Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wally the Green Monster

Well, he's not green and he's no monster (at least not yet) but he is our new puppy Wally!! Yes, we're nerds and we LOVE our Red Sox so he's named after their mascot....Wally the Green Monster. He's such a doll! We're so excited to have him in our family.
He's a Yorkie-Bichon mix. He's about 3 lbs. right now and they said he'd get up to 8 lbs. (maybe). He is 8 weeks old...his b-day is the day after Tessa's, which made her very excited :o) He's such a chill puppy, we've yet to hear him bark. He plays hard and sleeps VERY well. We haven't had a single potty accident in the 2 days we've had him. He's been great about going outside. We couldn't ask for a better pup!

This was one of the few times he looked when we called his name. We're still working on name recognition. One of my favorite pics though :o)

Tessa LOVES him and says he's her favorite in the whole world, haha! Thought this was so cute of Tess playing with Wally. He's fun to watch run, cause it's more like a hop. And he's so light that strong wind knocks him over, haha. He's too fun!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Picture Preview

My amazing friend Suzi was so great and took pictures of the kids this week. Beckham was such a stinker during the "shoot" that I've been really worried that we wouldn't have any cute ones of him by himself and then with both the kids together. Tess was wonderful during all of it and I have no doubt there will be many to choose from with her. But anyway, Suzi, being the good friend she is, sent me these 2 pictures to calm my worries. I'll post more when we get them, but I'm so excited about these that I had to share :o) Thanks're the best!

Just before this was taken, Beckham was slamming the flower on the floor while yelling at us. Funny how this picture came out so angelic looking. Thank you Suzi and Photoshop, haha!

Friday, April 3, 2009

And there he sits

It's been raining all day, so we've had a lazy day. When Steve got home from school I had just got out of the shower, Beck was sleeping and Tess was coloring. So he plops down on the couch and turns on ESPN to unwind. When I come down the stairs I instantly smell nail polish. To my great shock I look over and Tess is painting her nails while sitting on my couch....and there he sits...watching ESPN as if nothing was going on. I say "Really Steve?" He looks at me and says "What?" Then looks at Tessa and starts laughing. His comments "I thought it was something you were doing upstairs." Me, "and you didn't bother to look to see why she was so quiet?" Steve just smiles. "She really could have been painting the couch and the walls and I wouldn't have noticed" he says. My reply, "really?" So amid our conversation Tess thought she was in trouble and starts to cry. We assured her that she wasn't in trouble (dad was) and that it was ok for her to paint her nails, just not on the couch. So we set her up with a towel on the floor and she continued her mani/pedi. But, come on REALLY babe?!!

There he sits with his bag of Cheetos

Carefully painting her toes

On to her fingers

The results!

Pretty fingers and toes and one happy Tessie!

Spring Time!

Spring time has finally decided to take place and we're so excited about it! Most nights this week have been spent outside playing with chalk, talking with neighbors, going for walks and scooter rides, etc.. We love every minute of it! Beckham and Tess were being so cute together the other night, so I went to grab my camera. But, as the pictures show, they were none too cooperative once I said "say cheese."

Even though they aren't looking I thought this was cute. Trying to think positive :o)

This is cute of Beck. Don't mind the runny nose

Tessa has become so sassy lately and when I told her I wanted to take her picture I was given the biggest eye roll I've ever seen a 3 year-old give. This is mid roll.

Then she decided she would smile, but only with a piece of bark in her mouth. What a nerd!

Creative Laziness

So I have good weeks and bad weeks when it comes to my desire to make dinner. This week I've been pretty lazy. But, in my laziness I managed to make a dinner that made Tess happy and very excited to eat plain old pancakes.

Tessa got to eat a butterfly and tulip. Beckham got the bunny. And my cute hubby got the big heart the the lips ;o)
We topped them off with fresh strawberries, whipped cream, strawberry syrup and regular syrup. Healthy, right? But oh so yummy!!!