After I finished my flounder and deviled crab, I was sitting there fiddling with my wedding ring (it's getting a little loose on my finger) and I looked down and there was a gaping cavity in the middle. The diamond had fallen out!!! Holy moly. My stomach dropped. Of course, I started looking around, in my coat pockets, on the plate, table, floor... The waitress swept under the table for me. No diamond. My eyes were glued on the ground as we walked to the car. Have you ever noticed how much glittery stuff there is in asphalt? We searched the car, the garage and every place I had been since I got home from work. No diamond.
Needless to say, I didn't sleep well that night. On Sunday, I was preparing to head over to the shop and search the entire place on my hands and knees. I refused to think about the possibility that it had fallen out in WalMart. Since it was daylight I decided to check the garage and car again. Lo and behold, there is was on the passenger side floorboard! I guess I just couldn't see it the night before. I almost fainted.
It's now in the hands of the local jeweller, who proudly told me that it would be ready on Thursday. According to him, wedding and engagement rings get priority because no one wants to be without theirs for long. Amen, brother!
Sooooo, since stitching is my only path to sanity, Margret Gatis has grown immensely this weekend. I finished the knot garden, so all the over three threads stuff is done. Woohoo! That's almost as good as a finish. Last night I stitched the name, but I cheated. I substituted Smyrna crosses for Algerian eyes, for the simple reason that I hate Algerian eyes. It's too easy for one side to end up bigger than the other and I just wasn't in the mood to fool with it. Besides, I enjoy Smyrna crosses and as I frequently tell my stitch group, "If it isn't fun, why are you doing it?".
Margret Gatis 02-04-13