Wednesday, March 20, 2013

4 Family

We are officially "4 Family" as Chloe would say!  

Jude Thomas came roaring into the world Tuesday morning after a 4 hour labor.  I awoke in the middle of the night confused because my contractions were immediately 1-3 minutes apart and by the time I woke up Britton after about 1/2 hour I still wasn't sure I should call my midwife because I thought,  "Surely this isn't labor!"  It couldn't have been different from my slow and steady 21 hour labor with Chlo!  Thankfully I have a sweet sister-in-law who is in midwifery school and I called her first for advice.  She recommended contacting my midwife Peg and soon after I did my water broke.  I went right into the hospital and Peg rushed to meet us.  My labor with Chloe was long and au natural, but by the time I arrived at the hospital this time around I knew I wanted the drugs.  But alas!  I was fully dilated upon arrival so I had to tough it out.  I guess I thought I wanted the drugs because I was so far along! Jude was born bright eyed and bushy-tailed with his hands next to his face at 5:15am.  He weighed 9lbs 11oz and measured 22.5 inches long - and his hands are still always by his face!

We are all madly in love with this little man.  Chloe took to him immediately and really hasn't required any adjustment.  I'm so thankful she hasn't expressed any jealousy and she's very understanding about the amount of care a newborn needs.  She is quite the little mother!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer News

So much for getting back into blogging.

For the last 3 months I've been too busy.  Not at the beach or on my bike with the wind in my hair.  Not downtown or enjoying the sun's summer rays. There will be absolutely no more excessive gloating about the wonders of our summer beach least until next year.

I have, however, been super busy hugging the toilet, getting a lot of sleep, holding down only the most random foods (think queso, bologna and instant mashed potatoes - things I would not normally allow in this temple) and delving into acupuncture twice a week for nausea relief.  All in anticipation of this amazing little honey of a bean - due March 1st!

When we ask Chloe whether she wants a little brother or sister she simply says, "We'll just see whatever comes out!"  She is SO excited and so are we. She talks about the baby all day - about sharing and teaching and she is filled with questions and love.  If that isn't a testament to the validity of life in the womb I don't know what is. Chloe will be an amazing big sister and she has been waiting so patiently for years for God to bless us with this baby.

Britton has been an amazing support through the insane sickness.  I feel so lucky to have him.  He never questions my crazy needs or the horrors of my sickness.  Chloe, too, in her own way has been very supportive, saying things like, "Mommy - don't drink water or you'll throw up!" or "Mom, do you feel sick right now? Should I watch just ONE TV show, Mom?" knowing that I'll fold like an origami bird.  But things are slowly on the up and up as I happily get ready to say goodbye to my first trimester.

In other news, Chloe is gearing up for her first school experiences at the local Coop Preschool.  We are very excited for her and she is definitely ready to get out there.  The girl loves to socialize and make new friends.  She told me, "Mom, you don't need to drive me to school because I'll just take the bus."  SLOW DOWN CHILD!  She can't wait to be surrounded by kids 2 afternoons a week.

Britton is beginning the last year of his clerkship in Traverse City.  Anyone have a job for us when he's done?  We have lots of experience living in the most random places and are looking to settle down next August! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer 2012

We are creeping up on a year without a post here.  I'm gonna ease right back on into blogging with a basically just photos post.  

FINALLY summer has arrived and we are spending a lot of time doing our favorite things - riding bikes, exploring coastal towns and going to the BEACH.   For Father's Day we had great friends in town and rented a stand up paddle board.  We absolutely love having visitors and in the summer time it's pretty much a constant flow of friends and fun!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

why-oh why oh why-oh...

WHY did I EEEEEVVVVVVERRR leave OHIOOOOOO ... or Detroit, for that matter.
Chloe and I took an amazing two week driving adventure to D town & into Ohio. I'm still kicking myself for not taking more photos in Detroit.

We had a nice long visit with cousin Matthew in Wooster, OH. These two little ones are thick as thieves. They are getting pretty wild together which makes me only wonder what life will be like when they are teenagers. Chloe was seen riding Matthew down the slide. They were jumping off of tall play structures. Wrestling. Dare I go on?

The County Fair in Wooster, OH is always a hit, which is why we planned our entire trip around it!

There were some massive big kid moments on the rides. Kids only! There was also one of the saddest displays of desperation I have ever seen trying to get off the roller coaster. I can't even post the photos, they bring up too many sad memories for me. When asked what her favorite ride was, Chloe STILL begins by saying, "I didn't like that dragon roller coaster."

And onto apple picking. Fun times!

We visited some of our favs on a quick stop in Cleveland. They just HAPPEN to have the BEST pretend magical forest. Chloe loves it because she gets to watch all her first runs of Disney movies there. This visit she watched Snow White.

and Teta took her on a magic carpet ride.

Then back to Detroit for a day. Chloe's boyfriend tried to pick her up on his new motorcycle. He may be cute & from a good family, but I said, "not till you can reach the handle bars, buddy."

So ever since our visit, little Chlo has just INSISTED on moving back to our old house. Really sad. We love ya'll so much! Thanks for the fab visit!

Monday, September 26, 2011


We braved a long weekend camping in the Huron National Forest. It was super amazingly beautiful - HOWEVER, taking a two year old to an extremely secluded campsite with no grate over the cook fire was too adventurous. There was little to no sleep. But the overall sentiment was that is was a fabulous first family vacation. Our nearest neighbor was at least 1/2 mile away and our site was nestled at the top of a sand dune that was at least 200 ft. above a beautiful river. Not a modern convenience in sight!

Chloe caring for her 'babies' (Piglet & Froggy) in a sling.

Family bandanas!

Hot chocolate

We also visited a Woodsmen Memorial

We ended the trip with a trip with a great miniature train ride.

Here is a photo Britt snapped while in the pitch-black train tunnel. I love Chloe's expression!

Monday, August 15, 2011

the life

For living in what I consider to be one of the most beautiful places EVER... I sure have been a lame photographer. I really need to get to all our hot spots and take photos. Hopefully within the next week I'll have something to share! We've been too busy having fun to ever remember to bring along my camera. But here are some photos I took this weekend in Empire. We spent a lovely Sunday checking out the surf shop, grabbing lunch and enjoying the sunshine!

catchin' some breeze on the drive to Empire

running in the waves

Chloe's new kite

she can fly it all by herself!

In other news, Britt is training his little b off for a half marathon up Old Mission Peninsula this fall. We are trying to plan a camping trip, surfing and paddle boarding. Chloe and I have been busy at the library, the beach and oh so many parks and festivals. But her all time favorite thing to do is "ride in the bike trailer and go downtown to look at the stores." She'll choose that over any other activity! We are even starting to meet people to hang out with! This place is such a blessing to us! I have to say our quality of life here rocks. We kind of hope we can stay here forever.... I might change my mind come winter....but I sort of doubt it - I'm ready to tackle cross country skiing and snowshoeing!

Monday, July 18, 2011


I haven't taken a single photo of our new house. We just haven't been spending time there. We sleep amongst boxes and play all day. There is TOO much to do in this amazing town! We feel so blessed to call this home - and we're pretty sure we will never want to leave! There is literally something new to do each and every day.
If ya'll don't visit ---- pie in your face! Come one, come all!

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