Sunday, September 30, 2012

Let's Get Sketchy #31 - my brother the barber

It is time for another fun Let's Get Sketchy sketch!  This one features one of my favorite elements - banner strips - as well as a technique I am still working on - misting.  So, it was a ton of fun to work with!

I used scraps from MME Hip Hooray and Alphabet Soup (both the "girl" lines) and some MLS alphas for this layout.  The mists are OA and one homemade one. 

The pictures are from when my 2yo cut his 4yo sister's hair one day.  I know at 11:45 her hair was not cut (due to other pictures), but by 1:45 it was.  For some reason she let him totally butcher the left side fo her hair.  I noticed it when she decided to join me in some push-ups (back when I worked out since I used to be able to get both "little" kids to nap at the same time).  I immediately stopped working out and took pictures - like any other scrapbooking mom would do!  Then I turned on a show for her and went to work trying to fix it.  It wasn't perfect, but it was definitely presentable!

Now it is your turn to play along!  Take this sketch and use it to create a wonderful masterpiece.  Then link up with us over at Let's Get Sketchy!  And if you want more inspiration, there are some other amazing layouts on the blog!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Use It Tuesday - Scraps!

Time for another Use It Tuesday challenge!  This time, you get to pull out all of your scraps and put them to work!  And I know you have scraps laying around ready to be used.

There are a lot of great projects by the other design team ladies over at Use It Tuesday, so make sure to check them out and then post your own!  And now on to what I did...

A few week's back, my friend Erica was the guest sketcher for ScrapbookSteals.  I only get one of her layouts done that week because of traveling, etc, but I wanted to do both.  And the layout I hadn't done worked perfectly for this!  First I cut some hexagons out of scrap cardstock I had.  Then I pulled out a variety of blue and green scraps and cut them into thin strips.  I slowly got all three hexagons covered and ready to go.  The background paper is part of a paper pack my MIL found at a garage sale.  It has to be at least a few years old for sure.  But, the dark green worked great with the blue and green scraps for sure.  Once I had the hexagons and picture mounted on the cardstock, it was time to embellish.  First up was the top right corner of the photo. I took some more scraps (orange, yellow, and grey this time) and cut out some "funky" stars and a moon to go with the sleeping theme.  Then I tackled the bottom left corner of the layout.  I cut a circle out of the same cardstock I used for the hexagon bases for the journalling.  Then I added two strips left from everything else to that.  I finally pulled out some buttons to add as a finishing touch.

The alphas are plain cardstock, and they were with the things my MIL found at the garage sale.  I first misted them with a home made blue mist and an OA green mist.  Then I stamped them with a fun Unity stamp I had laying around.  I love that the alphas are bigger than the standard ones out there, which is nice with such a short title.

I finished the whole layout up with some faux stitching on the hexagons and some real stitches in the buttons.  

My First Scrap-Friendzy Challenge!

Well, last week I found out I was selected to my THIRD design team - Scrap-Friendzy!

I am very excited because this is where I get to create my own challenges.  And today I got to do just that.  Here is the challenge I gave to everyone over in Scrap-Friendzy:

Learning is always on my mind - from teaching my own children to teaching college students to my own personal learning.  So, I thought for my FIRST Scrap-Friendzy challenge, I would challenge you to do a page about learning.  Here is what I came up with:

The layout is of my oldest who started Kindergarten home school this year.  She is to the point where she wants to do her school work most of the time, and I wanted to remember this (because you know, in 10 years, it might be helpful to remind her).  I used the ScrapbookSteals MWM Coral 1 sketch as a base for this layout, of course adapting it to fit the pictures I wanted to use.  It is a little "busier" than many of my pages, but I wanted a fun layout for her school work.

Now for you challenge!  Do a layout about some sort of learning.  It could be your kids (or grandkids, etc) learning to walk.  It could be about anything school related.  It could be about something you are learning - maybe a new craft or a class you took at a LSS.  As long as the "theme" is learning or education, then it will count!

If you like the challenge, join us over at Scrap-Friendzy!  We are finishing up a month of challenges and planning for the 5th birthday celebration next month!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Let's Get Sketchy #29 - VBS '08

Time for another Let's Get Sketchy sketch!  

