Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dinner Time!

Mom took a video of my favorite time of the day... DINNER TIME!!!


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wilbur and Huffle

I managed to find Huffle's house.  When I got there, I decided to sneak in and surprise her.   I hid in her purple bed.  This picture shows her discovering me.

Huffle was so happy to see me.  She didn't believe any of the evil things that Khyra told her about me.  We decided to go out back and plot how she can keep Salvador at bay.
Well, I've got to get back to playing with Huffle.  I'm starving, so I hope her mom can feed me since I can't feed myself.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pizza Crust is good

This morning, because we are busy blogging, Mom stayed home with us and sent Dad to the store for the weekly grocery stock-up.  Dad brought home some pizzas and Mom baked them for lunch.  Sometimes Mom and Dad don't like to eat their pizza crusts, so you can guess who is ready to help out with that, right?  That's right.  Me (and Kat)!  We're always ready to lend a paw (or mouth).

Mom broke her pizza crust in half to give me some and Kat some.  But then she dropped the piece for me and Kat ate both pieces.  I was very sad and dejected, so Dad offered me some of his crust.  He doesn't usually share, so my sad face must have been very effective.  After I ate the piece he offered me, I decided to stick around in case he decided to share any more.

Lucky for me, he decided to let us have the crust off his other piece, but this time Kat got some too.

Pizza crust is really very delicious.

Up and At 'Em

Hey pupper duppers and kitty cats! Welcome to the big day! We’re super excited for the start of Blogathon. It’s 6:00 AM in Washington and we are ready to go. (Mom’s not sure, but she can just nap on the couch while we hog the computer.) We’ve got lots of stuff to tell you and lots of stuff to give away, so without further ado, let’s BLOG!

We got up this morning and ate some yummy breakfast.  Mom put us through our paces though.  First sit and stay.

Then down and stay.

Then "ok" and eat!

Mom's picture this morning.  We cut her head off.  It was way too scary.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

We're back....

Woo, hoo, hoo pups!  We are back!  Mom went to the vet yesterday on her way home.  She wanted to visit us, but the vet met with her and said that she could just take us home!  We were so happy.  Mom didn't tell Dad that she brought us home either, so we surprised him when he got home from work.

We sure think he was thrilled to see us, even though he seemed pretty distracted by our smelly breath.  We can't help it.  We have to eat this special food for a few days and it makes us stinky from both ends, if you catch our drift.  Mom says it has a lot of fiber, whatever that is.

We have been so hungry, but Mom won't dish out the treats or food!  Steve just stood staring at his bowl and nothing happened.  
Mom gives us some food, but it's just not enough, but she says we can have more food each day, but no treats for a few days.  NO TREATS?  That's doggie abuse if you ask us.

We have been very tired since we got home, so we are going to go back to napping.  Thank you for all your well wishes.  They really worked because we got to come home a day early!  You pups are the best!

Steve and Kat

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Oh What a Wonderful Morning!!

This morning, Mom got out of bed and fed us breakfast. We ate and it was yummy. Then Dad got out of bed and fed us breakfast. We ate and it was yummy.

Yes, that's right, we got TWO breakfasts! TWO! It was so great. We were about half way done with our second breakfast from Dad when Mom says, "Hey, I already fed them!" Dad didn't take our food away though. He just said, "Oh, I didn't realize you'd fed them. They acted hungry." Duh. We always act hungry. This time it paid off!


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tubular Steve

Back during Blogathon, Wilbur posted about the traps in his room that keep us from eating his food. Sometimes when Mom just needs to run into Wilbur's room to do something really quick, she doesn't shut the gate all the way and I follow her in there. So that's what happened the other day. I walked into the room behind Mom. I wasn't sneaking around or anything. After a while, she turned around and this is what she saw.
I DID NOT eat any of Wilbur's food. Of course, that is what Mom thought I was planning to do. How does she know? Maybe I like lying down in tunnels. Or maybe I just wanted a drink from Wilbur's water fountain. Who says I had to be after Wilbur's food?

To get me out of the tunnel, first Dad tried pulling my legs. No budging. So he just picked up the tunnel with me in it and put it out in the open. After that scary experience, I climbed out on my own!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hungry, hungry Steve

Don't let my cute, happy face in this picture fool you. I was having a very bad night last night. I did not get my supper until after 9:00 PM!! I usually get supper at 6:00 PM, so for the math-challenged puppies out there, that means I had to sit in total hunger and starvation for THREE HOURS!!

Mom and Dad came home from work briefly yesterday to let us all out for a bathroom break, then they left again. We barely got any time to play, so we were all very annoyed when we had to go back in our kennels. Mom and Dad apparently had to go to a meeting about Maryland. We will probably be moving there in about a year or maybe a little more, and Mom and Dad's work had a bunch of speakers to talk about everything associated with the moving and the area and such. Guess what? They got food at their meeting. So they were sitting there, eating, and having fun and I was stuck in my crate, starving. I think I should have been invited to the meeting. I'm going to have to move too, after all. I wanted to ask questions about dog parks, if they have PetsMarts there, and if there is snow. I also wanted to make sure there are no doggie obiedience schools in Maryland. But did I get to go to the meeting to ask my intelligent dog-related questions? NO! Dad says that no kids got to go to the meeting, furry or otherwise, so I wasn't being discriminated against.

Well, I just wanted to rant about my starvation. I hope all of you puppies got fed on time last night!

PS. Mom and Dad say that it's totally unfair because their company will pay the expenses related to moving human children, but not expenses if the children are furry and of the canine or feline persuasion. Turbo, I was wondering if you could take care of this injustice when you become president. Maybe you can get equal rights for all children - human, furry or otherwise. Actually, fur-children should be ranked higher, I think.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Breakfast Time!

We're exhausted, but we can always wake up for breakfast, especially Steve. We're each having 1/2 cup of Canidae for breakfast. Wilbur's having some canned Friskies. Mom is having some Doritos. Dad is sitting on the couch in a daze, so we don't think he's going to have breakfast. What are you pups having?


Don't forget the contest. Only 30 more minutes to get your answers in! Maybe some slackers will wake up and decide to play! (Just kidding about the slackers part. Or am I...)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

From Sitka

Another request question! Awesome! Keep 'em coming! This one is from Sitka. "Steve and Kat - have you ever been fortunate enough to have a sample of Wilbur's kitty food??? Oh, I have snuck a piece ONCE or TWICE! It is yummy, but I did get in trouble!"

Why, yes, Sitka, we have tried Wilbur's food. We've tasted some of his dry
Felidae. It was quite tasty. Now it's totally safeguarded from us. First, it's behind the baby gate. Then, it's off in a corner and Wilbur has to go through his tunnel to get to it. When we were smaller, we could fit through the tunnel, but not anymore. Wilbur might as well keep his food in Alcatraz. It couldn't be any safer there than here. I mean look at this.

First obstacle - gate:
Second obstacle - tunnel:Holy grail - food:
We've also tried some of his treats. Usually, Mom feeds Wilbur treats in an area that we can't reach, but sometimes, he knocks them on the floor, so we're ready to help with clean up! (We've not been able to get any of those Temptations that you sent him, Tia. He gobbles those up fast!)

We also haven't tried his wet Friskies that he gets in the mornings. Wilbur plans his whole day around that canned food, so he would probably give us major injuries if we tried to eat some of that!

Steve even ate a bite of litter once, but Mom freaked out and told him that he was being disgusting and so it embarrassed him so much that he hasn't tried it again.
