For ALL of you who just can't wait...

...I am ALMOST there!!!
I will be blogging it soon!:) I just can't wait! ha

A typical moment in Collin's life...

The Many Joys of D Land

There are many simple joys you can enjoy while at Disneyland....

Let's begin with... the great weather!

Learning patience as you wait in line...

Doing what ever you want all day long...even if it is picking each others nose...

Being with those you love and millions of others you don't...

Falling asleep on the walk home...

Oh! Don't forget all the GREAT photo ops!

Photo Op....

Photo Op...

Play grounds in the middle of a huge playground...(don't mind Kev & his boy in the background)

Running into the many celebrities that are always around...

Spinning as much as you can, to get as sick as you desire...

Having parents who make you take a picture by your initial every time you go...

Close-up Op...

OOOOhhhhh the glasses picture! That NEVER gets old!

Main Street horses...

and all the sugar you can eat!!!!

You just can't beat it!

That's one way to pull a tooth!

YouTube Video

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You gotta love Young Women's! I DO!:) This evening I gave all the girls a lesson in fashion! JK!!! We had a "Crazy Dinner" and had to dress all 'Crazy'!:) It was fun bringing out all my old clothes!:) Everyone was like "Where in the world did you find these things?!?!?!" .... & I was like.... "Ummmmm..... I used to wear them....:)" (just not together!:)) haha


These pictures aren't Monroe's photos...:) These are from my friend Haley. Luckily she was in town to snap some pictures for Collin's 1 year photos! I can not believe Collin is one!!! I love this boy! I love all my boys!:) Here are some pictures of those I love....:)

We'll start with some brotherly love...

Now some Collin love...

Family love...

Thank You Haley!:)

More Amazing Photography

I just had to show off more of Lil' Monroe's more 'amazingly artistic abstract' photography...

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My Little Photographer

I always have to laugh when I look through the pictures on my phone or camera! Monroe LOVES to take pictures! So I always find his AMAZING work on my little camera...:) Here are some of his latest masterpieces!!!

Self portrait...:)

He also does family...

This is "Collin @ the Doc"

He did all the 'coloring' of this "RED:DAD" with NO Photoshop!!!

"Pescatarian Collin"

His photography also tells stories...

This one is- "Buzz the Love Story"

"Mickey's Adventure"

Then there is always his more "Artistic" Photos....

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