Saturday, March 26, 2011

Soccer Mania!

Some how I have two darling kids that are IN LOVE with soccer and quite good I might add.  Don't know where it came from...we aren't a sports family, never watch it, could care less usually, but I think these two are trying to change our ways. 

Mackenzie has been ecstatic to play, couldn't wait for it to start.

She loves to play goalee against Collin.

Collin.... depressed because he isn't old enough, but HAD to have a full uniform and all!
 Showing his soccer skills and really trying to prove that he can play!

Game Day - 3/26

First Soccer Game ever - she rocked it!  (If you can't tell, I'm super excited!)  Score 7-2, our team won, and Mackenzie scored 4 of the 7 goals.  As Mackenzie got the ball away from everyone and took it down to score, I overheard several parents say 'She's just a natural'.  They were impressed, and so am proud!  She was awesome!  What was cute was that she was kind of timid at first to go in and take the ball from the other players, but once she got it there was no stopping her.

Mackenzie (in pink hoodie) and Natalie discussing strategy before the game (actually probably talking about birdies and rainbows :)

# 10 - That's my girl!

On her way to the goal!

Thats a Thumbs Up! 
She looked at me and gave me a thumbs up after each goal she made and then did a few snaps (her new found talent) in the air.

So fun, way to go Chargers!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Crested Butte!

Last weekend we headed over to Crested Butte for a kid-free weekend to ski (oh yes,...and fish) with the Nielsen's.  It was super fun to meet up again, listen to the guys talk dentistry like ol' times, oh and can't forget the fishing talk, and let us be goofy girls. 

Night 1 - Brent and Tyson gearing up to go fishing at the Taylor River.  If you know anything about Brent or the Taylor, you'd know that he's a die-hard fly fisherman these days and the Taylor River is one of the best in the world.  So he's getting Tyson hooked on it.  Only problem is that every time Tyson goes, they pretty much get skunked on the fishing!  Oh and the fact that 3 a.m. is the best time to fish is just slightly inconvenient! :)

 Sexy, aren't they?

Julie and I ready to stroll around the town of Crested Butte for the evening while the guys head off to fish.

Day 2 - Skiing at Crested Butte
It was a fun day! Us girls stayed on the greens, and even got brave and went down some blues, while the guys pretty much ditched us and headed for the blacks all day.  There was a lot of snow, but it was quite icy, so it made it quite interesting for the inexperienced skier like myself.

Love the views!  This place is absolutely breath-taking!

I'm looking like a cancer patient all over again! Not liking it so much!

Brent collapsing to the ground after Tyson drug him down some double-black diamonds!

I'm thinking that he's thinking he overdid it...he's just a little bit crazy!

Day 3 - Giving the girls a tour of the Taylor River.  I really wanted to see what all the hype was about, so on our way out of town, I got my chance.  It is quite pretty up this canyon.  When we got to the good-fishing part, there were a ton of fisherman there and you could see some pretty big fish in the river. 

Tyson really thought he was going to throw a line in real quick and snag one. Not so much! In the excitement of watching the fish, we found out our babysitter and kids were locked out of our house, which provided a whole new level of excitement, although not one that we wanted.  We ended up having to hire a locksmith to get them in.  And with that, it was time to go home! :)

The Monticello Trip

Two weekends ago we went to Monticello for our nieces baptism, so congratulations to Cami!  It was a special day for her and she sure shined!  Cami is Mackenzie's best friend, even though they only see each other once every other month or so.  Mackenzie really couldn't have found a better friend and example.

Afterwards we went to Montezuma Canyon to check out some old Indian ruins and went on a what was supposed to be a 'family friendly' hike, but turned into quite a rigorous and anxiety-packed journey with a bunch of little kids.  However it was very cool to see the ruins.

Part of the crew on their way to the top!

Up on top, out on the edge (yikes!) checking out the hollowed out bowl-like holes that the Indians made in the rocks.  No picture of the actual holes, I got too panicked about the kids!

Much safer ground! :)

Some broken corn-grinders found up on top of the hill we hiked.

Right in the center of the picture there is an Indian ruin, some sort of storage or house made there.  There is even a door or window still intact.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Girls Weekend in Phoenix!

Oh what a F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S weekend it was!!!

Best friends...

Warm weather...

Yummy food...

Lots of late-night (and all day) girl-chat...

No kids...(we couldn't help but be so excited about that part)

Great shopping...

Awesome spa treatments...

We lived it up, as any Girls Weekend is supposed to happen.  I have to say I have two very special and wonderful friends!!!  We had such an awesome and fun time in Phoenix.  It's always fun to get together with them. 

Krishawn, Julie, and I getting ready for our night at The Melting Pot.  As you can tell from our smiles, its one of our favs!

Ready for the spa...massages and was heavenly!!!

Chopstick masters (not really, I'm terrible) at Ah-So's Hibachi Restaurant.  Super fun!

Night 2 at The Melting Pot.  We couldn't resist!  Just dessert after dinner at Ah-So's. (I promise we did more than just eat on this trip!)

Julie is doing a great reenactment of all of us as we couldn't quite contain ourselves at the site of all the chocolate fondue!

Aw, I love these ladies!  Thanks for a fun weekend and to our husbands who held the forts down!