We are officially "4 Family" as Chloe would say!
Jude Thomas came roaring into the world Tuesday morning after a 4 hour labor. I awoke in the middle of the night confused because my contractions were immediately 1-3 minutes apart and by the time I woke up Britton after about 1/2 hour I still wasn't sure I should call my midwife because I thought, "Surely this isn't labor!" It couldn't have been different from my slow and steady 21 hour labor with Chlo! Thankfully I have a sweet sister-in-law who is in midwifery school and I called her first for advice. She recommended contacting my midwife Peg and soon after I did my water broke. I went right into the hospital and Peg rushed to meet us. My labor with Chloe was long and au natural, but by the time I arrived at the hospital this time around I knew I wanted the drugs. But alas! I was fully dilated upon arrival so I had to tough it out. I guess I thought I wanted the drugs because I was so far along! Jude was born bright eyed and bushy-tailed with his hands next to his face at 5:15am. He weighed 9lbs 11oz and measured 22.5 inches long - and his hands are still always by his face!
We are all madly in love with this little man. Chloe took to him
immediately and really hasn't required any adjustment. I'm so thankful
she hasn't expressed any jealousy and she's very understanding about the
amount of care a newborn needs. She is quite the little mother!