Showing posts with label announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label announcement. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Opening of Sister Blog: Summerdynz!

Hi all.

This is to let you know that Sunshine Homicide now has a sister, Summerdynz.

Summerdynz will be bringing you brand-new goodies with affordable prices that are so awesome your nose will instantaneously bleed. Seriously.

Haha, just kidding lah about the nose bleed thingy, not the awesomeness of the goodies.
The goodies are really awesome! Seriously.

Show some support and go check them out now yeah! :D

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

SH Is Back From Hiatus!

OMG. My university life is finally OVER, yeay! All those sweats and tears I shed! The fun, joy and and laughter I had! Such a valuable experience. Hopefully it was 4 years well spent :)

While I decide what I want to do with my Bachelor of Biomedical Science degree (Masters? Work? Babysit?), I am going to upload lots of goodies here.
When I say 'lots', I do mean LOTS!
Shirt, T-shirts, jeans, shoes, bags and more!

Rest assured they will all be in tip-top condition, AND affordably priced!

You know what to do if you fancy anything in here.

E-mail me at, or text me at 012-6301537!

Happy shopping!

p/s: Do note that the T&C has been revised :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

On Hiatus

Hi babes.

I will be away in college for a kinda-long period of time, and won't be able to post out the items (I left them at home).

BUT, if you have really set your eyes on any item in here, and that you really, really WANT it (or more like NEED), just e-mail/SMS me okay? I'll try to see what I can do to unite you with your love ;)

I just might be going back home that particular weekend, and thus be able to post it out to you!
*fingers crossed!*

Alright, here's to a mind-numbing final semester (boo for me) and happy (blog)shopping time (yeay for you!).

Till next update,
take care!