Showing posts with label Vonster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vonster. Show all posts

Aug 2, 2010

U Post Poster Contest! is happy to announce the first annual "U Post Poster Contest!" brought to you by

Three winners will be chosen. Get all the information here.

Jul 31, 2010

Pierre Bezier

Pierre Bezier AKA "The French Curve."

Not sure if anyone has ever illustrated Pierre Bezier using his name sake bezier curves in a vector illustration? But I figured it would be an appropriate solution for a book I'm working on called "Vector Basic Training."

Nov 15, 2009

From Inspiration to Illustration

"TRI 3Y3 Guy" character illustration.

Like the wind, inspiration can hit you at any moment from any direction, so I like to pay attention to the prevailing creative winds letting my imagination set sail.

Such was the case when I recently watched the movie Fargo. I hadn't watched since it's premiere back in 1996. The moment of inspiration came from an unlikely source, the forehead of actor Steve Buscemi.

More about this project on my blog.

Jul 10, 2009

Cassette Tape Art

Blue eyes linear tape illustration. (Click for larger image)

I've had the idea of doing an illustration such as the one above for a few years now but just haven't found the time to do so. Well a couple weeks ago someone shared the art of iri5 with me (Cool art!) and I realized I better hurry up and do my linear take on the same genre before it becomes old hat.

You can read more about this and see the process at my art blog.

Jun 12, 2009

Twitter Beard

Illustrative Mask "Twitter Beard."

For the past three years I've been teaching "Digital Illustration" in a local college VC program. For this terms final project I assigned the students an "Illustrative Mask" for them to create over a four week period were we focused on each phase of the creative process: Thumbnails, Sketches, Comps, and Final Art all being art directed by myself and peer reviewed.

Striking a pose with "Twitter Beard" mask.

I thought this would be fun so I decided to participate myself. The idea I chose to develop was based on my love of which I've been using going on three years now. (You can follow me at: @vonster)

Construct your own "Twitter Beard" mask.

Download "Twitter Beard" PDF
"Twitter Beard" Mask PDF (1.5MB)

Mar 14, 2009

Beautiful Vectors.

Asian Beauty.

View larger preview of art here.

I've been wanting to illustrate a person in this specific style for a while now. I wasn't sure who I should illustrate, but then while I was watching an episode of "Star Trek Enterprise" the character Hoshi solidified it for me. I wanted to illustrate a Japanese women.

Illustration Detail.

For this project I wanted the background to have a nice authentic Japanese type pattern you might find on a Kosode.

It's not a traditional Japanese pattern, but I was inspired by many of the historical designs I researched. It's a west meets east approach if you will.

In regards to the Kanji characters in this artwork it translates to "Beautiful."

Dec 7, 2008

The 4th Not So Wiseman.

"The 4th Not So Wiseman" paper sculpture.

A holiday promotion I created. My friend Kristen Fischer wrote the story.

Back view.

The sculpture is easy to construct, just follow the simple directions on the PDF template to create your own character. If you'd like to share this PDF with your friends and family feel free to pass along the link or post the link on your own blog.

The 4th Not So Wiseman
By Kristen Fischer

You've heard of the three wisemen, but never the fourth. See, he didn't do so well as far as a gift-giving went. Instead of gold, frankincense or myrrh, he stopped at the dollar store for coal. Let's just say that a very special baby in a manger was not so impressed.

And as the years went on, no one talked about the Fourth Not So Wiseman's laughable gift. When that baby grew up, he didn't want the world to know coal existed. When burned, coal releases two harmful greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide and methane. Jesus just wasn't down with that.

Now the Fourth Not So Wiseman is making a comeback bigger than Britney Spears. He's a reminder to be kind to the earth, live a green lifestyle...remember that you, too, deserve nothing more than a lump of coal if you don't!

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas!


Nov 5, 2008

Evil Clown

Evil Clown Illustration. "Tickles The Clown" (Click image to view larger)

I've been invited to speak in Ohio. To help promote the event they asked me to design a poster. They left the content up to me so of course I gravitated towards something practical, an "Evil Clown."

I'd been wanting to illustrate a doodle I had done of this back in February but just now got around to it. I've decided to name this character "Tickles The Clown." You know, you'll laugh so hard you'll cry, which is "Tickles" real motive after all since he is an evil clown.

Event promotional poster.

The one and only clown I ever enjoyed was "J.P. Patches" he did a local TV show out of Seattle when I was a kid and along with "Captain Kangaroo" he entertained me with all matter of witty banter.

As I got older however I ran into other clowns who I didn't find fun at all. Frankly speaking they more or less creeped me out or just flat out scared the crap out of me. I've always wondered who was the first person to dress up like a clown and whether or not he/she got beat up? LOL

Oct 15, 2008

Talkin' Heads - Sneak Peek!

Talkin' Heads Bonus Set.

