Sunday, July 1, 2012

Memorial Day in the Mountains

We weren't able to travel this year for Memorial Day, so we spent the day cooling off in the mountains doing a little fishing and picnicking.  We went to Vega Reservoir.  That was first for us and it was beautiful.  The kids and Tyson had a good time catching fish, and I had a good time relaxing and eating goodies. :)  Then we headed up the road and found a little campsite to make our dinner at.

While Dad got dinner and the fire ready, we headed off for a little exploring.

Ready to eat!

Our little Memorial Day celebration.

And then we roasted marshmallows

and Mackenzie tried learned the art of getting it just perfect!

Enjoying my S'more!

...still practicing...

,,,and he's ready to leave.  Quick note about Collin, when he gets tired of things and wants to go home, he doesn't waste time in getting himself ready.  Anywhere we are at, even playing at cousins or friends, when he decides he is ready to go, he disappears and heads straight for the car and waits and waits.  It has become such a signature Collin thing.

Collin's Preschool Graduation

Well this is year #2 of preschool graduation for Collin, and only one more to go!  It feels like preschool is never going to end for him.

Such a cute kid!

Mackenzie's Kindergarten Graduation

Wow!  The time flew by and Mackenzie is finished with Kindergarten.  She had a great year!  She learned and grew more than I could imagine.  We are so proud of her!

Mackenzie had a star role in the very first song that night called "Everything Grows".  It was adorable!

Signing the alphabet

Getting her certificate

I am sooo sooo proud of her!!!