Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Snow Angels

We have been enjoying absolutely beautiful weather around here lately. Like no coat kind
of weather, and that is just unheard of in the month of December in these here parts. I knew it was too good to last, and it finally broke yesterday. We had a beautiful snowfall. The first in our new house. Aubrey played in the snow for hours last night. And the first thing she wanted to do when she woke up this morning was go back outside. Addy wanted to join her. They had so much fun. They played for over an hour in the snow. Addy just kept throwing herself down in the snow and laughing. It was so cute.


knjfabela said...

I can't believe you got that much snow up there. We didn't get any that stuck.(not that I am complaining!)

Unknown said...

They are so cute! I wish it snowed while we were there. :( I like visiting the snow.

Kathy said...

I can't believe it snowed the day after I left! No fair! I miss yall!

Eva Aurora said...

I bet you're much more organized thanI am and didn't have to spend an hour locating gloves, scarves and hats.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ops I ment to put in cute.