Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sea World in Orlando

Off to Orlando we went at the end of April for 7 days.  We had promised Mackenzie to take her to Sea World for a while, since she had been begging because she is in love with dolphins and everything in the sea.  So Sea World was our first stop and it didn't disappoint her at all!

Ready to go!!!
The Amazing Dolphin Show!

Don't ask me why I'm sitting on a giant whale - not my best pose!

The Whale Show

Enjoying the rides 

Collin and Mackenzie were so wild and adament about winning stuffed animals.  This is one of at least a dozen we ended up bringing home!  And I think it was one of the biggest highlights for them.

Mackenzie just loved the dolphins.

We all got a chance to feed them and pet them, which scared Collin a bit.  It was such a neat experience!

Just magical!  The kids loved this, especially Mackenzie.  We had a hard time pulling her away from the glass. 

First Tooth Lost for Mackenzie

Mackenzie finally lost her first tooth, and is well on her way to her second.  Her little tooth story has to be recorded since it was the first and it was quite dramatic! 

She lost it April 10, 2012 eating her PB&J for lunch!  So we put it in a little baggy and put it under her pillow for the Tooth Fairy that night.  Later in the day, she decided she wanted to look at it, wash it off, etc. without me knowing about this.  She came running to me, just sobbing that she'd lost her tooth.  It had slipped out of her fingers while she was cleaning it up, and went right down the drain.  Oh dear!  What was I going to do? Yikes!  How could she lose her very first tooth?!  I tried getting ahold of Tyson to see if he could manage to find a spare before he came home.  I know...gross.  But I never got a hold of him.

Well Daddy to the rescue anyways.  I talked him into taking the drain apart underneath the sink, since Mackenzie just knew that he could find it and we needed to show her we'd give it our best try.  It wasn't in the P-trap, but he could see it caught up inside.  The drain pipe wasn't really gross, but the sharp edge of her tooth had caught on a little lip where two pipes joined up inside and it was hanging on.  Seriously!  I couldn't believe it - miracle for sure and it saved us A LOT of tears and heartache to deal with that night! 

So the Tooth Fairy of course came, and there was one really happy girl that found a silver dollar under her pillow in the morning. 


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spring Soccer 2012

We just wrapped up another season of soccer and the kids did great.  We've realized that Mackenzie is just an amazing little athlete and so, so talented at soccer.  She has some amazing footwork, and it was quite fun to listen to people on the sidelines talk about her.  She has such a cute and fun and awesome team and I think the best coach in the whole league.  We are super, super lucky!!!  I never kept track of how many goals she got, and people would always ask, but it was an unreal amount some games. :)

All focused!

Getting help from coach

Floating on air after a goal!

Her cute team...Laine, Mackenzie, Kinley, Lina, and Aubrey, and missing Mia and Coach Raul.

We also learned that Collin is a no-contact sport kid, and he really was not into soccer at all this season.  Four year old boys are rough out there on the field, pushing and shoving, and he wanted no part of that, so he just kind of pranced around the field a lot not wanting to deal with the aggressiveness.  When we were playing 'easier' teams he did quite well and was not so scared to go after the ball, so he did manage to get some good scoring in.

Goodbye Camry!

This might seem like a silly post, but it has been a big part of our life, so its worthy of recording.

Tyson finally decided it was ok to part with the Camry, so in less than 24 hours, I had it sold and gone while Tyson went on a fishing trip out of town.  It was awesome!  This sweet little car has been with us for 11 years.  We bought it new, first car we ever bought together, as my car that I drove while working in Salt Lake.  It was then our only car for a while in Florida.  It was the car that we brought both Mackenzie and Collin home from the hospital, and I can remember it very vividly like it was yesterday.  So I guess I will always have sweet memories of it, and it was just an awesome car, not one issue in 11 years!  But it is goodbye finally!

Easter 2012

What better place to spend Easter than in St. George, Utah with family?  We had a great Easter Sunday with Tyson's family.  The kids especially loved it, as they learned they have a love for baseball.

Easter morning beauties!

Is this the best pose I can get from these two???  Sheesh, I couldn't even get them to get closer to each other.

Collin and Mackenzie with Grandma and Grandpa Baker

Pretty little thing hunting for Easter eggs

...and this kid is Mr. Cool!

Loving their game of baseball!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Soaking up the Sun at Angels Landing

We both love, love, love Zions National Park.  Brings back great memories!  During Easter weekend, we headed up to Angels Landing with Tyson's sister Nanette and her husband Randy.  It was so fun, such a great hike, and a bit scary at times!

 The beginning of the hike, with Angels Landing in the background.  5.7 miles round-trip
Randy and Tyson

Nanette, Randy, and Stephanie

Randy, hanging out next to the edge.  Notice the chains there!

 Why does he always have to stand next to the cliff?!?!

At the top of Angels Landing, looking South down the Virgin River.  Just amazing!!!

Awesome picture of Tyson :).  Gives you an idea of just how high up we were, and this is not at the top even.
On our way back down.  You have to go back down the same way you came in, and the last mile of the hike near the top is staked off with these heavy-duty chains that you have to hold on to since there are sheer cliffs on both sides.  Kind of scary, but it makes it that much cooler!

Terraced switchbacks up the backside of a section of the mountain, probably about 12 deep.  This is an incredible sight, but it is a little too bright to really see what this looks like.

Overall, it was just incredible!  I hiked this many times in college, and it was so fun to be back and do it all again!  Thanks for being such a trooper Nanette (she was just a teensy bit scared of heights)!

Spring Break 2012

We had a fun, but kind of low-key Spring Break (yes, this was back in March!) that turned out perfect with the kids. We went to Glenwood Springs for a few-day get-a-way. Enjoyed a day of skiing with the kids, swimming at the hot springs, riding the alpine coaster, and exploring Colorado's second largest cave.

Showcasing Collin's awesome camera skills:

 Enjoying Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park

Looking down on I-70, the Colorado River, and Glenwood Springs from an opening in the cave.

Headed down the mountain with some rock candy treats!