Showing posts with label Accent Essentials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accent Essentials. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Projects

I have not gotten my hands on any paper lately and I am sad! But I have however, used some etching cream, glass bulbs, fabric and hot glue.

Here are a few projects that I have been working on for Christmas presents.

I made these cute rolled flowers and put them on a pin for a cardigan that I got for my mom-in-law. I really like how they turned out. I plan on making her a few more in different colors so she has a wide array to choose from.

Tonight was the first time I have ever used etching cream. I ruined one of the ornaments but I really like how these other 3 turned out. I made them using cuts from Winter Frolic, Accent Essentials and Birthday Cakes. I made them for the teacher that I share a room with--the middle bulb says The Thackers for her family tree.

I also have been making hair stuff...some to give away, some to keep. Here are a few headbands that I finished yesterday.

I am going to give the top one to my sister and I believe I will keep the bottom one. I don't think the picture does the top one justice. I really like it and I think she will too!

And finally, just for the fun of it, here is a picture of a blackberry pie that I made for my hubby on Saturday night. He really wanted a pie--I can't explain it, but he just did--so I made this for him.

It was pretty good and made a really good late night snack for a lazy weekend!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I Heart Long Weekends!

I actually had two layouts that were all finished up and I just hadn't taken a picture of them to post. I accomplished that today, as well as titling and embellishing another one that was 85% finished, and completing another 1 pager.

Here are the two that were finished...
Such great pictures from the nephew's birthday party. The boys (and the photographer) went outside to try out his new baseball gear! It was sooo much fun! I used cuts from Boys Will Be Boys on this one.
Love this one of my (2nd) cousin jumping on the trampoline at my mom's. He had sooo much fun! I used the trampoline from Everyday Paper Dolls.

I finally finished up this one today from a visit to Heinz Field on Super Bowl weekend. I went with my sister and my niece just to check it out since we were already in Pittsburgh babysitting my hubby's cousin's son.
I made the Steelers logo using some directions that I found last Christmas on this blog. I used Accent Essentials (that I used rewards points for in order to make this logo!), Varsity Letter and, one of my new purchases, All Sports (love, love, love!).

And finally, this is a sweet layout that I did of my niece from our family egg hunt for Easter. She is such a beautiful little girl and I adore these pictures of her.

I used a Martha Stewart punch for the butterflies, Opposites Attract and Cake Basics for the font. I added a few heart brads and some journaling stripes. The pictures make the impact and I kept everything else soft and sweet.

That is my accomplishments for today! Tomorrow I plan on scrapping away all day and making a big pot of chicken corn chowder and homemade focaccia bread for dinner. Such a wonderful fall day!