cute lil'thing

"I love you guys SOOO MUCH!  We'll be together FOREVER!" exclaimed Chloe over dinner at a restaurant with Nonny, Grandpa and Mommy.

While on an airplane.
Me: Chloe you can watch a video when we get up in the air.
Chloe:  No, Mommy, not the AIR, just the SKY.

Britton: Chloe, what does Daddy do all day?
Chloe: You go to work!
Britton: What does Mommy do all day?
Chloe:*silence*........... Mommy goes to the dentist!.
Too true, little girl, too true!

Chloe was eating chocolate ice cream and had it all over her face.
Me: Chloe go wipe your face on the rag in the kitchen
Chloe: "ok!" and she immediately runs into the kitchen and wipes her face on the rug in front of the sink.

Chloe: Mommy, I'm gonna sing you Happy Birthday on your birthday.  Oh! I have to go to the store to buy you a present for your party!
Me:  What are you going to buy me?
Chloe: A toy for you birthday!

Chloe does not stop talking... I can't even wrangle in her thoughts to write them down.  They spill forth at an alarming rate.  As of late she turns every action into song.  She's made her life a musical. 

C is obsessed with relationship between Mother and child.  EVERYTHING becomes a baby.
A half eaten cracker at dinner was rocked loving in her arms.  Every inanimate object in the house has been given a "Mother" .... "THIS is the baby, and THIS is her MOTHER."

Chloe's favorite gymnastic moves:
"Apart.....tog-eyer" ..'Apart, together'  repeated confidently as she jumps from her legs together then apart.

Little Chlo decided that today would be the first time she would not be carried during communion - instead she headed up to receive a blessing at communion all by herself.  She marched her little self all the way from our pew in the back of church to the priest, arms folded nicely over her chest...almost bumping into the woman in front of her the whole way.  She's so small that I think it shocked a lot of people in Mass to see her do this so confidently.  It was hard not to smile following her little body as she led our small family of 3.  Hands down one of my proudest days as a mother.  What a brave little girl.

During a phone call this morning with my friend I muted the news on T.V. Chloe kept asking me, "Turn a' on?"  And, of course, I continued to try to distract her with other things.  She disappeared for a few minutes and came toddling back with the remote to the portable DVD player we use in the car.  Apparently old Chlo decided to take matters into her own hands.  She started pointing it at the t.v. and pressing all the buttons. What a stinker.  How did she find that?!

Chloe has begun to thank us for many things.  She mostly does this for Daddy. When she kisses him goodnight or sees him off to work it is invariably followed by, "Thank you for jumpin' on a bed Da-eee" or "Thank you for playin' store with me Da-eee."  So cute!

Chloe has become extremely manipulative, which reminds me of how my parents describe me as a young child.  This particular night we were celebrating with family at Nonny & Grandpa's house, watching home movies.  Chloe kept begging me to take her into the other room to play but I insisted on staying and watching.  After about 5 minutes Chloe started complaining, "Mama, my bellllllllyyyy huuuuurrrttts" and very convincingly rolled around on the ground.  I was actually quite worried about her.  "Mama, rub'a'belllly?  Pweeez rub'a'belly?"  Oh poor baby, thought I - she even unzipped her own jammies and began rubbing her fat belly.  She asked me to take her in the dark rooms beyond.  I thought this was because she needed some quiet comfort.  But the second I carried her sickly little self into the other room she SHOT up in my arms and demanded quite loud, very forcefully and without ANY humor, "Zip it (pajamas), Mama.  Let's PLAY." 

Chloe: Isaac has new baby Beckett at Isaac's house.  Maybe someday Co-ee has a baby Beckett at Co-ee's house"  We're workin' on it kid ;)

As I exit the bathroom after taking a shower I see Chloe walking all over the house using the plunger as a cane.
Me: Chloe that is NOT a toy
Chloe:  Dat's Daddy's

Chloe pretending to take her stuffed frog's temperature with the thermometer under its arm: "Waits goes beeeeeep!" (wait until it goes beep to take it out)

I listen from the other room as Chloe praises her stuffed frog --- "look at you, foggy...look at you! Sitting like a big boy!"

"Thank you Da-ee (Daddy) payin' music for Co-ee (Chloe) Mommy dance!" - Chloe after Britton finished a song on the guitar.

Chloe has been saying, "goodness gracious!" about every chance she gets for the last few days.  We aren't even sure where she got the phrase.  Today I got her a princess wand at the dollar store --- when I opened the package for her in the car she exclaimed, "A princess wand! Oh my goodness gracious!"  So cute.

We had been using Santa as a bribe all week to get Chloe to do whatever we wanted.  She is constantly saying to me, "Mama hode (hold) ju (you)" during dinner.  So we said, "Chloe Santa said you need to eat your all your dinner."  Chloe stared right at me and stated very plainly, "Santa said hode ju."  Looks like she beat us at our own game!

Chloe loves me to 'read' our little book of the Rosary.  I was going over the Joyful Mysteries
The Visition:
Chloe:  They're cousins! That's Mary's cousin!
The Nativity:
Me:  Chloe this is the Nativity, which means the birth of Jesus - Jesus' Birthday!  Here is His family - Mary is His mother, Joseph is His daddy and here is Jesus.
Chloe (excitedly): Wow!.....THAT SOUNDS GREAT!
Then she started to insist that she take a turn reading the "Bible" (rosary book) "just like the priest does at Mass.  Let's go see Jesus at Mass....that would be SOOOOO FUUUUNNNNN!"

Chloe while eating hummus and pretzels "Mmmmmmm..............this is good stuffs!"

Driving by any Catholic Church (of which there are a lot in this town) Chloe manages to find either a statue of Jesus or Mary.  She always says, "I see Jesus --- let's go get'im!"

Conversations with Chloe usually begin with one or all of the following:
Hey Mama.
Whas goin' Mama? (What's goin on?)
What up to Mama? (What are you up to Mama?)
What ups Mama? (What's up Mama?)


While desperately trying to make our antenna pick up PBS and fiddling with the remote, Chloe walks over to me and says, "Gimmie that (remote) what's going on here?"

Me: Chloe who says, "To the rescue!" ?
Chloe:  Super Why do dat.
Me: Chloe who cries when they are cold or hungry?
Chloe: Baby do dat.
Her answer to questions about 'Who does (such and such)' is always '(such and such) do dat'

Me: Chloe it's time for nap
Chloe:  Ok...I go cry.

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