Have you seen? Am I the last to know (I usually am)!
We now have 2 little buttons below each comment that we receive...
one is DELETE and the best one...so precious... is REPLY!
A great big Blogspot Ta-Dah....Well done Blogspot !
Yesterday my postman brought me this...
An envelope all the way from New South Wales, Australia!
Lovely Karisma from Karisma's Kraft sent me 4 squares for the
Beautiful Blogger Blanket of 2012!
Here they are:
Aren't they beautiful? They are crocheted in a lovely dark purple cotton.
Karisma has sent 4 squares all the same which is lovely.
Here are some close-ups..
Karisma also sent a card...
" Outback Sunset"
Thanks so much Karisma...
it is so lovely to know that you took the trouble and time to
make them so beautifully and send them half way round the world!
I had another lovely surprise yesterday when Laura from
My House in Africa sent me this:
My fourth Liebster Blog Award! This is what Laura wrote:
"http://www.stocki.blogspot.com/ - here you'll find Jill from the UK
who is funny, generous to a fault and very creative. She has some great pattern links on her site and, of course, you'll meet the delightful Fred......"
Thanks Laura! It means so much to be given these awards by such lovely people.
Now before I pop off to take my Mum shopping I must confess to joining in yet another challenge for 2012... this time I really couldn't resist the gauntlet laid down by Barbara over at Made in K-Town
Barbara set herself a personal 2012 Crochet Challenge which is
to make at least 100 motifs from Edie Eckman's book,
"Beyond the Square - Crochet Motifs"
....and then Barbara invited her blog readers to join in... maybe you would like to join us? If so pop over and tell Barbara
I was looking for inspiration when we went into 2012 and now I have masses of it....
So far I am:
1. Organising the Beautiful Blogger Blanket of 2012
2. Taking part in Gingerbread Girl's One-A-Day project.
4. Taking part in Barbara's 100 Motifs in 2012 project.
5. Taking part in Lynda's Travelling Craft box at HookinwithLaalaa
PHEW! Wish me luck.....
Now before I pop off to take my Mum shopping I must confess to joining in yet another challenge for 2012... this time I really couldn't resist the gauntlet laid down by Barbara over at Made in K-Town
to make at least 100 motifs from Edie Eckman's book,
"Beyond the Square - Crochet Motifs"
....and then Barbara invited her blog readers to join in... maybe you would like to join us? If so pop over and tell Barbara
I was looking for inspiration when we went into 2012 and now I have masses of it....
So far I am:
1. Organising the Beautiful Blogger Blanket of 2012
2. Taking part in Gingerbread Girl's One-A-Day project.
3. Taking part in Lynda's Blanket Squares Swap 2012 at HookinwithLaalaa
4. Taking part in Barbara's 100 Motifs in 2012 project.
5. Taking part in Lynda's Travelling Craft box at HookinwithLaalaa
PHEW! Wish me luck.....