I loved
Nic's post about using alphas not so long back.
Lets face it, we have a ton of leftovers we can't/don't/won't use but more often than not, we are prone to running out of certain letters; especially if they pertain to repetitive use of our families names. I am forever running out of the letter "e" and "l" (my daughter is called Ellie) so it got me thinking about getting creative with my existing letters.
Below you will find other ways to use dormant letters in your alpha kits. We hope you can now delve back into your alphas stickers today to get the best value out of them whilst they would otherwise be gathering dust.
lower case b - upside down makes a q
lower case c - add a full stop on the middle to make a creative lower case e or add an extra side to make a lower case d
lower case d - upside down makes a p
lower case g - some can be turned upside down to make a b (cut the tail!)
lower case j - can be cut down to a lower case i
lower case m - upside down can sometimes make a w (vice
lower case u or n - can be switched to be either when upside down
lower case x - cut off one leg to make the letter y
upper case A - can be cut to an upper case V
upper case B - can be cut to an upper case P
upper case E - can be cut to an upper case F
upper case G - can be cut to an upper case C
upper case H - can be cut to two upper case
I'supper case P - add a leg to make an upper case R
upper case Q - can be cut to an upper case O
upper case R - can be cut to an upper case P
upper case T - can be cut to an upper case L
uppercase Z - can be turned to an upper case N (vice
upper case V - add a dot to make an upper case A
the number 1 - can also be used as a letter "i" or "l"
the number 3 - can be used as a w or m and indeed capital E(depends how cursive the font is)
the number 4 - can be used as a letter a if you can add the extra leg discreetly
the number 5 - can be used as a letter b if you cut his hat off and put it in front of his belly!
the number 6 - can be used as a spare 9
the number 7 - can be used as an "L" by snipping at the join and
rotating to look like a right angled "L"
the number 9 - can be (sort of) used as a letter b and
definitely the letter g
the number o - obviously as a letter "o"
I'm sure
I've missed a few - can you think of some more? Help spread the alpha love (especially extending the use of those
gorgeous American Craft glitter
Kirsty x