Mackenzie has had a little tricycle for a year now. It wasn't really ever crossing my mind to upgrade her from that. I guess I just thought of 2-wheeler bikes as a big girl bike, like 5 year olds. So she just pedals as fast as she can and her little tricycle gets her around. But I have been kind of noticing how her knees go up to the handlebars, but I guess it wasn't registering with me. Not until I saw a friends blog with her little boy, about 6 months younger than Mackenzie riding a 'big kid' bike! That's when the lightbulb went on and I realized it was time. I guess we are moving into the next stage and she is just growing up on us and I'm just not ready or willing to realize it.
So what kind of bike was the next question? Pretty much they are all pink princess bikes, Barbie, or Dora. I knew I was in trouble when I saw my selection. I'm not such a fan of all the character stuff, but I would have loved her to choose the princess bike. I knew she wouldn't go for it, she's never been a fan of princess stuff, dolls, ya know...the normal little girl stuff. Instead she had to get Dora and we had to let her. She LOVES Dora because she watches the cartoons. And she really loves the backpack!
Next, the helmet. Of course she got the matching Dora helmet and I have to say it is pretty cute on her. I was kind of worried about her being willing to wear it. But the missionaries rode their bikes to our house a few weeks ago and I had them show her how they wear a helmet. She has the BIGGEST crush on the missionaries and whatever they do she thinks is cool. So she was sold on the helmet!
Well she is pretty good on her bike already and I think she was definitely ready for it.