Typical Friday Night...

Monroe's boss was nominated for Entrepreneur of the Year...so we had a wonderful evening out with the boss man & crew...

Yummy dinner!:)

Three of the four brothers were there!!! :) (Monroe, Bruce, & Nate)

This picture is for my sisters as proof that I always run into Ben & Natalie! It is a small world!:)


I have the most talented friends ever! Check out these shoes!!! Well its hard to get a good picture of kicking feet...but I tried...:)

Erin made these knitted shoes! Aren't they amazing???
Check out her other AMAZING KNITTED creations at href="http://www.ecknits.blogspot.com"> ecknits.blogspot.com

They last two pairs of shoes were made by my friend Nici! Aren't they the cutestest little shoes?!? Check out her blog (Nici & Ryan) and also she makes the cutest cards...check them out! thebluebutterflies.blogspot.com

.....I don't know why my links are all messed up and not working.....

Happy Birthday Judge!

Happy Birthday Judge! We love you! It was so nice to be together and be able to celebrate the Judge's Birthday! We love "Monroe #1"!!!:)

Golf Anyone????

While in Cali Monroe enjoyed playing golf at Torrey Pines. It felt good to play where Tiger plays...:) On his 3rd attempt at the 18th hole he hit it from about 80 feet away, over the water, and sunk it right in the hole! (that's the very abbreviated version of the story...he'll have to tell you...:))

My Little Mice.....

I really didn't think Collin looked all that much like Monroe...but I couldn't believe how similar they look in their Mickey Ears....:) Can you tell who's who??? :)

Disneyland....Collin's 1st trip!!! :)

Keeping with tradition we took Collin to Disneyland at about 5 weeks old just like we did with Baby Monz...:) We had fun!

Oh ya...the most exciting part of this visit to Disneyland was Monz getting his head stuck in the bars of the fences that go around the tree/grass areas. (I missed all the excitement since I had just run to the restroom) There was a duck inside the fence so Monz was trying to get it and Monroe had looked away for a 'second' and when he looked back Monz was saying "stuck" "stuck" and everyone by him was gasping because Monz's head was stuck in the fence....the weird thing was that his body was on the inside of the fence and his head was sticking out... Monroe couldn't figure if he had climbed over somehow and then tried to get out through the bars... Help came and offered to get the firemen to 'bend the bars' but Monroe was like no way somehow he got himself in, so we should be able to get him out...so thank goodness they realized he had stuck his body through sideways...cause there was no was his head would have ever fit between those bars! :) I'm sad I missed all of the excitement! :) If I was there..well it prob wouldn't have happened in the 1st place :)...but if it had I would have taken a picture! :)

Collin was sooooo excited to be there!!!

C for Collin...:)

The only picture I am in...

King Bonzo...

Late night...finally leaving the park! Fun, Tiring Day...Monz stole Collins 1st ears...:)

Caaaaliiiforniaaaaa here we come... (The OC)

We got to get to California this Summer!!! Yeah!!!! It was a wonderful trip full of beach time, Disney time, shopping time, family time! It was GRRRREAT! :)
After eating our huge breakfast at the Harbor House we headed to the beach with grandma and grandpa... I just realized there are no pictures of me in my hot bikini!:( Sorry!!! I was the one taking all the pictures! Next time... :P

Daddy and Bonzo after hitting up Killer Dana for our towels and Bonzo's pail & shovel for the beach.

Our Cali boy! :) Well...he's only been there like 10times before he's 2...we are planning on moving there soon...:)

Builing sand castles... Well, dad would build them and Bonzo would destroy them! :)

Monroe #1 with Monroe #3.... hangin' w the Judge!

Collin and grandma chillin' in the shade! :)


Turning 30 feels like....SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh OH WAIT!!! POOCASSO PAINTED THE PERFECT PICTURE to let everyone know how I felt turning the big 3-0!
It was my birthday afternoon....
Monroe had just flown in from Hawaii, exhausted from his travels...
Missing Monz aka Poocasso...he decided to lay down with him when Monz took his nap...
Quite a few minutes later I could hear Monz playing and wanted to go in and get Monroe out of there so he could fall asleep... Me & my mom decided not to worry about it. Minutes later I could still hear Monz playing and then I heard Monroe snorrrrrring!!! Oh well....
Moments later, Monroe came out of the room with a look on his face....a look of disgust mixed with shock mixed with 'I don't know who's gonna be in more trouble...me or Monz'
Immediately I knew....POOOOOOOO
Ya...Poocasso had painted a masterpiece JUST FOR ME!!!
On my birthday!
What a sweetheart......PUKE!!!
I still can not believe that Monroe was in the room the entire time!!!!
It kills me!
How in the world did he sleep through that!
We were all so disgusted!
I just wish Poocasso had painted a mustache on Monroe.....dirty sanchez...
I just wanted to share poocasso's masterpiece with everyone...
If you have a weak stomach DO NOT SCROLL DOWN....
It's probably too late hu???


Collin's 1st photo shoot

Thanks to my dear sweet friend Haley for taking such wonderful pictures! She is the best!

....she took soooo many great ones...these are just a few....:)
My 1st post from my phone!


Collin Sage is finally here! He was 8 pounds 12 ounces TINY! Compared to his BIG brother who weighed in at 10lbs 1oz..! He was born on April 15th a beautiful spring day...or you would think... I could not believe how hard it was snowing the two days we were in the hospital! Here is a picture from our hospital room!

Monroe just absolutely LOVES his little brother! If Collin ever makes any sound Monroe just giggles so cute! He loves him! He is constantly smothering him with kisses and love. I am so glad that he is excited to have his brother here! :)

This is all we have been doing for the past two weeks....:) He's my little snuggle bug! :)
More pictures to come!!!!

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter. Monroe's 2nd Easter! We celebrated with Austy & Natty again! April 12th...just 3 days before our new baby arrived!!! :)

The boys looking all cute for church! :)

Monroe and his Easter basket.

Our dinner table for the big Easter Feast I prepared! :) This is one out of the three days a year I cook a big turkey dinner! hehehe :)

He was on a major sugar high that entire day!

Easter this year...Easter last year!!! :)

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