Showing posts with label Stupidity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stupidity. Show all posts

Friday, 14 August 2009


How does a person born and raised in Japan for 15 years considered a Malaysian even if his parents were?

My cousins from England aren't Malaysians though my aunties are. So this kid is being claimed simply because he played for a top Jap football club and now training at Sao Paolo, Brazil?

So very "Malaysian" to claim everything as ours. Remember Vijay Singh a few years ago?

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Engraaaaaaand Part 2

So, somebody had a revelation about how students don't need to pass English to receive their SPM certs. I mean like wtf?? You dint know??? Dint your nephews and nieces tell you?? Apa la uncle??

And apparently they don't teach English grammar in school, only conversational English. Yes, we are a great society that's teaching our kids to give directions to Mat Sallehs to Petaling Street, to sell the same Mat Sallehs pornos and cheapo watches and ordering "chicken rice" instead of "kai fan" and fried noodles instead of mee goreng.

I seriously never knew that English grammar wasn't being taught in schools. No I dont have nephews and nieces. And to top it all off, we have certain quarters who do not want English to be a compulsory pass in SPM. I cant remember what's-his-face but he is the President for the Movement To Abolish Teaching in English thingy and he said something along the lines of :

If the student passes all the subjects, but not English, then he fails his SPM. He becomes a victim of English colonisation.

How the fuck does someone becomes a "victim" of English "colonisation" if he doesn't pass the paper??? Colonisation?? Really?? If a student can pass all other papers (which he most probably answered in English anyway) then you're telling me he cant fucking pass English??? It doesnt involve calculus, or Newton's Laws, or Boyle's Law, or the fucking ecosystem for god's sake!!!! Colonisation my ass. Please dont use words that are too big for you.

Why are we being retrogressive? Why call for the abolishment of the universal language? How do you expect us to keep up with the world when everything else is in English??? From Facebook to the Internet programmes, ALL English. Your dumbass of an opinion (that's right! I'm calling you a fucking dumbass for having an opinion) is gonna produce generations and generations of people who are gonna have "no face" when it comes to international setting.

These people fucking DISGUST me.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Take it to the bridge.. Err streets

As I was flipping thru The Star this beautiful morning, (Friday, 20th Feb) I happened to see an article about Hishamuddin advising the youth to not take protests to the streets. He said something about doing it in a closed environment. Cant really remember. And he also said this: Taking it to the streets is not the BN way.

May I remind you, dear sir, that your grampaw took it to the streets when protesting against Malayan Union. So no more bullshit about how street protests aren't the way to go and also to do it behind closed doors cause man, that's just bullshit. You know damn well the youth wont get police permit to organize a protest, let alone behind closed doors.

Speaking of behind closed doors, why is everyone making a big fuss that Eli Wong allowed a man into her room? I mean seriously, you think just because we're Malaysians, we cant have pre marital sex? No matter how many "raids" you conduct, you cant stop raging hormones man. Like, dont you have wives and sisters who go beserk when they're imbalanced? Hormonally I mean. But yea, no person in this world is allowed to judge someone else morally (orally, I dunno but that's for another day). Because morality like art and music is subjective. So you (yea you toyol) should have not shot your mouth about how it is morally wrong for her to have a man in her room. Dont impose your shit on others. Cause they might throw the shit back at your botox-ed face.

I've got a 2000 word essay due in a few hours and I still havent completed it. Till the next time,my dwindling readers.

ps: Fucking Gutterpost is temporarily shut down because they posted Eli Wong's pics. I'm lacking from candid-celebrity-nudity. I WAAAAANTT!!!!!!!

Thursday, 29 January 2009

How To Speak Thru Your Ass

Lesson one: Find a good role model. Anyone from BN can speak thru their asses. Very well too.

Lesson two: Say stuff like, "dont make a criminal a hero".

Lesson three: Smile like your momma told you to when people start asking you questions.

Lesson four: End of lesson. Now go forth and be stupid

ps: Those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Mr Home Minister told the public not to make the dude who died in police custody a hero. He said that he's (the dude) a police suspect and therefore is a criminal. I dunno if he runs his own court, but courts throughout the world say that " a person is innocent till proven otherwise". Dunno where Mr Home Minister learnt his shit from.

pps: He makes an awesome role model btw :D

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Private Investigators???

So, some Malaysian girl has made herself "lost" in Perth. She apparently quit college and joined some company and took pills to commit suicide and shit. And then she switched off her phone and now noone can contact her.

What would you do, if you were in her family's shoes? Go somewhere for help of course. And what would you do if you were part of PUTERA UMNO? Get ready to go to Perth to find this girl, of course.

Say what? You're a lawyer and you've been asked to go find the girl? Sokay man, lawyers know the law. You can find the girl. What? You're a measly politician and you've been asked to find the girl? Of course you can. You have no other work apart from sitting down and watching reruns of CSI.

You wanna go there and pretend to find the girl while having fun in Perth? Caaannnn.. Ini Bolehland maa!!

Thursday, 1 May 2008

YB (Yang Berbodoh)

Well, we know that YB stands for Yang Berhormat (The Respected), Yang Bermulia (The NOble) and some MPs have decided that YB can also stand for Yang Berkhidmat (The Serving). Now, there's the all new Yang Berbodoh (The Stupid).

