Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm Done!

Today was my very last day of chemo treatment.  It's really hard to believe.  It has felt like this day would never come.  I had looked forward to it for so long, and was thinking I needed a serious party or vacation to celebrate the end (I do still need that too).  However, I found myself getting a big reality check at the cancer center today.  A flood of emotions came in, completely unexpected, at the realization that I am done and all that I've been through to get to this point (including just having my last surgery last week).  I was reminded why I went through all the torture and how serious it is.  There wasn't a choice, I had to fight for my kids and Tyson.  I don't want to miss out on their lives.

So I said to my doctor, "Now the worry begins", and she actually agreed, being a survivor herself.  I guess that is never going to go away.  She had a quote on her white board in my room that she pointed out to me which said, "No one said we would live a life time, we just need to live a good time".  That's a tough one for me to read, but its true.

So to my kids and Tyson, thanks for all your support, for understanding when mommy's sick and has to go to the doctors a million times, for all your prayers to help mommy get better, for all the hugs and kisses, and for all the fun and chaos this past year that has been a wonderful distraction to this all.  I couldn't have made it without you!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Deck the Halls!

We love decorating for Christmas, and this year has been especially fun in our new house.  We spent many days getting all the lights done on the outside, and had the inside decor up before Thanksgiving (my mom just couldn't wait and I love it).  Only thing missing was a tree...the most important part!  But Tyson resisted the ease of buying a fake tree once again and we made a trip up the mountain.  He pulled through and found us a beautiful Christmas tree off the Grand Mesa.

O Christmas Tree!

All ready for Christmas!

Our substitute spot for the stockings because I was afraid they might burn up over the mantle.  And yes there are five.  We are excited to have my mom staying with us for a while and for the kids to have Grandma here for Christmas.

Now if we could just get rid of our unwelcome Christmas mouse!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Collin Turned 3!

I can't believe it!  My baby boy turned 3.  Collin's birthday was on Thanksgiving this year and we were able to celebrate it with Tyson's family after our big turkey dinner.

For months now Collin has been telling me that all he wants for his birthday is "a red birthday cake" and continually asking me if I can make one for him.  Easy enough, right?  But when it came down to it, he was quite specific at it being Lightning McQueen again (he had this for his 2 yr bday too).  So once again I did it, but no more - it takes forever!  It turned out pretty cute and he was thrilled!

The cake!

Playing musical chairs to Christmas music.  We started with about 15, and had to end with three kids winning to avoid some big tears. :)

Giving a big swing at the pinata!

Getting ready to sing and have cake!

Collin decided to blow out the candles halfway through the singing.  He just couldn't wait, he was so excited!

So here's a bit about Collin as a big 3 year old:
1 - He is VERY opinionated about what he wears.  It must always be a Toy Story t-shirt (he only has 2 so this creates a huge problem), his #8 pants (luckily he has 3 of those), and his Lightning McQueen light-up shoes (he NEVER takes them off).  He also always wants the snowman pajamas for bed....oh but only the bottoms because he HAS to wear the Toy Story shirt to bed too.  It is extremely hard to get him to take a bath or change shirts to get him ready for school.  I can't wait for this phase to be over.  I have wasted a lot of money on brand new clothes that sit in his drawers never worn!
2 - His favorite color is RED!
3 - He loves basketball and bowling.
4 - His favorite food is probably shrimp, and his favorite veggie is for sure broccoli (he says its a tree and then eats the top off).
5 - He loves watching Dora and Cars.
6 - He loves to play Don't Break The Ice
7 - He loves to ring our doorbell...all day if he could!
8 - He covers his eyes, with this big smerk on his face, and stands completely still when he has been naughty...its cute!
9 - He gives sweet, sweet hugs.
10 - He is a such a cute little boy with tons of personality that brightens up our day, and sometimes makes us just a little bit crazy!  We love him! 

Happy Birthday Collin!