This time I decided to go bright and colorful using some Amy Tangerine (American Crafts).  The pictures from VBS when my oldest was less than a year old cried out for bright and fun.  Since I didn't want to cut a circle, I made a "circle" using rectangles of paper (it is actually a dodecagon with 12 sides).  But, I got stuck when the layout looked like this:

So I asked some of the other design team ladies at LGS for advice.  And then pointed me in the right direction!  First, I knew I needed something in the top left.  One of them gave me the idea to fold the edge over and reveal the back.  Well, the base is actually solid textured cardstock, so I glued a piece of the green paper there and added the orange button to tie everything in.  Then I trimmed the whole thing down a tiny bit, distressed the edges, and matted it on bright pink cardstock.  This added a nice punch to the layout.  But, it still wasn't done.  Finally, I got the idea to add some faux stitching.  This is what it needed to finish it off.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Perfectly Pearl

Another set of "10" layouts is done at ScrapbookSteals.  This time there were two sketches on three weeks. I got all thirteen layouts done, although one I am saving for a design team reveal later this month.  Here are the other 12 as well as the details of the last one.

Pearl 1

Pearl 2

Pearl 3

Pearl 4a

Pearl 4b

Pearl 5a

Pearl 5b

Pearl 6

Pearl 7

Pearl 8

Pearl 9b
Pearl 10
On Pearl 10, I decided to do some hidden pictures and journalling.  Behind the family photo (4x8) I put a collage of other photos from our Christmas celebrations.  And then on the actual layout area I put the journalling.  The rosette at the bottom right of the photo holds it closed.

Monday, September 10, 2012

UIT Anything Goes!

Time for another Use It Tuesday challenge!  Challenge #39 is Anything Goes.  That means as long as you use something hoarded in a project this week, you should link up!  Paper, scraps, stamps, ink, alphas, embellishments - you name it!  Get creating using your stash and show us what you can make!

My oldest is already {un}patiently waiting until she looses her first tooth.  Since we don't "do" Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, we decided to not "do" the tooth fairy either.  But, that doesn't mean there aren't "rewards" for loosing a tooth!  And she knows she will get something thanks to TV shows with the tooth fairy in them.  So, I wanted to make something for her to hold and tooth and then the prize.  Since her current thought for a prize is a new tooth brush and tooth paste, it needs to be a decent size.  So, I decided to make a door knob hanger.  That will save having to sneak into the room too since the kids will all be sharing a room AND some of them aren't the heaviest of sleepers.

I decided to start with some hoarded DCWV glitter paper that I have had for AGES.  I am just not a huge pink fan, so it has been hard to use it up.  Since I have a bunch of white cardstock, I used that as the base.  I cut the circle and the rounded top with my Creative Memories cutters.  Then I created a pocket in the middle (just a band of cardstock glued inside).  Then it was time to decorate.  The green rick rack is over 2 years old.  It has a pattern on the front that I just didn't love.  And I finally got the idea to just flip it over.  Then I cut the bracket tag for the front with my Silhouette SD.  That thing has been collecting dust lately, so I pulled it out and put it to work cutting the bracket and letters.  Then I remembered the dino mouth I had already in my Silhouette files.  A friend wanted and outline cut set up, so I did that for her almost a year ago I think.  She used it for when her son got his teeth, but I am going to put it to work for the losing side.  I will number the teeth as she looses them, and then put the numbers and dates on the tag behind it.  The orange rick rick I have had for almost 2 years too - just waiting to be used as well.  Finally I added some flowers from Imaginese and some MME Lush brads to finish it off.  My daughter already loves it.  Now to just wait until she looses a tooth (which might be a year or two...)

Let's Get Sketchy #28

A new sketch is up at Let's Get Sketchy.  It is Team B's turn to show you inspiration, so I don't have a layout done*.  But, there is some amazing layouts over on the blog to check out!

Here is the sketch for the week:

*We can complete the sketches for the "other" team, but I just didn't have time for this one.  We were out of town for 8 days, so I didn't scrap as much as normal last week.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Let's Get Sketchy #27

I know what you are thinking - how does she have the layout done when it was just posted seconds ago?  Well, in case you missed it, I made the design team for Let's Get Sketchy!  I am on the A team, so my layouts will be on the first and third Mondays.  Here is the first sketch and my take on it:

I used Echo Park Times and Seasons with a random piece of solid cardstock for this one.  I added some twine (actually it is more of a yarn for dish clothes), black thread (for the stitched circles) and a Stampin' Up button.  The title is done out of EP Times and Seasons alphas and Cosmo Cricket Tiny Type.  Oh, and that firetruck is a button I had around.  It was the perfect finishing touch to the layout.

Now, it is time for you to create!  If you need more inspiration, head over to the Let's Get Sketchy blog and see what the other Team A members created!