Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Fun

This Christmas was so exciting, magical, and fun. We had such a nice time spending it together as a family and also with some of Tyson's family. On Christmas Eve, we took the kids sledding near our house. Collin didn't care much for sledding and getting powder in his face, but Mackenzie loved it. I think Tyson liked it most of all to see how far out he could go on the lake at the bottom of the hill...he's crazy!

That evening we were excited to have some of Tyson's family come to eat dinner and have a little Christmas party. Tyson nominated me to share my church talk with everyone since I had to give the Christmas talk in church a few weeks ago...if once was not enough! It really was nice to hear the Christmas story again.

Onto Christmas morning...well, first let me say that we tried to get Mackenzie to bed by 9 on Christmas Eve (HA! HA!). Normally she goes to bed by 10-ish (she's a night owl). She actually started acting tired by 9, but then decided to get up and go into the Christmas tree and plug the lights back in. She started dancing around the tree non-stop and singing all her Christmas songs and saying she was so excited. It was so adorable...HOWEVER, I never thought she would quit and Santa would ever be able to come that night! Finally at 11:30 she crashed. It was a long night.
By Christmas morning, she'd forgotten that she was going to open presents. We kept her away from the room where the tree was and were able to get ready for the day. Probably the last time that will happen. At 8:30 we went into see the tree and Mackenzie and Collin were so excited. Santa was very generous in bringing plenty of toys. They were both so excited. Santa's big mistake was that he didn't take all the toys out of their boxes and set them up...oops! It took us quite a few hours to get through opening presents that morning, with a breakfast break in between. Mackenzie was most excited about her new stuffed animals. A great addition to her collection.
So my best Christmas present to myself was to surprise Tyson. I didn't mean to commercialize Christmas so much, but I was so excited to give Tyson his gift from me. There is nothing that I love more than surprises, both giving and receiving. There is nothing Tyson loves more than to spoil surprises (even to tell me my gifts from him). I told him I was determined for the first time ever to not have him find out what he was getting for Christmas. He guessed and snooped everyday for a solid month, but I made sure to not say a word. It was so exciting for me. So what did I get him??? I couldn't help myself than to get him what he has wanted from the day he got out of dental school (well actually long before that but it wasn't realistic then). I got him a 4-wheeler with a trailer. It was so fun to pull it off and quite nerve-racking too. He had guessed it a few times, but it wasn't a real guess. Nearly every weekend leading up to Christmas he wanted to go to the Honda shop to buy one himself, not knowing that I had already bought it. It was quite the chore evading all his questions, keeping him from looking at the bank statements, making excuses on how we couldn't make it to the Honda shop, stopping him from getting the mail, keeping Mackenzie quiet about it, etc. Christmas morning Tyson was still wondering where his big present was since the scene of packages around the tree hadn't changed from the night before. Once we got a few of the kids toys set-up, he went through his stocking and found a rattling box in the bottom. He knew exactly what it was...keys! He couldn't believe it and was so excited. I think I was more excited than he was though. We all ran outside in the 10 degree weather to look at it for about 5 seconds in our barefeet and then ran back in. It was fun!

Each Christmas, we always go sledding in the Beaver Mountains with all the cousins. Since it snowed a foot in town on Christmas, we spent the day sledding around town being pulled by the 4-wheeler. It was a lot of fun and there wasn't any big hill climbing involved which was great for me and the kiddos.

The Boy Sledding Crew

The Girl Sledding Crew
The girls in action with Collin at the wheel.

Tyson and Mackenzie having a break.

Tyler and Mackenzie showing off the snow depth.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

No, No Santa!

We just recently went to a family Christmas party where Santa was able to find some time to stop by. The kids were ecstatic. Even Mackenzie was saying how whe was excited to see Santa and get a toy. Well, she quickly changed her mind as he made his appearance. She was so afraid of him. She would have rather not gotten a toy at all, than to have to get close enough to him to grab it.

So now after she met him, she always says No, No Santa whenever we bring up that Santa Claus is coming. Even when I wrapped a present with some Santa Claus paper on it, she got all upset and wanted the paper off!

Collin wasn't upset to meet Santa, but he was quite cranky and needed a nap. Once he got his present unwrapped, he decided he'd rather play than have a nap.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

It is a family tradition (minus the 4 years in FL) that we ride up to the mountains and cut our own Christmas tree. This year it took 2 days of looking to find the perfect tree (which didn't turn out so perfect).

No trees here, but Mackenzie loved the little stream.

Time to stop and eat a little snow...

And a pine cone!

No tree yet, so we had to pull out the sleds which just happened to be packed in the car. This was both Mackenzie and Collin's first sled ride and they couldn't get enough.

Family picture break too...

And more sledding

Day 2 of the tree hunt

Finally a tree, and Mackenzie is trying to decorate it, or I should say UNdecorate it as fast as Tyson was putting them on.

The Christmas tree decorated. Now we just need Santa to stop by!

Mr. Photogenic in front of the tree. Mackenzie is no where to be found when it is picture time!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Look Who's One Year Old!

Happy Birthday Collin! I can hardly believe our little baby is 1. This last year seems like such a blur with dental school, moving, and a new job, home, etc. Collin's been along for the ride and a pretty happy baby the whole time (except those miserable 2-3 months of colic :)). He's such a sweet and cuddly kid. He loves Mackenzie and she really adores him. They are both a blessing and joy to have around each day and we are so thankful they are part of our lives.

Since Collin was getting a fire engine for his birthday, I wanted to do the whole party with a fire engine theme. No luck with the cake however, and no time to make one myself with Thanksgiving at the same time, so he had to settle for a Cars cake. The bakery even made him his own to dive into.

Uncle Randy and Collin

Collin didn't know what to do with the cake. Tyson tried to help him a little, but he didn't really want his fingers dirty, which is very odd since he's usually always making a mess out of his food when I don't want him to. He would get frosting on his fingers and then try to wipe it off on his sweater. We helped him try the frosting to see if he would dive into the cake, but after a few minutes, and to all of our surprise, Uncle Randy picked him up and shoved his face straight down into the cake. It was quite funny. I was so worried he was going to cry, but he thought it was great, even with the frosting up his nose.

Onto the presents...

Mackenzie is such a great helper with opening the presents.

He found the fire engine. It took him no time at all to find the button for the gas and make it go! He LOVED it!
And so does Mackenzie.

So this is definitely a one-seater, but they will figure out how to make it two.

And another pinata...it wasn't homemade, and I didn't get a picture, but it was a fire engine that didn't withstand a whole lot of beating before the loot fell out and all the cousins went scrambling to scoop up as much candy as possible. Collin has a pretty good loot to himself.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Here are some last pictures of Halloween. For Halloween, we went to Beaver to see cousins and do trunk-or-treat. It didn't take Mackenzie long to figure out that she was getting candy. After trunk-or-treat, she went trick-or-treating around town with her cousins and Dad. Now nearly everyday she tells me, "I had fun trick-or-treating".

Mackenzie was having fun getting candy, and I finally got a picture with a smile. She must have not known that I was taking pictures!

My cute little lion.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hugs, Hair, and Having Fun

Just a couple of random pictures from the week that I thought were cute to post.

Collin loves to lay on Mackenzie and give her hugs, and she loves it too.

Finally I was able to put TWO pony tails in Mackenzie's hair! This is quite a big accomplishment for her hair. :) I thought they looked cute and had to take a few pictures with the curls.

Having fun in the leaves at Grandma Black's.