Friday, February 25, 2011


February is a big month for our family :o) We have Tessa and Will's birthdays, 2 days a part. Tessa turned 5 (on the 6th) and Will turned 1 (on the 4th). I can't believe I have a 5 year-old nor can I believe that my baby is 1!

At 5, Tessa is a very much our little/big girl. She's the second mom and a great help (when she wants to be, haha). She's full of giggles, songs, dances, make-believe, and sass! 100% girl! We're so grateful to have her in our family...not sure what I'd do without my Tessie :o)

At 1, little man Will is pretty much the ruler of the house, haha! His mood often directs mine and then in turn the household. He's such a love bug and has the best smile and laugh, but is often a very serious child with a furrowed brow and deep stares. He's got 8 teeth and is a part-time walker...I think crawling is still faster for him to get where he needs to go. He LOVES his brother and sister and adores the family pet(s). He's been a great eater and of course loves any kind of treat...though he wouldn't touch his birthday cake, haha! Though he's been my toughest baby, I wouldn't trade even the worst days with him. Love you Wilbur man!!

(note: Wilbur is just a nickname, haha)