And of course, the closer it gets to completion the more excited I get about my next project. I finally picked my colors for the Star Sampler SAL from Periphaeria.
I found this hand dyed gold fabric in my stash which, unfortunately, I cannot identify other than the stitch count - 40 cnt. I chose Kelp Waterlilies from The Caron Collection and a deep brown Splendor from Rainbow Galleries.
I've also decided to start "Cotillion" by Papillon. Since the fabric called for is not available I had to go on a search. I chose "Phantom" (36 count) by PictureThisPlus and I also got the Dinky Dyes overdyed silk floss (as called for in the design) from PTP. Fantastic service, by the way!
I'm also in the midst of working on version three of "Catrina's Christmas" by Keslyn. My stitch group finally started the class and I decided to stitch the piece along with them, just so I wouldn't forget anything pertinent about the process. I wrote up about three pages of notes to go along with it. Surely I won't lead them astray with all that guidance. But you never know! I'll have some pics soon.