To my 2 followers out there...

Monroe & Tyler I appologize for my lack of blogging lately... It hasn't been because I haven't tried!!! Any one have any tips on blogging from my has just been so much harder for some reason! There has to be a faster way to upload my pictures! For some reason it makes me do one at a time!!! HELP! Any advise!?!!?

Girls Camp

I wish I got to go to Heber Valley Camp when I was in my youth!:) It was beautiful up there. What an amazing place. Thank you President Hinckley! We had so much fun! Our girls are amazing!

Family Reunion!

We had a great time at the family reunion this year. I was sad to see I hadn't taken as many pictures as I normally do.:) We were in Huntsville and it was so beautiful. We went on bike rides. We ate tonz of great food! Thanks Julie!!!:) We just had a blast hanging out, talking with everyone, and enjoying games until the weeeeeee hours of the morning!:) These people just don't sleep! I thought I was a party animal, but even I was put to shame! I took pictures of our lake day. I didn't even get a picture of Monroe because he was out on the jet ski the entire time!:)

I just have to say...I did not pose Collin in this picture...:) He just sat down and looked like that! It was so funny! He was like a model so I just had to shoot a pic!:)


Summer Fun in the Sun...

...and Rain and Hail...;) Thanks to Rob and Lacy!!! Thanks guys for taking us out! We had a blast!


I used to just dream of this...

Dreams do come true!:)

4th of July Fun

The fourth of July is always fun in Utah!:) I was so happy my sister and her family came to celebrate with us this year again! Here are some of the highlights from that week.

We started of with "Grassy Hill of Fire!!!" My dad didn't come up this year and spoil us with the prime "Stadium" tickets... so we were on the hill just outside... It was still amazing! The fireworks were right above our heads and were spectacular!:) We didn't even need our safety goggles this year!:D

This is a really ugly picture... but I had to document that I actually ran a 10K!!! I used to look at the people who got up early to run in something like that and just think... 'I would never do that! You'd have to be crazy to!' haha I've arrived!:) I did ok for my first run ever! My time was 54:53. I placed 42/132 in my division...176/607 in gender.. So my pace was like 8:51/M. I wish I had ran it before, because at the end I thought I had much longer to go than I did and so I would have pushed myself more. I loved it though and want to do one again soon! My claim to fame...I was running behind Steve Young and totally passed him and beat him!:) HAHA

And of course we can't forget the Provo Parade!!! As always started out at the condo and walk down to Lund Optical to enjoy Monroe's Family and the Lund party & goods!!! You can't beat that!:)

Proud to be an American!:)

Happy 3rd Birthday Monroe!!!:)

Monroe is 3! Yeah! He was so excited for his birthday! We did tons of fun stuff to celebrate! Monroe was set on having a pirate party, so we did! It was so much fun! Thanks to everyone that came and celebrated with us!:) It's been so nice having Monroe's birthday around the 4th of July because we have always had family in town and it just makes everything better! Monroe LOVES his cousins!

We started the day off right with some Mickey Mouse pancakes! Monroe requested them!:) I love now that he is three and can express what he wants more! So now I just give him EVERYTHING he asks for! haha JK!:)

He loved them!:)

After breakfast we took him to that new toy store Blinkenstaffs (?sp?) and let him pick out what he wanted for his birthday.

Dawson & Mamo had a blast!

Thank you soooooo much to Lance & Natalie & his sweet cousins Monroe got just what he wanted!!!! His own plasma car!!! It is so cute to watch him ride it! He was a pro from the very beginning!:) Thanks again guys!!! It's his favorite!!!


Monroe has been close to obsessed about pirates for a while now! He did almost switch it to a Spiderman party the week before, but I think he's glad he stuck to his original plan!:)

The Loot...

The Pirate!

Pirate 'pup'cakes... as Monroe calls them.

His pirate ship balloon that he & I:) just LOVED.

Sneaking a pupcake before the party started...

The Arizona Pirates that sailed in for the treasure hunt- Dawson, Peyton, & Tatum

Sword fight!!!

He ran around with his balloons the whole day!

The birthday boy, I-I, & Captian Collin!

This is as many of the little party pirates I could almost get in a picture together!:)

First round of singing "Happy Birthday"!

And then of course we had to sing it again!:) This was the most creatively uglyish birthday cake ever!:) Who knew you spell aaaarrrrrrrr? aargh? aarrrrgh? Awrr - or at least that's how they spelt it on the cake!!:)(obviously I am no great speller, but Awrr? hmmmm who knew?;))

After the breaking of the pinata!!! At least this year everyone got a chance to hit it! The pirate ship pinata was strong and lasted a few rounds!:)

High fives Carter & Cooper!!! Thanks again to everyone that came!

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