Showing posts with label #smallstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #smallstone. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Nature's orchestra

At dawn freight train wind
hurtles rain in staccato bursts,

a cacophony assaulting the senses.

February 5, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Lying in the warm dark
the silver liquid sound,
rain on the roof, dripping
from the eaves sooths,
yet raises questions.
Will it turn to ice or snow?


Thursday, January 30, 2014

A January of Small Stones 30

Deep in the night, down the street
dogs bark frantically, a great crescendo
at the affront of two cats calmly strolling
beneath the street lamp.

January 30, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A January of Small Stones 29

Steep driveway arching away from the road,
frosted with a inch of smooth, sparkling snow,
touched only by tiny cat prints,
a perfect single line up the center. 

January 29, 2014

A January of Small Stones 27 & 28

Two meditations on the cold

#1 physical

Hat, hood, scarf,
‘til nothing shows but eyes,
and still the cold is a knife
in the lungs,
I retreat indoors,
Wheezing and coughing,
Struggling to breathe.

#2 Mental

The cold is amber, crystal clear,
allowing the tiniest details to be seen,
while immobilizing my spirit.
My eyes records a hundred small stones,
but my hands stuck in amber cannot write.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A January of Small Stones 25

Flash of movement
in stark, still landscape
dry leaf scampers
over the snow
like a brown mouse
seeking shelter.

January 25, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A January of Small Stones 23

In the snowy woods
unexpected robins flock
flashing rufous breasts,
rise, wheel and settle again.

January 23, 2014

A January of Small Stones 22

Ode to an Office Chair Now Deceased

Four sturdy ball-bearing wheels
to scoot quickly out of the way
or cozy up to the desk,
a smoothly twirling seat
from keyboard to desk to bookcase
and back over and over,
soft padding for the rump,
firm lumbar support,
and a back just right
for perching cats.
A few short years together

ended in an awkward crash.

January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A January of Small Stones 21

chill eiderdown blanket
covers imperfections,
creates unity in white and black.

January 21, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A January of Small Stones 19

dark crisp air
carries lilting melody
from a penny whistle
calling the "king of the faeries"
but only the dogs 
set dance in reply.

January 19, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A January of Small Stones 18

daily three or four times
deep booms and tremors
of dynamite
are followed by the long
waterfall of rock against rock,
the assault of the mountain

January 18, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

A January of Small Stone 17

That rare moment, just before dawn
between shifts, silence settles on the mountain,
and only the brook burbles softly
while the moon makes silver ships
of clouds scudding across an inky sky.

January 17, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A January of Small Stones 16

Moments before setting,
slipping beneath
the grey cloud blanket,
Rumplestiltskin sun
turns hillsides of straw
to gold.

January 16, 2014 

Monday, January 13, 2014

A January of Small Stones 13

January 13, 2014


open the faucet
tiny dribbles 
then sucking air,
the pipes are dry.


small, repetitive, insistent sound:
tick, tick?
tap, tap?
drip, drip?
search reveals
spreading puddles 
from the water cooler.

January 13, 2014

A January of Small Stones 12

Old Locutus

Body light with age
she concedes to lifting,
old claws catch
as she kneads my chest.
Her ears so silky
but tiny rough spots
mar her back.
I stroke the hollow under her chin
and a warm loofah tongue
washes my knuckles.
We drowse warmly
in the early morning dark.

January 13, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A January of Small Stones 11

Waiting for dog in a dark alive
with ceaseless shifting pines in the wind,
the small brook swollen with rain
beats against its banks,
and behind it all 
the mechanical clang and scrape of the dragline
on the mountain.

January 11, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

A January of Small Stones 10

Neither dark nor light,
neither warm nor cold,
lingering to breath
moisture laden air,
mild January twilight.

January 10, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A January of Small Stones 09

empty hallway,
two small boys,
rosy cheeks,
sparkling eyes,
huge grins,
kick their legs
against the bench,
heads together
playing games.

January 9, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A January of Small Stones 08

January 8, 2014

On the porch
where feral cats
daily find their food
are unexpected
delicate traces
left by feathered guests.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A January of Small Stones 07

January 7, 2014

sunshine beckons.
toboggan snugged, shawl wrapped,
coat buttoned, bear-waddle
to the mailbox.