Great Golfer

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We got creative this year with the pumpkin carving thanks to our bro Tyler who hooked us all up with access to some pretty sweet stencil things... So of course we had a competition to see who could carve the best pumpkin. Nat, Austin, and I stuck to the outlines provided us from the Internet. Monroe decided to be creative and "free-hand" it! To our surprise...5 people casted their votes and Monroe got 4 out of the 5!!! What's up with that!?!?!?! I think Austin was the most disappointed since he is the most competitive and worked the hardest! And yes I did get 1 out of the 5 votes! Thanks Ty!:) Love you!:) Mines the one at the bottom...the dead cheerleader!:)

Here we are with our pumpkins!

Lil' Monroe was soooo excited! He loved the pumpkins but was scared of the yucky scary insides.:)

Austin hard at work.

Here they are! Nat's- Cinderella/ Aust's- Chucky/ Monroe's- Flaming skull (everyone thought it was a clown)/ Mine- Dead Cheerleader

That's one cool dead cheerleader! Ha!

Getting Sooo Excited!

Hi! I am Collin! This is me with grandma getting my first taste of Halloween. Mmmmmmmm it's good!:)

I am so excited for my first Halloween!!!

I want to be a pirate like my big brother!!! wants me to be a giraffe...

Either way I am happy!!!

Barnyard Boo!

Utah is just full of fun festive Halloween Activities! We had fun again at the Barnyard Boo @ Thanksgiving Point. Monroe's favorite was riding the horses! Collins favorite was being big enough to sit in the front of the stroller and see everything!:)

Grandma & Grandpa's 60th!

This is the reason we went down to California. We were celebrating my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary! These are my mom's parents. The party was held down in San Diego at my Aunt Terry & Uncle Stath's home! It was such a wonderful weekend! We had such a great time!

This is the beautiful couple!:)

60 years! I can not believe it!

These cupcakes were amazing! They were so pretty & yummy!

The dinner was in their backyard, it was so nice & yummy!:)

My little family :)

Monroe loved Cabo! He played with her all night tempting her with his food and then telling her "no!"

Natalie & Tatum

Cousin's - James, Parker, Courtney, & Brette

Lacey, Tyler, Gus w/ sweet London

Angie, Ryan, Billy, Sierra

Doug, Marci, & Amelia

Lacey with her brand new baby London! She was the cutest thing I have ever seen!

DISNEYLANDO...yes again...

Could we really go to Cali without Monroe taking us all to Disneyland?! Twice? Hmmmmm... Ya Right! We had fun. Monroe is finally getting old enough to recognize the characters and have more fun!

Lil Monroe had to map out his day and lead the way!:)

Collin was in awwwwwe on the Pooh ride:)


It was decorated so cute for Halloween!

Monroe's dream meeting Mater & McQueen!

Completely worn out with Bullseye & Rex? the dinosaur...:)


Ya...we like to take the kiddos to Vegas every weekend we get a chance...YA RIGHT! I felt so horrible being in Vegas with my precious little babies!!! We actually just stopped on our way down to Cali to stay the night & break up the long drive with the kiddos! When we were driving in Monroe said "Look! Vegas!" Little Monroe said "No Vegas! Vegas scary!" It was pretty funny!

Lil Monroe loved the fire show!

And the fish!

Yummy Cheesecake Factory

Monroe's new friends the Big Bird Twins

Brownies Anyone?

Monroe is a wonderful helper when I bake...especially when it comes to cleaning the bowl!:)


Well...that last blog was a test and only 3 of you passed it!!!!!
I was a little down about all of the "comments" I have NOT been receiving lately... so I just thought I would spice things up a bit and see if anyone even reads this thing and had a comment....but I guess only 3 did -but hey! That is one to three more than I normally get!!! YEAH!!!...:( THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU THAT DO COMMENT ON MY BLOG... just as I am about to end it all, you give me the encouragement to just keep blogging along! Thank you! A special "shout out" to my brother Brock! You know what I'm talking about! ;-)


So we were in Cali this past weekend and I got to hang out and catch up with my old friend John! It was so good to see him...We got to catch up, ate a little In N Out...went golfing...played a little Guitar Hero... you know the usual...


Collin we love you so much! We are so happy that you are a part of our family!

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