My life has been so hard. My parents moved so many times when I was growing up, I never learned how to make friends. True, lifelong friends. Sure, I had friends, but they quickly forgot me as soon as I would move, or move on to their more established relationships as soon as conflict would happen (as all girl relationship seem to have). Don't get me wrong, I quit lots of friendships myself. I'm pretty sure I self sabotage a lot.
Que death of my brother. Wow, talk about depression. No one saw me. My parents didn't help me, or get help for me. My "friends" didn't know how to deal with that, so I was left alone. There may have been a few teachers that saw what was happening, but didn't have the skills to deal with a 10 year old in deep depression.
My parents, I love them, but they sure did hurt me. One would pick on my until I was in tears. I believed what they said about me, making it hard to be confident about myself. The other would call my stupid and yell at me because I couldn't read or do math or do my chores right. Those harsh words stick around a lot longer than the good ones. I know I was loved, but they had a mean streak that did a lot of damage.
Sports, I quit them all. Volleyball, softball, cheerleading. I quit every single one. Why? Because it was hard. Or because I thought I should have been on a better team, or captain, because I was working so hard, but I went unnoticed and picked on by others. So I quit.
I joined the church. I also quit that church a lot. I can't seem to really walk away, because I know I can find happiness there. But it's a lot of hard work. And I walk away from hard stuff.
Then there are boys. Yup, I was in a lot of relationships as a teen. I quit most of those relationships. Really hurting some. But, I let them use my body to make me feel better about myself. Didn't work. I would realize what I was doing, and then either sabotage those relationships or move on when I wised up. I thought letting a boy touch my naughty bits would make me more pretty, more confident, just more. Boy, was I wrong.
There have been so many times in my marriage where I just wanted to quit. Not because things were bad. My husband is wonderful. Currently stewing with worry because I won't open up to him about my feelings, right now. But I wanted to quit because things were hard. Being a mom is hard. And when you don't feel great about yourself, sometimes the thought of just walking away seems so wonderful. A dream or escape. But then, it would be hard, so I stay. See, I run away from the hard.
That reminds me, I quit while giving birth. Yup, that moment when I hit the wall, I just give up. I have to have someone tell me what to do. To push, harder. I suppose every woman has that happen to them, but it's just another thing to add to my list.
I quit this blog. I quit cloth diapers. I quit nursing. I quit sewing. I quit crafting. I quit book club. I quit...I quit.... Can't seem to quit Facebook though....
The one thing I quit that I can be proud of....soda. But even then I cheat and have a coke or dr. pepper here and there. See, I can't even quit right.
Now, there's this whole college thing. I quit, twice. Once at Western and once at Utah State. And now things are hard, and I want to quit again.
And don't get me started on losing weight. I'm trying again, because after my husband lost his job last summer, I quit working out. I quit eating right. I gained 20 pounds after getting to the lowest weight I had been in years. Now, I'm stressed out so bad, I can't lose the weight. I lose some, then gain it back. If I eat right and exercise daily, sometimes twice a day, I lose a bunch of weight. But I only seem to lose weight when I starve myself (eating less than 1200 calories) and do double workouts. I gain or maintain weight if I eat what I should (between 1400-1700 calories) and just workout once a day. But, days where I overeat and don't workout, I lose weight. UGH! I don't know how many times I've given up trying to lose weight. I go up and down. Getting on the scale, daily, doesn't help the depression, but I just have to know. It's a vicious cycle that I can't seem to stop.
So why write all this? Because I need to get it out of my head. Get the devil off my shoulder whispering all this to me. I'm starting to really listen. To just be sad, fat, and lazy, with no degree, sounds really good right now. Blessings and prayer, self positive talk, just isn't working right now. I feel like no one sees me. No one cares. Besides my husband, but then it gets annoying to have something wanting to know what's going on all the time. I can feel myself pushing people away when I really need them to stay.
I feel so alone. My past coming back and haunting me. All the bad things being remembered. All the times I quit. But can I quit caring? NOPE. All this is just pulling me down. I want to stop going down, but then that takes work, and I don't want to put in the work.
You know, those extreme weight loss shows. They always talk about what's holding you back from moving forward, from not quitting on yourself. I suppose I know what the issue is, but I have no clue how to work through it.
I know life isn't suppose to be easy. And I know I can control how I feel, most of the time. I know I can get out this. But it's a question if I want to and push through the pain and work hard. Life sucks.