Monroe's First Time Skiing!

Monroe finally got to take Lil' Monroe skiing! It was such an exciting day for the boys! Monroe LOVED it!!! Every time they got down the hill, right away Lil' Monroe would say "Again! Again!" He would have gone all day...but daddy got tired!:) Monroe said that was more exhausting than when he skis hard for a full day! We can not wait to go "Again!":)

His cute little skis!

All geared up & ready to go!

Actually...I think he loved eating the snow the most!:) He was crackin' me up! He had held that little snow ball in his hand all the way down and then showed me and started eating it at the bottom!:)

After he went skiing...everyday he would get his boots on (in the house), clip himself in, and walk around the house in his skis!

Up,Up, and Away!

Here they come!

Here he is- The world's greatest dad!!!

Oh wait no...this was definitely his favorite part! The yummy suckers! Notice he had to have two! Such a great flavor combo - strawberry & root beer, his favorite!

Collin loved the sucker part the best too!:)

Ahhhhhh the fam shot at Sundance! Who da thought Monroe & I would get married.... when we were working at Sundance together... what? like 12 years ago?!?!?! Crazy! Crazy in LOVE!:) hehe

Is It Spring?

Right when you think it is snows again!!!:( At least we enjoyed today!:)

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Addicted to Cupcakes

I can't stop making/eating cupcakes!!! Nat & Aust you better hurry up & come visit before they are all gone!!!:)

So I'm thinking of starting a new profession! Summer the baker...the cupcake maker!:) Sum Sweets? McBake? Summy Yummy? SumYum? Or like lil' Monroe calls them Pupcakes!!!

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Just a little Sunday goodness.

Sunday night....Oscars on...Everyone needs some chocolate goodness!
Thank You Collin for helpin' mom out!:)

All by himself!

Yes....Monroe goes all by himself! Literally!!! Ya I can't take too much credit, if any at all, this kid potty trained himself!:) He is such a pro...he actually likes to multitask! If he's too into his show, he'll grab his potty and bring it out, set it in front of the tv & do his thing.:) Let's be honest...I think if every guy could...every guy would do the same thing!:) Here he is surfing the web...:) I just had to take a picture!:) This kid is sooo smart! He's the best! I love him!:)

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Monroe is one talented kid! Check out his 1st photo shoot!:)
I love this kid! He is soooo funny!

You're a bear! You're a bear!

You're a moose!!!

You are a raccoon! Be a raccoon!!!

You're a bear again! Be an angry bear!

You're an otter! Be that otter!

You're a man! An old man! Feel it! Work it!
And....I'm spent!!!

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Can U See Me?!?!

Can U see me?!?! Can U see me?!? Can U see Monroe?!? Can U see him? Can U see us?!:)
.....I just realized I sound just like my 2 year old....
Monroe & I need to do this more often!:)

(I saw this picure on Communal's blog...& noticed the tops of our heads in the shot.:) My best photo yet!:) Funny)

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