Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Basment Pictures - Just for V!

Here are some basement pictures just for V! I took them this morning so it doesn't give the full impact of the disaster area, but it does show what I have pulled out and gotten ready to take to the garage for the sale. My friend Sally came to pick me up for our morning trek through the park and was amazed by what we did have in the garage. She said we would make a fortune! I was really sore from everything yesterday, but we still managed to walk/run the lake.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Basement - Day 1

Today Dh and I finally ventured into the basement. We spent 8 hours down there sorting, stacking, tossing, moving, etc. We can now see the floor. We have decided to have a garage sale on Friday and Saturday. Everything that leaves the basement will NOT be coming back into the basement. If it doesn't sale, it goes into the cars and will be delivered to Goodwill that afternoon.

I have finally accepted that we will not have any more children and now I just want to get rid of everything ~ 12 years of stuff. Oh my! Another example of how we are packrats!

Dh did put some of the bigger things on craigslist since he has had great success at getting rid of things before.

Tomorrow we will do more of the same and continue to get ready for the garage sale!

We sold the patio chairs and DD's old bedroom set:) I told Dh I really don't care of we get lots of money for the stuff or not. I just want it gone so we don't have to deal with it anymore.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday Goals

I am still working on Saturday's goals. I ended up needing to go to Kohl's and getting DD some more shorts. The ones that I had bought her about two weeks ago are now too small. Needless to say I was very frustrated with that. We also went to my mom's for dinner.

So new goals for today and tomorrow:
  • Finish organizing in kitchen - go through cabinets/drawers/pantry
  • Finish organizing in back bedroom - DH bought book shelf and now I NEED to make him put it together/clean out closet
  • Finish my closet - go through clothes/shoes/misc and get rid of things I won't/don't wear
  • Finish cleaning master bath - scrub floor/go through linen closet
  • Finish cleaning master bedroom - organize books/dust/clean out drawers/clean under bed

Basement organization will begin on Wednesday, June 4

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday, May 31 Goals

I am going to start my organization frenzy a day early. It is really hot outside and I want to distract myself from the urge to shop. It is feeling really strong today. Though I do need to buy a bookcase and some baskets to go on the bookcase so I can organize the back bedroom.

  • master bathroom
  • kitchen
  • laundry
  • vaccumn furniture and floor
  • Projects:

  • Guest bedroom - go through closet/buy bookshelf/organize "stuff"
  • Planning desk - clean out drawers/organize recipes
  • Closet - clean out all clothes and shoes/sort and organize

  • Stitching:

    • finish the border and bottom flowering plants

    Sunday, December 2, 2007

    Stitching Progress and Organization

    I stitched for about an hour last night on Bethlehem Christmas by Sheperd's Bush. I am almost done with the word "Christmas". I need to finish the little sheep and the beard on the shepherd. I will do that tonight. Tomorrow I will start on the angel. I am not using the specialty threads since I would of had to order them. I am trying to use the threads I have. I love the way it is looking.

    Now I mentioned organization. I bought 4 containers last night that have drawers in them. I am going to store my floss and such in them. Right now I have all my floss divided up into gallon ziplock bags. When I need a color I grab the Wal-Mart bag that has all the gallon ziplock bags with the floss in them. It is quite chaotic. I have decided to use this system instead. I have my specialty floss in a rubbermaid shoebox and they are in little individual baggies labeled with what they are. I then have an excell spreadsheet in ABC order to help me when I am planning project.