The bonus set shown above is just a freebie set I'll be giving away to anyone who orders the original "Talkin' Heads" Veer set once it's released. None of the images shown in this post are part of the Veer set. This is just to wet your appetite.

Oct 9, 2008

The Big "O"

Barack Obama. (Click image to download poster.)

Even though I am not voting for Barack Obama it was still fun creating the artwork none the less.

Be sure to download the big "O" poster using this link.

Oct 6, 2008

Scary Palin?

Scary Palin Poster for Art Show. (Click image to download poster.)

I don't go out of my way to do a lot of politically motivated art. Frankly I think it's a lot of hot air and relatively pointless. I suppose it's a good creative vent for some and I guess that would be the case in point with this art?

So when I was asked by "Start Soma" to participate in their new "Propaganda" show I was intrigued. You see the focus of this new show will be centered around "Sarah Palin."

So the juxtapose I was after was the contrast between a beautiful woman and the fact she scares many

Jun 19, 2008

Head in the Clouds.

"Giraffe character."

Sometimes I get the itch to illustrate something for no other reason than to illustrate something. At first I was going to put the Giraffe in high heels but after sketching it out I changed my mind.

What can I say, I am pragmatic. Common sense told me I could repurpose this art in the future and I figured no one would want a sexy Giraffe.

Jun 14, 2008

Eastern Beauty.

"Eastern Beauty" Artwork. Click image to view larger preview.

Some artwork I created for a "Sumatra Indian Chai Tea" package. The client changed their mind and we are going in a new direction now but I still like how it came out.

May 26, 2008


Tribal Tattoo Lion. (Click to see detailed view)

Sometimes during the course of a creative project I develop more ideas than what the client ultimately uses. A recent project was such the case.

I had developed an idea all the way to a final tight sketch, all that was left is to simply build the art digitally. But then the client changed the direction of the project and we put it aside and moved ahead with new art. Well that project is done now and I decided to flesh this leftover art out.

Mar 19, 2008

The Billy Mays Effect!

'Billy Mays Full-Color Art.'

You've seen him pushing his goods like "Samurai Shark", "OxiClean", "Hercules Hooks", "Handy Switch" or his newest shout out "Mighty Putty." Like me you've probably watched his no frill commercials as he confidently pitches the latest and greatest joe consumer product all the while being hypnotized by his impeccably groomed beard.

Billy's ever present smile, energy and high volume reassure you that what he's offering is a must have. After all he just showed you how it worked and gave it a thumbs up! Lets face it Billy Mays has selling power!

As designers we all struggle with selling our ideas, pitching them to the powers that be, so I though what would help in this pursuit? Billy Mays of course!

'PDF Download.'

Just download the Billy Mays PDF files (Provided in Color and B&W) print them out and apply mask directly to face for your next presentation. With the iconic image of Billy Mays on your side, all you have to do is talk loud, grow out your forearm hair, give a thumbs up to your own design presentations and "Ka-Boom", your audience will buy into your ideas in no time!

What are you waiting for? The power of Billy Mays is just a click away.

Get your "Billy Mays Power Mask" here: Download PDF Template

Feb 11, 2008

The Illustration Conference - ICON5

I am happy to announce the launch of "The Illustration Conference - ICON5" web site!

This is the fifth conference by illustrators for illustrators and this incarnation of it will be held in the center of the illustration universe, the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps...New York City!

So take a few minutes and check out all the sessions and events we have in store and share this link with other illustrators you know who might be interested.


Von R. Glitschka
ICON5 Technology Chair

Dec 27, 2007

Loyal Order of Thug Bunny

'Thug Bunny - Click to see larger version of art.'

A few years back me and another designer almost started a new design firm together. One of the names we had kicked around at that time was "Thug Bunny." I liked the name so much I secured the domain and lately I've been thinking about that name and decided I needed to illustrate it.

The above art is the result of this recent inspiration.

Dec 13, 2007

Doodle Art

'Doodle Fish.'

Been cutting out shapes using scissors and cardboard then just drawing on top of them. It's been fun.

I have more posted on my art blog here.

Dec 11, 2007

Book Worm

'Refined Doodle Art "Book Worm" Download in context.'

This past weekend I stumbled upon a fun little creative exercise. The above image shows you the result of my doodle exercise. As I drew his worm like torso I thought of this specific usage. That is emerging from my books on my shelf and thus "Book Worm" was born.

Give "Book Worm" a home in your bookshelf today!



Nov 24, 2007

Trashing Abe

'Doodle Movie - Trashing Abe'

Another doodle movie using one of my recent drawings of Abraham Lincoln, some found textures from a parking garage in Nashville, a church door in NYC and a local parking lot. Also included is several historical diagrams I found in a vintage high school science book which I've made into Photoshop brushes.

Mix them all together and you get this essential nonsense.