Name calling is common in Parliament, with the most recent one being "Bigfoot" and "big Monkey". Sokay, we can deal with that. We need to laugh too. But then there is this moronic Yang Berbodoh (redundant, I know, but I need to emphasize the point) who made fun of a disabled MP.

He said something along the lines of "Bukit Jelutong (the area where the disabled MP serves) is disrespectful of the house because he doesn't stand when he speaks". WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT MAN?????? THE GUY IS ON A WHEELCHAIR!!

And when another MP told him to retract his statement he said: "I'm only teasing a bit". YOUR IDEA OF TEASING TRANSCENDS ANY FUCKING LEVEL OF STUPIDITY.

Yang Berbodoh, I really wish you would fucking step down. You're a motherfucking disgrace to your constituency.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Mental block

I seriously have no fucking idea about what to write lol..Add me not feeling well to that..
I could write about how a certain minister from the tourism ministry is planning to cancel plans made in the opposition-won states..Goes to show what kinda fucking sore losers they are and that the fact that, after all, this country is democratically challenged. For all the hype that was made after the elections that finally, democracy prevails, Ms Tourism ministry fucks things up for the people of Malaysia.
Is it wrong for us to choose differently?? Why, oh why, do we have to get punished for practising democracy?? And didn't your boss say that eventhough opposition have won the states, plans made for the development of the states will continue??

And then, and then, Sleepyhead slams everyone who has been critisizing him..Bugger, if you wanna slam, then tell people things they do not already know..Mahathir knows how to slam, so does Ku Li, but you my friend, you suck at slamming..Learn from others la brudder..No point telling things that people already know..Where's the fun in that eh??

Anywayz, shit still keeps happening in this country no matter what..I've gotta start studying before my finals, go out on a few dates, practise for MMU's prom and have fun..I suggest you do that too ;)

Friday, 7 March 2008

We, the "beruks", do not want you

You know, after all the name calling you did, you expect us to vote for you ka? In my father's hometown summore..Bledi bugger you..
And for your info, if your site's name is (no I'm not linking it), it should be about Rembau la, not about you. Name your site after yourself la bugger..Insulting my father's hometown ny (btw, my dad votes in Lembah Pantai).

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Berbau seperti ikan..

The plan to use indelible ink for the coming elections (8th March) will be scrapped..Apparently, the police have uncovered a "plot to sabotage rural voters".

For those of you not in the know of what an indelible ink is, well, it's an un-erasable ink which lasts for a certain period and the Election Committee paints it on your fingernail to make sure that you have already voted. It's a practice common in many countries and it keeps away phantom voters.

So this so called plot is said to be aimed at rural voters who apparently know no better, and the "plotters" want to paint it on their (rural voters) BEFORE the elections..Smart buggers..

BUT, after spending so much of taxpayers' money (read: THE RAKYAT'S MONEY) importing the inks from India, and making sure it's not an un-Islamic practice, the EC has decided they want to scrap the idea. Fuck you and your bloody dogs but I don't see a reason why it should be scrapped..
What are they gonna do with the bottles and bottles of ink? Use it as tattoo (indelible ink can be used as tattoo)? I know THEY are stupid but are THEY that stupid that THEY cant find a way to curb this problem???
Somehow, I smell something fishy here..Could THEY be the ones who started this so called plot to encourage phantom voters??? Bugger all these for a lark!

Monday, 24 September 2007

Dumb and Dumberer and Dumberest and ...

Two weeks after i post an 'In Memory' post, here I am doing another. This time it's not for the people who perished in a hijack or while trying to rescue others from dying. This time it's for a kid. An eight year old kid.

I'm pretty sure many of you have now heard the story of little Nurin Jazlin, the kid who went missing a month ago, only to end up being found dead in a bag. That wasn't enough though. The bastard(s) who killed her put a cucumber AND a brinjal up her privates..I mean what kinda sick sonofabitch would do that to a grown person, let alone a kid??? Bastarding bastardy bastard, I hope you fuckin rot in hell.. And I really hope someone stabs you to fuckin death as soon as they find you fuckin guilty.

Now in a related matter, one of our oh-so-wise and noble minister has done it again!!! He should be holding the world record for the number of times a person can speak thru his ass!! The moronic fool~ I'm not mentioning names here for fear(!) of being sued but this idiot is the Minister in the PM's office~ *coughnazricough* This wise minister wants to sue Nurin's parents for neglience..

Fulamak!! How so fuckin proud we all are to have such a wise minister. What the fuck is wrong with you???!!!! The parents just lost a kid to a sicko and now you wanna sue them?? Seriously, I'm willing to bet that if they dissect you, they gonna find your brains up your ass..How in fuckin hell would you feel if somone kidnaps your kid for a month,then kills her and packs her up in a bag, then we sue YOU for fuckin neglience???? Bodoh, bodoh and bodoh!!! Add bangang too!!

Drop the fuckin issue of suing the parents. Have some compassion. And brains too, you dickhead.

PS: To those who are of age, please please please exercise your voting rights so that idiots like this don't run our country anymore.