Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Christmas Eve 2024

As I said previously, my aunt, uncle and cousin were spending Christmas in Yorkshire with us. Peter was staying at our house, so on Christmas Eve morning we had a lie in and we had sausage sandwiches and leftovers for an early lunch. We were just chatting and stuff. Then I had to go to work. I don't often work Christmas Eve but I had a lot of things to do so I decided I would go in for just a couple of hours. Then there was a carol service at the church where I work and my mum had asked me to stay for that with her and my stepdad and my aunt and uncle so it made sense for me to go to work later. I took Lee and Peter to my mother's and they just hung out there. 

I finished working about 3.45 and went into the nave where the vicars were setting everything up. They had lit loads of candles and kept the lights low, so it felt really special. There was mulled wine and snacks. The rest of my family arrived and we sat down. It was a relaxed service and I enjoyed the singing. And as you can see, both the ministers were dressed up for the occasion!

After it had finished we went back to my mum's house. She made fajitas for tea - vegetarian for me of course. Plus while I was working my family had made a 7 layer dip! I saw the receipe absolutely ages ago and really wanted to try it. So everyone put it together for us all to share. It was black beans in the bottom and then avocado, salsa, sour cream, cheese, onions, tons of stuff! It was really yummy and lots of us really enjoyed it and said we would try it again. A triumph!

My mum had also made one of her famous lemon cheesecakes - it is SO good and I love it and so does my cousin, so we both had some of that. In the evening we played more games and got stuff ready for Christmas Day so that was good. My mum was in need of resting so we were all trying to take care of her. 

Peter and Kiki when he insisted on giving her a cuddle in the morning

The vicars all dressed up ready for the carol service

The lights looked so lovely especially as it was getting so dark outside. The wooden plinth is covering the baptismal and it has so many delightful things on it. I'm not a Christian but I love our nave - and of course the work I do because I do believe in the charity

Mulled wine when I was waiting for everyone else to arrive

All ready for Christmas at my mum's - she had to move all the furniture around but the tree looked so beautiful 

The table all set for fajitas - but with the best china haha 

The seven layer dip! It was really nice to try!

And the famous lemon cheesecake

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