Monday, June 25, 2012

Off to South Dakota!

Tyson's mom, Susan, and step-father, Raymond, received their mission call to South Dakota.  We missed their farewell since we were in Florida, so we went over for Mother's Day weekend, the day before they went to the MTC. 

We are so excited for them, and so proud of them!  They are a great example to our family.  We know that they will have great experiences in South Dakota and we are excited to visit them there.

Good luck and we love you both!!!

The Happiest Place on Earth...

...or at least that's what they say.  I say it is the MOST crowded place on Earth!  But how could we go to Florida with two little kids without going to Disney?  So we did it, spent two days there, and wore ourselves right out!

My cute princes and princess!

He was a terrible driver, he said so himself!  This is what we did while Tyson and Mackenzie rode Space Mountain.  Collin decided he was deathly scared of roller coasters this trip!

Taking a spin on the teacups

This picture just makes me laugh!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Relaxing in Florida

While we were in Florida, we made sure to fit in some relaxing days, although nothing is too relaxing with a 4 and 5 year old running around.  We did have a great time though.
Enjoying the water park at our resort!  Until Tyson got burned!

Enjoying a day at Clearwater Beach, except Tyson had a severe sunburn (actual sun-poisoning) from the waterpark the day before.  He didn't get to really enjoy the beach that much. :(
These two loved it!
This kid loves to do goofy things for the camera.

They loved, loved being buried in the sand!
Burying Mommy in the sand!

Feeding their friends, the sand hill cranes at our little condo. 
This reminded us so much of our townhome in Ft. Lauderdale.  Mackenzie would run all over the golf course looking for her bird friends to feed them Cheez-its and bread everyday.  She was sad if she couldn't find them.  On the last day, she went and found them and said good-bye and she was just in tears.  Oh dear!  She says her favorite part about the whole trip was feeding the cranes everyday, and she really wishes she lived in Florida now. :(
These are all the cranes, two mommas and two babies, that came by our little place everyday.