On the 28th of October Lee and I went to Leeds to see his brother Andrew and his fiancee Libby. They had been in Leeds to see a band (not Fall Out Boy, haha) the night before and had stayed over, so they asked us to go and meet them for lunch. We booked a table at Bundobust and got there about 12.30. Driving into Leeds is a nightmare at the moment because they seem to be digging up the whole entire city and the traffic is awful. Plus Leeds were at home so that didn't help either! But it was okay and we finally got to Andrew and Libby.
I love Bundobust because it's all vegetarian so I can choose literally anything. I always get the chaat because I love it so much. I also went for stuffed paratha, these were really nice and I'd get them again. My last dish was the vada pav, which is a deep fried mashed potato ball in a burger bun. It tasted nice, but the texture was a bit bland so I didn't eat it all and wouldn't order it again. But I'm glad I tried it! I also had a lychee cocktail which was delicious.
After lunch we went into Trinity, which happened to have a craft fair going on in the middle. I bought a couple of Christmas presents and some earrings, and we bought some brownies to share later. It was so nice! All four of us went in a couple of shops and then we went down to the Hotel Chocolat cafe for a drink. Unfortunately it was really understaffed so the queue to get drinks was huge and Andrew and Libby had to leave to get their train. But Lee and I had some delicious hot chocolate which came with cocoa whip on top and was delicious!
We got home about 4.30pm and I had a lie down and a nap because I was absolutely exhausted from the night before. Apparently the October slide is a known thing for people with chronic illness and I was definitely feeling it by the end of the month. Resting is good!
I dug out my Dr Marten boots for the first time this year. I got them on Vinted last Christmas and wore them really late into the year because they're really easy to just pull on. The top layer is supposed to rub off and reveal the brighter red underneath - this had started a bit when I got them but I've definitely worn them in more! They're really comfy. I was also wearing reddish tights with bats on that I got from Snag because it was near Halloween.
My outfit was a red skirt that I picked up at a clothes swap in June - it's from New Look originally. It's a size 22 and the waistband is a bit tight but it's actually fine on me. I paired it with my 'We are the weirdos, mister" which came from Grin in Manchester in October last year. It's a quote from The Craft if you don't know it, and it's perfect for near Halloween!