Collin Sage's Blessing Day

Collin's Blessing day was a very special day! It was fun to have so much family in town to participate and be a part of this wonderful day! Thank you to all our wonderful family and friends who could come and be a part! We love you! We love our little Collin! He is the most amazing baby! He is sooo good and such a sweet boy! We feel incredibly blessed that he is part of our family! I am so grateful that families are forever!

Happy 4th!!!

Who doesn't love the 4th of July?!?! Especially in Utah! We had a wonderful day! We started the day out right with the Provo Parade!!! Natty Sue made us the best biscuits & gravy breakfast! We realized more than anything parades are for the kids! They loved every minute of it! :)

The three little amigo monkeys.

Nat, Tatum, Mom, & Dad

Drayson, Kell, & Emily

Monroe & Drayson (cousins - one month apart)

"Da pwaina! Da pwaina!" (how Monroe says 'the plane':))

Natty Sue & Austy too making the yummmmmmy breakfast! Thank you!

Having a party! Dancing to the music!!!


Thanks to PaPa JoJoe for the AMAZING seats to the AMAZING show!

(is it just me, or are his pants suuuuuuppper tight???)

The boys enjoying the Jonas Bros.

OK! This is the somewhat proof I have of the eye contant this Jonas Brother & I had going on ALL NIGHT LONG! :) Yes I know....CRAZY...but TRUE! I feel bad that I do not know his name....but he is definantly my fav! (this is him waving good-bye to me.....sad)


Now that is what I call a Stadium of FIRE!!!

Happy Birthday Li'l Monroe!

Monroe is two!!! It is so fun that his birthday is so close to the 4th of July, because we always have family in town! I hope they all keep it a tradition to come here for the 4th...that way Monroe can always celebrate with his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins! We had fun! He is still pretty obsessed with cars, so of course we had a Car's Party!

We were so excited Uncle TyTy came! He made it last year and actually gave Monroe this shirt! :) So it was his cute birthday shirt!

Monroe LOVED his cake!!!:)

We had a was the new 'safe' kind were instead of beating it and hitting each other with the bat, you just have each kid pull a string and only one is supposed to break it open....But Dawson pulled the right string the 1st pull!!! It went super fast....but none of the kids seemed to mind! :) They all got plenty of candy and toys! (luckily we let Monroe swing at it with a bat a little bit before:))

I was bad all weekend getting 'group shots'! So I didn't get the best pictures:( Sad! But here is Dawson, Braxton, & Peyton...The other cousins that were there were Tatum, Brinkley, Drayson...Uncles- Lance, Kell, Tyler, & Austin. Aunts- Natalie, Emily, & Natalie. Grandma & Grandpa, Collin, Mom & DAD! Yeah!!! We had fun!!! We just wish Bridgett & Joel & kids and Brock & Megan & kids were there!!! That would have been everyone! Maybe next year!!!?:)

Monroe had so much fun blowing bubbles with his bubble gun at the park!
Monroe had a wonderful birthday! Thank you to everyone who came and thank you for his wonderful gifts! We love you all!

A week with the Sis!!!

My sister Natalie and her beautiful family came to visit us for a couple weeks! We had so much fun! Here are just a few things we did that first week she was here...

The first day we went up to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. It is such a beautiful temple! I am so glad we got to walk through it, it was amazing!

This is my sister Natalie, her husband Lance, and little Tatum!

This is us with Peyton!

Later that day we met Natalie and Austin at the park for a little pizza picnic! Good times! :)

Another day we all went to the water park. Monroe was so excited to get into the water during the 15min break when we got there. But when they turned on all the water he got a little scared.:( Uncle Austy took him down the water slides a few times and he really enjoyed that!

We also went to the Dinosaur Museum. That was fun!

This picture makes me laugh. I was trying to get the three little monkeys to do the hear no, see no, speak no this is their interpretation. Their faces crack me up!

More fun at another park! Austin didn't approve of Collin's leggings! RUDE! I think they are soooo cute! :)

We had soooo much fun! Please come back soon! :)


Happy Father's Day Monroe! We love you daddy! You are the best dad ever!

YES I am that behind on my blogging...:-/

Sidewalk Chalk...

So our little Monroe has shown artistic abilities in the past...hence his nickname Poocasso...but he has improved significantly these past few months!!!:) We have been coloring in the backyard with his sidewalk chalk! Here is some of our work -

This is my masterpiece...the red HAIR - my know...

Little Monroe's work - (Sorry about the sideways just put it on that way.)

Big Monroe's masterpiece -

We all worked on this one, obviously...

Oh I am sooo funny...I shouldn't blog when I'm tired... :)
These were just a few of the amazing chalk art pieces we saw up at the Gateway!


There must be something in the Sanpete water....BIG HEADS?????....ya they run in the family....:) If you are a know what I'm talking about! hehehe

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