Showing posts with label Joan Elliott SAL's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joan Elliott SAL's. Show all posts

Monday, 27 April 2015

Good Morning and an Update

Good Morning to you all!! I hope you all had a great weekend and that lots of productive crafting was achieved.

Over the last few days I have been working on my Joan Elliott Mystery Faces SAL and trying to get caught up. I'm glad to say that I am slowly getting there with it, but as yet, I am still undecided whether I want to stitch the charts for the little squares or not.

Here is my progress over the last few days and how it currently looks right now.

The 3rd Large face completed 

The 4th Large face which is in progress

How the whole piece is looking right now.

I am hoping to have this face completed in the next few days and I also need to finish the border. 

Once the next chart has been released, I will make a decision on what I want to put into the little boxes.

I hope you all have a productive week.

Until next time 

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Spring Fairy and Joan Elliott SAL Updates

Good Morning to you all.

It is rather chilly out there this morning, and whilst on the school run, we had a few flakes of snow....nothing really to write home about though, but I sure wish we'd get a huge downfall so my little one can have some fun in it (she's never seen snow before).

Whilst it has been cold, other than the usual housework, I have been nestling under the blanket on the sofa with my stitching. I've been working on Spring Fairy and the Joan Elliott SAL. It has been a long time since I've stitched on Spring Fairy, and I think it is about time she got finished.

Here are how both projects are currently looking:

I am planning on finishing the skin on the above fairy today and hopefully completing her, minus beads, all of which will be added at the end so I can't break them with my frame.

Until next time, I hope you all keep warm and safe.


Wednesday, 1 October 2014

JE SAL and Wings in Repose HAED UPDATE

Good Morning to you all.

It has been a rather dull grey start to the day here today and only now is the sun starting to show up :) I thought I would post a little update on the stitching front as late.

I've mostly worked on Wings in Repose HAED by Nene Thomas and I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Here is how that is looking today:

The majority of colours left in this page are light so I can only work on these during the day as I can't really see them in the evening without a lamp. I may invest in a new one for my birthday in 2 weeks time LOL.

I have also been working on the Joan Elliott Faces SAL that I am taking part in on Facebook.

Here is the progress on that:

Face one complete except for the beads which will all be added at the end so not to crush them in the Q-Snap and the start on Face two. There is a little kitty cat to go in the middle box, but I want to change the colours to all grey in remembrance of my cat Murphy who went missing 18months ago.

I am going to carry on stitching the second face today as the light is not that great yet, I will hopefully have more updates for you all soon.

Until next time


Monday, 4 August 2014

Stitching Progress

Good Evening to you all.

As my previous post mentioned, I have been doing some stitching over the last few months and now comes the pictures of my progress.

I won't be stitching for a little while now while I make an attempt at revision for the upcoming exam in September...oh boy am I dreading it haha.

Anyways here is all my progress:

Heather's RR piece
Pages 1-6 completed on Moon Goddess HAED
The start of a moomin chart (my old favourite cartoon LOL)
Joan Elliott fantasy dragon...SAL
Joan Elliott Mystery Faces SAL
I don't think I've done too bad in between submitting assignments :) Here's to hoping now that my brain can absorb and remember information so I can pass this exam and get back to my stitching.

Until next time
