Monday, May 23, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Wow, preschool is over and I don't know if I'm sadder or Mackenzie.  She has LOVED it!  I'm sad that she's growing up so fast and headed off to Kindergarten soon.  I'm also quite sad to not have my free time that has been AWESOME (can't emphasize that one enough!!!!!).  However, I do look forward to not running non-stop in the summer so much.  So Happy Graduation Mackenzie!  Congratulations!

She did it!

Playing at the graduation party!

Her amazing teachers, Kathan, Margaret, and Mindy.  Lucky for us, Collin gets to be in their class for the next two years!

Now here's hoping we have a fun and safe summer!

Visiting with Friends from FL!

In the past couple of weeks, we've been lucky to catch up and visit with some of our friends from dental school.  Some have stopped by, and some we've went and stopped by their place.  No photos for all the stoppings, except one.  But for all of the visits, it was awesome to catch up, see each other's kids, and reminisce about how lovely it was living in Florida, or not, too.  My kids have absolutely loved playing with everybody else's kids.

One stop was while we were in SLC for a few days.  First of all, we loved being back in SLC, and we kind of miss it!  It is just so beautiful there.  Anyways, Lance and Kylee came down from Evanston and we all bombarded Brook and Cody at their house.  We hadn't seen each other in 3 years!  It was super fun to catch up and see all the kids and how they've changed, and Brook and Cody's new baby.

Collin, Boston, Mackenzie, and Brynlee - they all hit it off as friends!

The Guys: Tyson, Cody with Porter, and Lance

The Ladies: Me, Kylee, and Brook

Thanks for all the effort to get together and for a fun evening!

Soccer Star!

Soccer season is over, but it sure was fun for Mackenzie!  One of her games, her team won 11 to 7, and she scored 10 of the 11 goals.  Once she got over the girls bumping into her or pushing a bit, she was quite amazing!  Here's just a few pictures from her last game that she rocked!

She couldn't be caught!

Her happy walk after she just scored the goal.  I love how she just walks away and makes the other team go get the ball that she kicked into the goal.  So funny!

The most important thing is that she truly, truly loved it and had fun.  She made some cute little friends too!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Easter 2011

We did a little Easter egg hunt at Washington park with some of the kids cousins. 

Sitting pretty waiting for the Egg Hunt!

One, two, three.... 

The Egg Hunt Crew and my kids had already ran off to play at the park swings.

Easter morning

The Mater Bubble truck was a hit!

My Easter Kiddos!