Showing posts with label Flags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flags. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Nizam-i-cedid Anatolian nefer infantry

This post shows the third unit in the Ottoman expansion. It is a unit of Nizam-i-cedid Anatolian nefer infantry. I like these guys and their uniform even though a less kind observer made comments about them wearing half a watermelon on their heads.

I intend to do another five or six units of Ottoman infantry, maybe an Albanian regular unit, another Jannisary unit and then some Egyptian fellahin. But these will need to wait until after the next batch of red trousered Frenchmen (another 18 battalions of which arrived yesterday) are completed.

Finally, I drew these flags that are available here for free to anyone who has a need for them. They are vector drawings rendered to a high resolution .png output so should print cleanly at 100% scaling for 28mm. For 15mm a print scaling of 66% should be adequate....and no I have no idea what the Arabic text reads...I just used a few random glyphs from the font set.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Free Russo-Japanese War Flag Sets

Below is a series of Russo-Japanese War flags that I drew up when creating the RJW armies. Like the ACW flag sets posted here last month these are posted here free of charge. They are drawn in a vector based software package and rendered as high resolution (300ppi) .png files. Also like the ACW flags, the Russian flags are drawn to a 30mm x 30mm size but depending on the software application you open them in, they may require resizing.

Russian Flags

The Russian flags represent the regimental standards issued from the 1880s onwards. There are two patterns, those of the Christian regiments, with the face of Christ on the obverse face, and a royal cypher on the reverse, while those of the non-Christian regiments have the Imperial Eagle on the obverse and the cypher on the reverse. Those issued prior to 1900 bear the cypher "A" for Alexander III's, and those post 1900 have the "N" cypher of Nicolas II.

The flags are then sorted by regimental colour. Within each division the regimental colours are: 

1st Regiment - Red border and detailing
2nd Regiment -Blue border and detailing
3rd Regiment - White and red detailing
4th Regiment - Green border and detailing

The Christian Regiments 
The non-Christian Regiments 
Japanese Flags

The Japanese flags bore the regimental name in the white canton on the lower section of the flag, nearest the pole. When drawn they were scaled 30mm on the fly.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Free American Civil War Flags

Some seven or eight years ago, as a part of my American Civil War army expansion, I undertook to create some sets of ACW flags. I have no desire to make these commercially available so I am offering them here for free.

The flags are created from information that was available to me at the time and any errors are entirely mine. The sets include Union and Confederate National, Regimental, State and battle flags. Union Corps and divisional sets are also included.

These flags are drawn in a vector based drawing application and rendered to a high resolution (300 dpi) .png file. The originals were drawn to match 28mm figures (so that a Union National colour measures 30mm on the fly), but depending on the application you open the files in the images may need to be scaled. 

Confederate Flags

Union Flags

Union Corps and Divisional Flags