs is all around us...

Now its all up to us..Whether we choose to SEE it or ignore it.

You stole my heart, you took my breath away...

28 février 2010

[, _____, take you ______, to be my wedded husband]
To have and to hold, from this day forward,
for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
'till death do us part.

After all these years of searching...

Alhamdulillah, I've finally found what I've been looking for,
the perfect companion, apart of me which I didn't know exist.


1) He protects me and makes me feel safe even in the darkest hour of night, even in the most lonely and quiet street.

2) He is my strength when Im weakened by my surroundings...or even by my own weaknesses.

3) He's willing to forgive me even when Ive committed the biggest mistake imaginable.

4) He listens to me, even when there are thousand others who turn to him.

5) Sometimes I can express myself in any language, still he understands me.

6) Sometimes...I don't even have to talk. Still he knows whats bothering me.

7) He made me feel loved like no one has ever before

8) I trust him with all of my heart because I know he would never break it

9) Its because of him I won that basketball competition when I was 16..Its because of him I passed my exams with flying colors..He always gives me gifts. Even when I didn't ask for it. Often, I forget to thank him. But still he's patient with me.

10) Sometimes he punishes me whenever Ive crossed the line. But I try to not be angry or anything cause I know the only reason he does that is because he cares about me.

11) Even if I can't see him, I know he's always there to guide me, I know this because he left me 114 love letters to remind me of him.

12) I'm not scared to love him...Cause I know he would never ever leave me...He would always be there.

13) He's my friend,

14) My first, my last and my one and only true love...the incomparable...
Who is it Im reffering to? Well he is...

1)Al-Muhaimin 2)Al-Jabbar 3)Al-Afu 4)As-Sami 5)Al- Wasi 6)Al-Khabir 7)Al-Wadud 8)Al-Wakil 9) As-Sabur & Al-Basit 10) Al-Muntaqim 11)Al-Batin, Ar-Rasheed & Al-Hadi 12) As-Samad & Al Baqi' 13) Al-Wali 14) Al-Awwal, Al-Akhir, Al-Wahid...Al-Badi'

If you realize, in the beginning, Ive placed a sample of the traditional wedding vow we always hear. Recited once during the wedding...Read this..

إِنَّ صَلاَتِى وَنُسُكِى وَمَحْيَاىَ وَمَمَاتِى للَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَـلَمِينَ

“Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds"

Sounds familiar doesn't it? Know why? Cause this is the vow we pledge at the beginning of our prayers, its apart of the 'Doa Iftitah'

So, still looking for that one true love?...

Serunding lagi...?!

7 février 2010

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Peace be upon you good samaritans.


Alhamdulillah, Im given another chance to share my thoughts with you. These past few weeks I've been kept busy mostly with my studies. Yes, even heroes have to study. How would I save people if I'm not smart enough. How would people respect a hero if he/she is not intelligent enough? Right?
(Besides, Uncle Alfred and my dad kept me grounded in my room anyhow.)

Remember in my last entry, I talked about my hobbies. I love reading,right?

This time,InsyaAllah I'll talk about one of the best nikmat in the world:

Glorious Food.

Just enough would be a pleasure. But too much can be a disaster!

How many of you around here have the experience of leaving our comfort home to pursue your studies? Raise your hands!

2nd question, how many of us have been forced by *esp our mothers to bekal serunding? Packets and packets of serunding...
Sounds familiar?

3rd question, raise your hands to those who has never manage to finish their share of serunding(s)..? And when you come home for holidays..and there it is new packets of serunding just waiting to be packed and embark on another journey ..

This time insyaAllah I'd like to share a method of getting rid (in a good way I mean) of these brown bits and pieces of meat. Throwing it away is a big NO-NO. No bazir² ok. Think of those in Palestine..In Haiti (read the news,they'd kill for food!) Serunding is God's grace upon us..Appreciate it. Here we go~

Operation Begone Serunding!
Credits to Alfred,the buttler,the cook,the babysitter

Option one: Re-cook it

1) Blend as much serunding as you wish, mix it with some water. Blend it until it becomes some-sort of a thick liquid.

2) Heat it in your wok with the meat of your preference; fish, red-meat ,chicken as you wish.
* You're advised to not mix a chicken/meat serunding with fish meat. And vice versa.
(Rasulullah's teaching, and its scientifically prooven that mixing land and sea meat can be detrimental to your brain & mind, which also explains why animals that lives in these 2 world are haram to certain religions- google it)

3) Add some santan (coconut milk) for flavour and some peppers,salt,honey (not sugar).Basically anything you think would add up the taste.
*Honey is recomended by Yours Truly Himself as a remedy for mankind (An-Nahl 16:69)

4) Add some carrots to make it a well-balanced meal.


Just 4 steps

Option two: 4 steps is too much? Try this;

1) Pack it in a your bagpack/plastic bag/bagpack
2) Give it to the starving/homeless people in the street.


Well I hope that helps.
Til next time.

Practice yourself in little things, then proceed to greater

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The Wayfarers

We are the wayfarers
We are the travelers
Wondering through
The planet earth
And see how great
The Creator is

We are the wayfarers
We are the travelers
Don’t you ever think
How strange it is
To treat everything
As tough as it’s ours