Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring, Spring, Spring!

Wow, it was feeling like Spring was never going to get here, but it is FINALLY starting to get a little bit warmer here. I would have to say that Spring is my favorite time of life all around and having that feeling of coming out of hibernation to play outside. Gotta love it!

Last Sunday the kids finally put on some spring Sunday clothes for church. It is a very rare occasion that we are all ready for church early and have time to stop and take a picture before piling in the car. I thought they looked so cute and had to get a snapshot...and they cooperated!

A rare smile from Collin on camera.

One of Tyson's favorites. Mackenzie is trying to still pose while Collin ran off. She finally will be good for the camera. I just can't believe how grown up she is!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Future Patients

Mackenzie is deathly afraid of doctors and dentists office. It doesn't even matter if she is the patient. She cries in terror as soon as one of us has to sit in the dental chair or sit up on the doctors table. She thinks we are going to get hurt (well we probably are, but we'll survive).

So we took a trip for a visit to Daddy's office and she wanted nothing to do with the chair until Collin climbed right up in it and made himself at home. Finally I think she is going to overcome that fear, that is until he turns on the drill. Hopefully we won't need that for a long time.

She was quite fascinated with the overhead light (I don't even know what it's really called).