Sunday, November 4, 2012

Imogene Pass Run

There's been a running bug that has gotten into Tyson's system, and it all started with the Imogene Pass Run.  He's naturally a runner, and quite motivated, but he hasn't really ran since high school, and this was no ordinary race that he decided to take on.  A few friends of his got him to start training for this race back in the spring, and it paid off.

The race started in the town of Ouray, CO at 7800 ft.  It went up a jeep trail road for 10 miles to a 13200 foot pass.  Then down the other side of the mountain for 7.5 miles into the town of Telluride.  It is rough and brutal!

Those mountains in the background are the ones he ran over the top of!  Telluride is just on the other side!

The morning of the race, we went to Telluride to cheer him on, but he didn't even see us at the finish line since he went bolting past us!

 Waiting for Daddy!  They really thought he'd be #1 to come down the mountain, and they were quite disappointed when he wasn't the first runner we saw.  Maybe next year! :)

Here he comes!

And there he goes, never even seeing us!

His goal was to finish under 3 hours, but never running at that elevation before, or this race, we didn't really quite know how it would all turn out.  He did AMAZING!  He finished in 2 hr. 55 min., 37th place overall, 6th place in his age division.  And there were over 1200+ runners.  He has become a little running phenomena in his circle of running friends.   Way to go!  We are so proud of you!

Here's a video that a friend of his made of the race.  Tyson's only seen at the beginning when he is deciding to head to the front of the starting line.  And then we had to take off out of Telluride as soon as he finished the race, so he never saw any of his buddies at the end.