I made a big decision this year, to limit my shows. I finally made a jump and applied to some "big time" shows. I figured if I didn't get in, I would just take some time off and work on my product and my display (need a more modern clean cut booth for these shows) and catch up on things that have been neglected around the house and studio.
So, I didn't get into the spring shows, I got wait listed. I am doing ONE spring show, the North Penn Select Craft Show, and other than that, I am keeping my schedule open.
I don't even think I am entering Bead Dreams this year, unless I get some crazy brainstorm, I may even take the year off from that competition.
There is not a Spring Bead Fest here to teach at either.
So what I am doing?
I have been feverishly working on new booth ideas. They must be fairly easy to set up, durable and easy to transport. Oh yeah, they have to fit in my car too.
I have been sketching booths and pricing options and tinkering with table ideas. I wanted a narrower table, and I am looking to use wall space to hang jewelry more.
Thin wood boards to hang vs. cork boards.....still figuring it out
I may invest in Pro Panels if they will fit in my vehicle. Anyhow, Here is a table I made, that I am really liking. The "legs" are two boards with hinges that fold flat. The top board has small pieces of wood attached to the bottom that the "legs" go into to. I really like it, but fear its wind resistance. If I use propanels though, that will help.
So, this would still get some black stamps (that I carve) on it and they will get sealed, maybe more distressed. there are still pieces not stained on them as well. but you get the idea.
It is such a work in progress. I have idea's......so stay tuned. It will probably slowly come together as this year goes on.
I have also been spending time with the family as much as possible. Been doing a lot of chilling and watching movies, and we even got to enjoy some snow (finally PA) together.
Collin also caught his finger in a car door, and it got infected. He had a bit of a cold too, so I spent a few days with him at home hanging out too.
the pitties love when a kid is home sick
like that red streak going up his arm? A little scary, but we caught it early and the antibiotics are working wonderfully
Collin and I have also spent some time working on his Valentines Box for school, but I can't show you too much- he wants the reveal to be a surprise.
I finally fired some ceramic beads, that I had made back in November. I love them, and totally plan to make more. Stay tuned for a small sale on my destash page this week. I will have some of these available.
I also made some little charms from quartz crystal spike and epoxy clay, and I am loving them! now I can use stones that have no holes more easily. I will have some of these for sale too, and others will surely go into my charm necklace!
I have also used my free time to spend time with friends, and enjoyed a painting and wine night!
It was a great time, and since then I have been tinkering with some paints.
I also made a new stamp / linocut and had fun with a few prints.
I had a dear friend who marched at the womens march in DC, and she really loved this symbol. So as Julia and I sat together after the march, and talked about inequality, privilege, and justice, we looked at sister marched, bonded over signs and listened to speeches. She too, picked this symbol out and said, "wow - that is great". So, I wanted to do something with it.
I have also made these into postcards and will order them at cost for you if you are into sending post cards to your senators and reps! Message me if interested.
I have also used my time to finally put up some prints and fill some picture frames that have been sitting in my family room for way too long!!!! Below is our little shrine to our dog Jake, and some family photos of the kids and dogs.
Here is my picture wall in the living room, I finally added my Jane of Gritty Arts Studio prints. If you have not seen her work, please check it out, its amazing. I also hung my Ward Van Haute (it used to be in my studio).
So, that is what I have been up to between listings. That and calling and messaging my PA rep and senators to let them know how they can work for ME! lol! And you should too, not matter what it is you want. Because that is how our democracy works. We don't need someone to give this country back to us, we just need to raise our voices and take it back.
Next on my list, is finishing up a new Craft Art Edu class on carving polymer clay (yay!!!!)
and cleaning my studio (going to be a doooooozy of a job) to make new jewelry for the Bethlehem House Gallery and my show next month. Wish me luck, there is so much other stuff I want to dive into!
May focus be with me!
So, though I haven't been business productive, I guess things are getting done that need to be done or finished up. It has felt good, even if I have nothing much to show for it and more mess!
How is your winter going? Are you snowed in and going batty? or making sure you get out and socialize? Do you have winter projects you plug away at? I would love to hear it!